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Larry Davidson, PhD

Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry; Senior Policy Advisor, Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Contact Information

Larry Davidson, PhD

Mailing Address

  • Psychiatry

    319 Peck Street, Building 1

    New Haven, CT 06513

    United States



My research and consultation/training work focuses on processes of recovery from and in serious mental illnesses and addictions and the development and evaluation of innovative policies and programs to promote the recovery and community inclusion of individuals with these conditions. We utilize mixed qualitative and quantitative methods, and typically conduct our research in a participatory and inclusive fashion that involves people in recovery and other stakeholders in all aspects and phases of the research process.

Education & Training

  • PhD
    Duquesne University (1989)


  • Latino Collective
    Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia; São Paulo, SP, Brazil 2016
    Collaborations with South American countries to disseminate evidence-based practices and conduct participatory research
  • Developing the peer workforce
    Melbourne, VIC, Australia 2014
    Consultation, training, and technical assistance in developing a peer workforce for Melbourne, Australia.
  • Disseminating recovery-oriented practices
    United Kingdom 2011
    Disseminating recovery-oriented practices throughout the National Health Services.
  • Research on Recovery and Service User Involvement
    Hong Kong; Norway; Sweden 2010
    Developing a network, including service users (i.e., persons with serious mental illnesses and addictions), to conduct research on promoting recovery and social inclusion.
  • Psychiatric disorders training program
    France; United Kingdom; Norway; Sweden 2008
    Professor Davidson conducts multi-center, international research on recovery from severe psychiatric disorders; this is a collaborative training program.
  • Processes of recovery in and from serious mental illnesses
    Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy (2005-2011)
    Multi-National Research Collaborative

Honors & Recognition

AwardAwarding OrganizationDate
Armin Loeb AwardPsychiatric Rehabilitation Association2018
Teaching and Mentoring in Qualitative Inquiry AwardAmerican Psychological Association2018
Alexander Gralnick Research Investigator PrizeAmerican Psychological Foundation2014
Carl Rogers Heritage AwardAmerican Psychological Association and International Society for Humanistic Psychology2012
Franco Basaglia Memorial ScholarshipFondazione Basaglia, Rome, Italy2008
President’s AwardUnited States Psychosocial Rehabilitation Association, New York Chapter2007
Distinguished Young Investigator Award & Garmezy ScholarSociety for Life History Research1999
Second Prize, Research CompetitionInternational Society for the Psychological Treatment of Schizophrenia.1997
First Annual Karl Jaspers PrizeAssociation for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry1991

Departments & Organizations