Be there on time: Spatial‐temporal regularities guide young children’s attention in dynamic environments
Shalev N, Boettcher S, Wilkinson H, Scerif G, Nobre A. Be there on time: Spatial‐temporal regularities guide young children’s attention in dynamic environments. Child Development 2022, 93: 1414-1426. PMID: 35385168, PMCID: PMC9545323, DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13770.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Dynamic sustained attention markers differentiate atypical development: The case of Williams syndrome and Down's syndrome
Shalev N, Steele A, Nobre A, Karmiloff-Smith A, Cornish K, Scerif G. Dynamic sustained attention markers differentiate atypical development: The case of Williams syndrome and Down's syndrome. Neuropsychologia 2019, 132: 107148. PMID: 31323245, PMCID: PMC6891877, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2019.107148.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSustained attentionWilliams syndromeDown syndromeContinuous performance taskImpaired sustained attentionAttention deficit symptomsMeasure sustained attentionSpecificity to changesAtypical developmentDeficit symptomsBehavioral disordersPerformance tasksAttention markerPoor functional outcomeCase of Williams syndromePoor performanceInvestigate similaritiesChildrenTaskAttentionDisordersFunctional outcomesDownElements of performanceSymptomsWhole-brain white matter organization, intelligence, and educational attainment
Bathelt J, Scerif G, Nobre A, Astle D. Whole-brain white matter organization, intelligence, and educational attainment. Trends In Neuroscience And Education 2019, 15: 38-47. PMID: 31176470, PMCID: PMC6556839, DOI: 10.1016/j.tine.2019.02.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeural correlates of intelligenceGeneral cognitive abilityCorrelates of intelligenceAssociated with intelligenceTypically-developing childrenBrain network propertiesVoxel-wise analysisAssociated with educational attainmentNeural correlatesCognitive abilitiesBrain regionsConnectome organizationDevelopmental theoryEducational attainmentChildhood focusChildhoodBrainIntelligenceNetwork propertiesEducational abilitiesAttainmentAbilityConnectomeRelationshipParticipantsThe functional consequences of social attention on memory precision and on memory-guided orienting in development
Doherty B, Fraser A, Nobre A, Scerif G. The functional consequences of social attention on memory precision and on memory-guided orienting in development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 2019, 36: 100625. PMID: 30844682, PMCID: PMC6969233, DOI: 10.1016/j.dcn.2019.100625.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-social scenesSocial distractorsMemory precisionNaturalistic scenesSocial attentionSocial scenesDevelopmental cognitive neuroscienceSocial attentional biasingMemory-guided attentionNon-social distractorsEye-tracking measuresAge-related differencesAttentional biasAttentional captureCognitive neuroscienceSocial stimuliVisual searchYear old childrenDistractorsEye trackingGaze behaviorMemoryYoung adultsSocial biasesVisual scene
Differential Effects of Salient Visual Events on Memory‐Guided Attention in Adults and Children
Nussenbaum K, Scerif G, Nobre A. Differential Effects of Salient Visual Events on Memory‐Guided Attention in Adults and Children. Child Development 2018, 90: 1369-1388. PMID: 30295321, PMCID: PMC6767380, DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13149.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Training Working Memory in Childhood Enhances Coupling between Frontoparietal Control Network and Task-Related Regions
Barnes J, Nobre A, Woolrich M, Baker K, Astle D. Training Working Memory in Childhood Enhances Coupling between Frontoparietal Control Network and Task-Related Regions. Journal Of Neuroscience 2016, 36: 9001-9011. PMID: 27559180, PMCID: PMC4995310, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.0101-16.2016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWorking memoryTopics of cognitive psychologyTask-related cognitive processesAssessment of working memoryFrontoparietal control networkWorking memory taskChildren's working memoryWorking memory trainingTask-related regionsInferior temporal cortexTraining working memoryUpper alpha rhythmHigh-gamma activityMemory taskMemory trainingParietal cortexTemporal cortexCognitive abilitiesCognitive processesNeural network activityMagnetoencephalography scannerChild's educational progressCognitive psychologyNeurophysiological accountDevelopmental disorders
The Neural Dynamics of Fronto-Parietal Networks in Childhood Revealed using Magnetoencephalography
Astle D, Luckhoo H, Woolrich M, Kuo B, Nobre A, Scerif G. The Neural Dynamics of Fronto-Parietal Networks in Childhood Revealed using Magnetoencephalography. Cerebral Cortex 2014, 25: 3868-3876. PMID: 25410426, PMCID: PMC4585520, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhu271.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVisual short-term memoryFronto-parietal networkFronto-parietal activityCognitive controlTests of visual short-term memoryVisual short-term memory performanceVisual short-term memory taskDegree of cognitive controlService of memoryTrial-by-trialIndependent component analysisOscillatory brain activityAnticipatory control mechanismsTrial-to-trial variabilityMemory itemsProtracted developmentShort-term memoryCognitive processesChild variablesBrain activityNeural dynamicsTemporal independent component analysisMagnetoencephalographyMemoryChildrenAge Group and Individual Differences in Attentional Orienting Dissociate Neural Mechanisms of Encoding and Maintenance in Visual STM
Shimi A, Kuo B, Astle D, Nobre A, Scerif G. Age Group and Individual Differences in Attentional Orienting Dissociate Neural Mechanisms of Encoding and Maintenance in Visual STM. Journal Of Cognitive Neuroscience 2014, 26: 864-877. PMID: 24236697, DOI: 10.1162/jocn_a_00526.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVisual STMAttention negativityNeural markersMaintenance of representationsMechanisms of encodingIndividual differencesAttention positivityVisual searchNeural circuitsProspective orientationAge groupsChildrenEncodingIncome perceptionSpatial orientationAdultsN2pcNegativelyCuesPerceptuallyDevelopmentalContext of orientationAttentionItemsEEG
Distinct neural mechanisms of individual and developmental differences in VSTM capacity
Astle D, Harvey H, Stokes M, Mohseni H, Nobre A, Scerif G. Distinct neural mechanisms of individual and developmental differences in VSTM capacity. Developmental Psychobiology 2013, 56: 601-610. PMID: 23775219, DOI: 10.1002/dev.21126.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Attentional control constrains visual short-term memory: Insights from developmental and individual differences
Astle D, Nobre A, Scerif G. Attentional control constrains visual short-term memory: Insights from developmental and individual differences. Quarterly Journal Of Experimental Psychology 2012, 65: 277-294. PMID: 20680889, PMCID: PMC4152725, DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2010.492622.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAttentional controlVisual short-term memory capacityVisual short-term memoryShort-term memory capacityVisual short-termWorking memory spanShort-term representationsAbsence of cuesCueing benefitsProbe itemMemory spanMnemonic representationsControl attentionOrienting attentionCue typesIndividual differencesShort-term memoryExperiment 1Experiment 2Mnemonic contentMemory capacityItem locationsCuesOrientation cuesMemory