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Genetics Student Executive Council

What is GSEC?

The Genetics Student Executive Council (herein, GSEC) is an elected group of graduate students within the Genetics Department that works closely with Genetics GSA Representatives, the Directors of Graduate Studies (herein, DGSs), existing student-led ad hoc committees, and relevant faculty working groups such as the Education Committee to advocate for increased transparency and accountability within the department, increase graduate student decision-making agency in initiatives that concern them, and improve lines of communication within the department.

Mission/Goals of GSEC

The primary goal of the GSEC is to act as a point of contact between existing and new faculty working groups pertaining to student activities within the Department. To that end, the secondary goal of GSEC is to provide a graduate student perspective regarding the status of student training to enact meaningful change to support the growth of graduate students in the Department. The GSEC is an elected body composed of graduate student representatives from all years and sectors of the student population (i.e. underrepresented groups, international, and/or MD-PhD students). Elections occur in the Fall through a department-wide nomination followed by an elections process.

Initiatives by GSEC 2023-2024

  • Increased community-building events to increase connection between graduate students of different years: Brunch & Banter, Summer BBQ, Kayaking in East Rock, Game Night, and Gryphon’s Pizza Party
  • Developing a grant and fellowship resource for international students
  • Worked with admin to list and send out grievance procedures
  • Pre-town hall meetings instituted
  • Developed a new House program for graduate students with DGSs

Your Current GSEC Representatives