Romantic Love and Sexual Desire in Close Relationships
Gonzaga G, Turner R, Keltner D, Campos B, Altemus M. Romantic Love and Sexual Desire in Close Relationships. Emotion 2006, 6: 163-179. PMID: 16768550, DOI: 10.1037/1528-3542.6.2.163.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Preliminary Research on Plasma Oxytocin in Normal Cycling Women: Investigating Emotion and Interpersonal Distress
Turner R, Altemus M, Enos T, Cooper B, McGuinness T. Preliminary Research on Plasma Oxytocin in Normal Cycling Women: Investigating Emotion and Interpersonal Distress. Psychiatry 1999, 62: 97-113. PMID: 10420425, DOI: 10.1080/00332747.1999.11024859.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultArousalEmotionsFemaleHumansInterpersonal RelationsMenstrual CycleObject AttachmentOxytocinReference ValuesConceptsOxytocin levelsPositive emotionsImagery tasksInterpersonal problemsInterpersonal distressInterpersonal characteristicsPositive social contactAdult pair bondsPlasma oxytocinEmotional stimuliSad emotionsSocial stimuliNegative emotionsIndividual differencesLower anxietyEmotionsCouple relationshipsNeurohormone oxytocinNonhuman mammalsSocial contactMaternal behaviorDistressStimuliOxytocinTask