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Education Scholar Fellowship

Donna Windish, MD, MPH

ESF Program Director

Welcome to the webpage for the Center for Medical Education’s Education Scholar Fellowship (ESF). The ESF is a year-long faculty development program designed to train medical school faculty in educational strategies, curriculum/program development, and educational scholarship. Throughout the program, each participant will develop a scholarly project while being mentored by faculty trained in educational strategies and scholarship. For more information about the current fellows, mentors, and logistics, please review the ESF webpages.

Fellowship Logistics

  • All Yale faculty holding the rank of instructor, clinical instructor or higher are eligible to apply.
  • The fellowship runs from mid-July to mid-May. Participants meet each Monday, from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. There are 33 sessions in total.
  • The first session will be in-person on the YSM campus. The remaining sessions will be held via Zoom.
  • There is no tuition cost and CME credits are provided.

Goals for each fellow

  • Develop a deeper knowledge of and enhanced skills in educational scholarship
  • Apply the educational literature to an original project designed to enhance your department’s or the school’s education programs, such as teaching, curriculum design, or evaluation.
  • Design a poster of the education project and present at Medical Education Day at Yale, held annually on the first Thursday in June. (There is also a Graduation ceremony at Med Ed Day.)
  • Work with a mentor to enhance career development as a scholarly clinician-educator.
  • Explore methods to design a curriculum and construct effective learner evaluations and program assessments.
  • Explore principles of learning as they apply to a variety of teaching strategies.
  • Practice effective teaching and presentation skills including observation and giving feedback,

Application logistics

  • Application deadline: 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Wednesday, December 18.
  • Acceptance decisions: Emailed by end of January 2025
  • Selection process: The Center for Medical Education ESF Selection Committee reviews each application. Consideration is given to the priority of the applicant's project to the department and medical school.
  • 20 faculty members will be accepted each year.


  • The application is completed via Qualtrics in one sitting and cannot be saved once started. You may scroll through the application before submitting.
  • We recommend that you prepare all the information and documents prior to starting the application. Once you have everything ready, the application should take less than 10 minutes to complete.

Here is a list of the information you need to complete your application:

  • Letter signed by your department chair or, in larger departments, a letter from the section chief is appropriate in lieu of the department chair. This letter must state that the applicant has time released to attend all ESF sessions and Med Ed Day, as well as time to work on their scholarship project. (Word or PDF document, no longer than one page).
  • Title of your proposed education research or scholarship project.
  • Description of your proposed education research or scholarship (Word or PDF document, no longer than one page).
  • Yale CV1 & CV2 (Word or PDF document).
  • Personal statement about how the ESF will aid your future academic, educational, and/or research goals and interests. (Word or PDF document, no longer than one page)

Current Fellows

2024-2025 Fellows

  • Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)

    Research Project: Healthcare Management and Leadership Experiential and Didactic Curriculum for GME
  • Assistant Professor

    Research Project: Does Medical School Exposure and Rotation Experience Affect Future Attrition in General and Sub-Specialty Surgical Training? – A Qualitative Research Study
  • Assistant Professor of Medicine (General Medicine); Director, Internal Medicine Subinternship

    Research Project: Advanced Clinical Fellowship in Academic Hospital Medicine
  • Assistant Clinical Professor of Social Work; Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Child Study Center; Associate Director of Youth Services, Child Study Center

    Research Project: Integrating Structural and Cultural Humility into Child Study Center Training Programs
  • Assistant Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine

    Research Project: Yale Office Based Cardiovascular Medicine Curriculum: Assessing, educating and measuring the confidence and competence of non-statin lipid lowering therapies in Cardiovascular Medicine Fellows
  • Assistant Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine)

    Research Project: Learning Strategies to Improve Trainee Satisfaction and Confidence with Pulmonary Subspecialty Education
  • Assistant Professor of Child Psychiatry and Lecturer in Biostatistics (Health Informatics); Co-Training Director, Health Informatics MS

    Research Project: Developing a Pediatric Emergency Behavioral Health Educational and Professional Standard
  • Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Genecology and Reproductive Sciences

    Research Project: Implementation of a situational awareness curriculum for medical students on the OBGYN clerkship
  • Instructor of Emergency Medicine

    Research Project: Emergency Medicine Residents’ Approach to the Verbal De-escalation of Agitated Individuals: A Targeted Needs Assessment
  • Assistant Professor

    Research Project: Incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) Into Mid-Clerkship Feedback During Pediatric Clerkship
  • Instructor

    Research Project: Studying Educational Outcomes of the Direct-Care Model, Lessons from DEFINE-HM (Direct in ED Care for Interns Experience in Hospital Medicine)
  • Assistant Professor

    Research Project: A Novel Provider Education Module to Enhance Ability to Diagnose and Manage Bronchiectasis Patient Care
  • Research Project: Designing an Interdisciplinary Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics (DBP) Residency Curriculum with Community Linkages
  • Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology

    Research Project: Virtual Reality-Based Methods for Training Anesthesiology Trainees in Bedside Invasive Procedures - A Pilot Study
  • Assistant Professor of Medicine (Medical Oncology); Director, Newington VA Hematology/Oncology Service, VA CT Healthcare System

    Research Project: A Multi-Disciplinary, Interactive, Online Peripheral Blood Smear Course for Internal Medicine Residents and Beyond

ESF Faculty Instructors 2024-25

ESF Faculty Mentors 2024-25