Saracatinib Fails to Reduce Alcohol-Seeking and Consumption in Mice and Human Participants
Thompson SL, Gianessi CA, O'Malley SS, Cavallo DA, Shi JM, Tetrault JM, DeMartini KS, Gueorguieva R, Pittman B, Krystal JH, Taylor JR, Krishnan-Sarin S. Saracatinib Fails to Reduce Alcohol-Seeking and Consumption in Mice and Human Participants. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2021, 12: 709559. PMID: 34531767, PMCID: PMC8438169, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.709559.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNMDA receptorsSrc/FynAlcohol consumptionEffect of saracatinibVehicle 2 hChronic alcohol useDays of treatmentDSM-IV criteriaMore effective treatmentsNumber of drinksGlutamatergic systemAdditional drinkAlcohol drinkingAdditional dosesEthanol exposureEffective treatmentNR2B subunitAlcohol abuseHuman studiesPriming drinkAlcohol cravingSaracatinibDrinking paradigmNovel pharmacotherapeuticsHuman participants
Prospective association of e‐cigarette and cigarette use with alcohol use in two waves of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health
Roberts W, Verplaetse T, Peltier MKR, Moore KE, Gueorguieva R, McKee SA. Prospective association of e‐cigarette and cigarette use with alcohol use in two waves of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health. Addiction 2020, 115: 1571-1579. PMID: 31977106, PMCID: PMC7340560, DOI: 10.1111/add.14980.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlcohol use outcomesHazardous alcohol useE-cigarette useE-cigarettesCigarette useAlcohol useUse outcomesExposure groupCigarette usersTotal drinksSocio-demographic risk factorsUnited States adult populationWave 1Non-institutionalized adultsStates adult populationHarmful alcohol consumptionNon-daily useE-cigarette usersPoorer alcohol use outcomesSocio-demographic characteristicsRisk factorsHealth SurveyHigher oddsTobacco cigarettesAlcohol abuse