Stephanie Staszko, PhD, postdoctoral associate in the Yale Department of Psychiatry, has been chosen to receive the Kavli Institute for Neuroscience’s 2025 Kavli Postdoctoral Award for Academic Diversity.
Established in 2021, the award supports exceptional scholars who bring a diversity of perspectives, identities, and backgrounds to academic research, including those from groups that are historically underrepresented in the sciences.
The award supports up to two years of mentored research in the neurosciences at Yale University, including salary, benefits, and a research allowance.
Staszko is a researcher in the lab of Alfred Kaye, MD PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry. She aims to understand the relationship between sensory processing, norepinephrine release, and arousal states using a novel virtual height threat task.
In its 20th year, the Kavli Institute for Neuroscience works to advance neuroscience research across department boundaries at Yale, to support and educate a diverse research community, and to promote exchanges with the international neuroscience community and scientific communication with the public.