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Antariksh Tyagi, PhD

Associate Research Scientist in Genetics

Ant completed his Ph.D. in plant genomics from National Botanical Research Institute (CSIR-NBRI), India. His Ph.D. research was on identifying genome-wide molecular signatures in Arabidopsis ecotypes adapted to high-altitude regions. He then moved to Kansas State University as a Postdoc and worked on the evolution of multicellularity in Volvocales using comparative genomics approaches. Before joining YCGA, he was working as a Genomics Scientist at the University of North Dakota.

As a Bioinformatics scient at YCGA bioinformatics group, Ant is an expert in various bioinformatics analysis workflows such as transcriptomics, single cell seq, methylSeq, HiC, and whole exome seq. In addition to YCGA bioinformatics, Ant also works with Yale DNA diagnostics lab, where he works on their Bioinformatics pipeline maintenance, testing, and troubleshooting.