Choosing Where to Attend and the Medial Frontal Cortex: An fMRI Study
Taylor P, Rushworth M, Nobre A. Choosing Where to Attend and the Medial Frontal Cortex: An fMRI Study. Journal Of Neurophysiology 2008, 100: 1397-1406. PMID: 18596189, PMCID: PMC2544456, DOI: 10.1152/jn.90241.2008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAttention conditionMedial frontal cortical regionsEye fieldLateral frontal eye fieldsMedial frontal cortexFrontal cortical regionsFunctional magnetic resonancePeripheral spatial locationsVisual detection taskFrontal eye fieldMemory confoundsAttentional orientingFree selectionFMRI studyCentral cuesFrontal cortexOvert actionsCortical regionsCovert attentionSpatial attentionNeural activityChoice trialsVoluntary attentionDetection taskMemory
FEF TMS Affects Visual Cortical Activity
Taylor P, Nobre A, Rushworth M. FEF TMS Affects Visual Cortical Activity. Cerebral Cortex 2006, 17: 391-399. PMID: 16525126, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhj156.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFEF TMSTMS-induced effectsEvent-related potentialsFrontal eye fieldTranscranial magnetic stimulationModulation of visual activityHuman frontal eye fieldRight frontal eye fieldVisual cortical activityVisual stimuliNeural activityOrienting of spatial attentionVisual event-related potentialsVisual brain areasCovert attention taskCue periodAttention taskBrain areasBrain activityPosterior electrodesSpatial attentionEye fieldVisual processingVisual attentionMagnetic stimulation
The attentive homunculus: Now you see it, now you don't
Nobre A. The attentive homunculus: Now you see it, now you don't. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2001, 25: 477-496. PMID: 11595269, DOI: 10.1016/s0149-7634(01)00028-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAttentional control systemVisual spatial attentionNeural systemsAttentional controlBrain areasFrontal regionsSpatial attentionPattern of brain areasControl of visual spatial attentionVisual spatial orientingFunctional magnetic resonanceHuman brainPosterior parietal cortexFrontal eye fieldContribution of brain imagingMultiple frames of referenceIntraparietal sulcusParietal cortexEye fieldMotor actPositron emission tomographyEye movementsBrain imagingBrainMature understanding
Cortical Activation in the Human Brain during Lateral Saccades Using EPISTAR Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Darby D, Nobre A, Thangaraj V, Edelman R, Mesulam M, Warach S. Cortical Activation in the Human Brain during Lateral Saccades Using EPISTAR Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. NeuroImage 1996, 3: 53-62. PMID: 9345475, DOI: 10.1006/nimg.1996.0006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFunctional magnetic resonance imagingSaccadic eye movementsLocalized signal increasesEchoplanar functional magnetic resonance imagingSuperior medial frontal regionsEye movementsMedial frontal regionsPutative frontal eye fieldFrontal eye fieldMagnetic resonance imagingHorizontal saccadic eye movementsSignal increaseSaccade-related activityParietal activationBehavioral tasksHuman FEFPremotor cortexCortical substratesFrontal regionsPrecentral regionSaccade taskEye fieldResonance imagingCortical activityMeasuring signal intensity changes