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Yale Medical Educator Series – YES!

YES! is year-long series of bi-monthly workshops on Fridays from 12:00pm to 1:00pm, for everyone involved in teaching our students and trainees. The sessions are designed for YSM educators, from novice to expert, with up-to-date, practical ways to engage and inspire learners in lab, workshop, clinical, and classroom settings.


Mar 202521Friday
  • Yale Only
    Donna Windish, MD, MPH - Melissa Langhan, MD, MHS

    YES!: "Educational Scholarship: Expanding Beyond Curriculum Development"

    This interactive session is designed to help those looking to expand their educational scholarship to areas other than curriculum development. We will have an interactive session reviewing other scholarship types including examples produced at Yale and beyond. Participants will leave the session with abstracts and links to scholarship types discussed.

    Associated ACGME Clinician Educator Milestones:

    • U 1 - Universal Pillars 1: Reflective Practice and Commitment to Personal Growth
    • ETP 9 – Educational Theory and Practice 9: Medical Education Scholarship
Apr 20254Friday
  • Yale Only
    Jeremy J. Moeller, MD, MSc, FRCPC

    YES!: “Chalk Talks”

    It’s not always practical or desirable to use PowerPoint for a teaching session. The magic of chalk talks lies in its dynamism and flexibility. This session will review the essentials for giving new life and purpose to your white board/chalk talk presentations.

    Associated Clinician Educator Milestone:

    • ETP 1 - Educational Theory and Practice 1: Teaching and Facilitated Learning
Apr 202525Friday
  • Yale Only
    Jeremy Branzetti

    YES!: "Setting Goals"

    Goal setting is part of the mastery learning cycle. Learn how to spell out specific ends and means goals for your

    setting and how to collaborate with learners to get the most out of every educational block.

    Associated ACGME Clinician Educator Milestones:

    - ETP 1 – Educational Theory and Practice 1: Teaching and Facilitated Learning

    - ETP 11 – Educational Theory and Practice 11: Curriculum

May 20252Friday
  • Yale Only
    Shaili Gupta, MBBS - Aba Black, MD, MHS

    YES!: "Be an Upstander"

    The clinical work environment can be challenged by disruptive patients, power differentials, and harrassment and/or mistreatment by colleagues or supervisors. Learn how to use your professional voice to support learners and promote psychological safety.

    Associated Clinician Educator Milestones:

    • U3 – Universal Pillar 3: Recognition and Mitigation of Bias
    • ETP 2 - Educational Theory and Practice 2: Professionalism in the Learning Environment
    • ETP 10 - Educational Theory and Practice 10: Learning Environment
    • DEI - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Learning Environment
May 202516Friday
  • Yale Only
    Christopher Sankey, MD, FACP, SFHM

    YES!: Job vs. Career: Increase Efficiency and Improve Impact

    This session will establish context as to why it is necessary to differentiate jobs from careers, propose a rubric to classify and triage job versus career needs, and offer specific, behaviorally-focused action plans to make more time available for career development. Topics for which action plans are offered include calendar management, explicit prioritization of important but non-urgent tasks, more effective email use, and mitigating electronic distractors. The need to say no to particular asks and opportunities will also be covered. While applicable to faculty at all stages, the session is likely most impactful for those in early and mid-careers.

    Associated ACGME Clinician Educator Milestones:

    - UP 1: Universal Pillar 1: Reflective practice and commitment to personal growth

    - UP 2: Universal Pillar 2: Well-being of learners and colleagues

    - UP 4: Universal Pillar 4: Commitment to professional responsibilities