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Yale Cardiovascular Medicine Welcomes Rohan Khera, Outcomes Researcher

August 14, 2020
by Elisabeth Reitman

A 2019 study published in the American Heart Association journal, Circulation found that one in eight U.S. patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease could not afford to refill their prescriptions. The study’s lead author Rohan Khera, MBBS, MS, wants to address the efficiency of healthcare delivery for cardiovascular diseases to reduce the burden that seeking healthcare poses on patients and their families.

Khera completed his residency training at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine followed by a cardiology fellowship at the University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center. At UT Southwestern he co-authored a series of investigations with the Center for Outcomes Research & Evaluation (CORE) evaluating the effects of a national health policy focusing on hospital readmissions. In investigations published in JAMA, he has also laid out best practices for research using administrative databases in clinical research.

Khera is the recipient of multiple awards including the 2019 American College of Cardiology Young Investigator Award in Outcomes Research, the Francois Abboud Young Investigator Award from the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, and the Young Investigator Award in Resuscitation Science from the American Heart Association.

Follow Rohan Khera, MBBS, MS, on Twitter.