Intranasal neomycin evokes broad-spectrum antiviral immunity in the upper respiratory tract
Mao T, Kim J, Peña-Hernández M, Valle G, Moriyama M, Luyten S, Ott I, Gomez-Calvo M, Gehlhausen J, Baker E, Israelow B, Slade M, Sharma L, Liu W, Ryu C, Korde A, Lee C, Monteiro V, Lucas C, Dong H, Yang Y, Initiative Y, Gopinath S, Wilen C, Palm N, Dela Cruz C, Iwasaki A, Vogels C, Hahn A, Chen N, Breban M, Koch T, Chaguza C, Tikhonova I, Castaldi C, Mane S, De Kumar B, Ferguson D, Kerantzas N, Peaper D, Landry M, Schulz W, Grubaugh N. Intranasal neomycin evokes broad-spectrum antiviral immunity in the upper respiratory tract. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2024, 121: e2319566121. PMID: 38648490, PMCID: PMC11067057, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2319566121.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInterferon-stimulated genesRespiratory infectionsStrains of influenza A virusTreatment of respiratory viral infectionsRespiratory virus infectionsInfluenza A virusMouse model of COVID-19Respiratory viral infectionsNeomycin treatmentExpression of interferon-stimulated genesUpper respiratory infectionInterferon-stimulated gene expressionLower respiratory infectionsBroad spectrum of diseasesAdministration of neomycinRespiratory viral diseasesDisease to patientsUpper respiratory tractIntranasal deliveryCongenic miceIntranasal applicationNasal mucosaSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2Acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2A virus
De novo emergence of a remdesivir resistance mutation during treatment of persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection in an immunocompromised patient: a case report
Gandhi S, Klein J, Robertson AJ, Peña-Hernández MA, Lin MJ, Roychoudhury P, Lu P, Fournier J, Ferguson D, Mohamed Bakhash SAK, Catherine Muenker M, Srivathsan A, Wunder EA, Kerantzas N, Wang W, Lindenbach B, Pyle A, Wilen CB, Ogbuagu O, Greninger AL, Iwasaki A, Schulz WL, Ko AI. De novo emergence of a remdesivir resistance mutation during treatment of persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection in an immunocompromised patient: a case report. Nature Communications 2022, 13: 1547. PMID: 35301314, PMCID: PMC8930970, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-29104-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSARS-CoV-2 infectionVirologic responsePersistent SARS-CoV-2 infectionResistance mutationsPre-treatment specimensB-cell deficiencyRemdesivir resistanceRemdesivir therapyViral sheddingCase reportAntiviral agentsPatientsCombinatorial therapyInfectionTherapyWhole-genome sequencingTreatmentImportance of monitoringDe novo emergenceFold increaseRNA-dependent RNA polymeraseNovo emergencePotential benefitsMutationsIndolent
Discovery and functional interrogation of SARS-CoV-2 RNA-host protein interactions
Flynn RA, Belk JA, Qi Y, Yasumoto Y, Wei J, Alfajaro MM, Shi Q, Mumbach MR, Limaye A, DeWeirdt PC, Schmitz CO, Parker KR, Woo E, Chang HY, Horvath TL, Carette JE, Bertozzi CR, Wilen CB, Satpathy AT. Discovery and functional interrogation of SARS-CoV-2 RNA-host protein interactions. Cell 2021, 184: 2394-2411.e16. PMID: 33743211, PMCID: PMC7951565, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.03.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSARS-CoV-2 RNASARS-CoV-2Virus-induced cell deathHost protein interactionsRNA-binding proteinActive infectionRNA virusesHost-virus interfaceGlobal mortalityTherapeutic benefitCRISPR screensAntiviral factorsProtein interactionsAntiviral activityViral specificityHost pathwaysFunctional RNA-binding proteinsFunctional connectionsRNA-centric approachesCell deathHost proteinsVirusFunctional interrogationRNAComprehensive catalogCD300lf Conditional Knockout Mouse Reveals Strain-Specific Cellular Tropism of Murine Norovirus
Graziano VR, Alfajaro MM, Schmitz CO, Filler RB, Strine MS, Wei J, Hsieh LL, Baldridge MT, Nice TJ, Lee S, Orchard RC, Wilen CB. CD300lf Conditional Knockout Mouse Reveals Strain-Specific Cellular Tropism of Murine Norovirus. Journal Of Virology 2021, 95: 10.1128/jvi.01652-20. PMID: 33177207, PMCID: PMC7925115, DOI: 10.1128/jvi.01652-20.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsConditional knockout miceIntestinal epithelial cellsCell tropismKnockout miceTuft cellsDendritic cellsMyelomonocytic cellsB cellsCellular tropismMurine norovirusEpithelial cellsViral RNA levelsInnate immune responseCause of gastroenteritisMNoV infectionCell typesViral loadGastrointestinal infectionsReceptor expressionImmunocompetent humansImmune responseCell type-specific rolesMouse modelIntestinal tissueMNoVNeuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 in human and mouse brain
Song E, Zhang C, Israelow B, Lu-Culligan A, Prado AV, Skriabine S, Lu P, Weizman OE, Liu F, Dai Y, Szigeti-Buck K, Yasumoto Y, Wang G, Castaldi C, Heltke J, Ng E, Wheeler J, Alfajaro MM, Levavasseur E, Fontes B, Ravindra NG, Van Dijk D, Mane S, Gunel M, Ring A, Kazmi SAJ, Zhang K, Wilen CB, Horvath TL, Plu I, Haik S, Thomas JL, Louvi A, Farhadian SF, Huttner A, Seilhean D, Renier N, Bilguvar K, Iwasaki A. Neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 in human and mouse brain. Journal Of Experimental Medicine 2021, 218: e20202135. PMID: 33433624, PMCID: PMC7808299, DOI: 10.1084/jem.20202135.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSARS-CoV-2Central nervous systemSARS-CoV-2 neuroinvasionImmune cell infiltratesCOVID-19 patientsType I interferon responseMultiple organ systemsCOVID-19I interferon responseHuman brain organoidsNeuroinvasive capacityCNS infectionsCell infiltrateNeuronal infectionPathological featuresCortical neuronsRespiratory diseaseDirect infectionCerebrospinal fluidNervous systemMouse brainInterferon responseOrgan systemsHuman ACE2Infection
UFMylation inhibits the proinflammatory capacity of interferon-γ–activated macrophages
Balce DR, Wang YT, McAllaster MR, Dunlap BF, Orvedahl A, Hykes BL, Droit L, Handley SA, Wilen CB, Doench JG, Orchard RC, Stallings CL, Virgin HW. UFMylation inhibits the proinflammatory capacity of interferon-γ–activated macrophages. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2020, 118: e2011763118. PMID: 33372156, PMCID: PMC7817147, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2011763118.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide CRISPR knockout screenCRISPR knockout screensEndoplasmic reticulum stress responseRegulation of responsesReticulum stress responseKnockout screensTranscriptional responseGenetic roadmapIFN-γ responsesTumor necrosis factorNegative regulatorMolecular linkUfmylation pathwayUnexpected roleStress responseMacrophage cell lineIFN-γ activationIntracellular pathogensProinflammatory capacityConjugation systemInfluenza infectionCellular immunityIFN-γ effectsNecrosis factorImmune responseAn ACE2 Microbody Containing a Single Immunoglobulin Fc Domain Is a Potent Inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2
Tada T, Fan C, Chen JS, Kaur R, Stapleford KA, Gristick H, Dcosta BM, Wilen CB, Nimigean CM, Landau NR. An ACE2 Microbody Containing a Single Immunoglobulin Fc Domain Is a Potent Inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2. Cell Reports 2020, 33: 108528. PMID: 33326798, PMCID: PMC7705358, DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108528.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAmino Acid SequenceAngiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2AnimalsAntiviral AgentsCOVID-19Disease Models, AnimalDisulfidesFemaleHEK293 CellsHumansImmunoglobulin Fc FragmentsMaleMice, TransgenicMicrobodiesProtein DomainsProtein MultimerizationSARS-CoV-2Spike Glycoprotein, CoronavirusVirionVirus InternalizationConceptsSARS-CoV-2Soluble ACE2Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infectionAcute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infectionLive SARS-CoV-2Syndrome coronavirus 2 infectionCoronavirus 2 infectionSARS-CoV-2 spikeCoronavirus disease 2019SARS-CoV-2 spike proteinDisease 2019Enzyme 2Mouse modelFuture coronavirusesFc fusion proteinÎ’-coronavirusViral variantsImmunoglobulin heavy chainSpike proteinACE2 ectodomainImmunoglobulin Fc domainFc domainVirusACE2Potent inhibitorMouse model of SARS-CoV-2 reveals inflammatory role of type I interferon signaling
Israelow B, Song E, Mao T, Lu P, Meir A, Liu F, Alfajaro MM, Wei J, Dong H, Homer RJ, Ring A, Wilen CB, Iwasaki A. Mouse model of SARS-CoV-2 reveals inflammatory role of type I interferon signaling. Journal Of Experimental Medicine 2020, 217: e20201241. PMID: 32750141, PMCID: PMC7401025, DOI: 10.1084/jem.20201241.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAngiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2AnimalsBetacoronavirusCell Line, TumorCoronavirus InfectionsCOVID-19DependovirusDisease Models, AnimalFemaleHumansInflammationInterferon Type ILungMaleMiceMice, Inbred C57BLMice, TransgenicPandemicsParvoviridae InfectionsPeptidyl-Dipeptidase APneumonia, ViralSARS-CoV-2Signal TransductionVirus ReplicationConceptsSARS-CoV-2Type I interferonMouse modelI interferonRobust SARS-CoV-2 infectionSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2Acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2SARS-CoV-2 infectionRespiratory syndrome coronavirus 2SARS-CoV-2 replicationCOVID-19 patientsSyndrome coronavirus 2Patient-derived virusesSignificant fatality ratePathological findingsInflammatory rolePathological responseEnzyme 2Receptor angiotensinFatality rateVaccine developmentGenetic backgroundViral replicationCoronavirus diseaseMiceAcute encephalopathy with elevated CSF inflammatory markers as the initial presentation of COVID-19
Farhadian S, Glick LR, Vogels CBF, Thomas J, Chiarella J, Casanovas-Massana A, Zhou J, Odio C, Vijayakumar P, Geng B, Fournier J, Bermejo S, Fauver JR, Alpert T, Wyllie AL, Turcotte C, Steinle M, Paczkowski P, Dela Cruz C, Wilen C, Ko AI, MacKay S, Grubaugh ND, Spudich S, Barakat LA. Acute encephalopathy with elevated CSF inflammatory markers as the initial presentation of COVID-19. BMC Neurology 2020, 20: 248. PMID: 32552792, PMCID: PMC7301053, DOI: 10.1186/s12883-020-01812-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInitial presentationCentral nervous system inflammationSARS-CoV-2 infectionCSF inflammatory markersNervous system inflammationCerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytokinesSeizure-like activityCOVID-19 infectionVirus SARS-CoV-2COVID-19SARS-CoV-2BackgroundCOVID-19Inflammatory markersNeurologic complicationsSystem inflammationImmunocompromised womanNeurologic manifestationsNeurologic symptomsViral neuroinvasionCase presentationWeInfected patientsMental statusRespiratory pathogensConclusionOur findingsInflammationSelect autophagy genes maintain quiescence of tissue-resident macrophages and increase susceptibility to Listeria monocytogenes
Wang YT, Zaitsev K, Lu Q, Li S, Schaiff WT, Kim KW, Droit L, Wilen CB, Desai C, Balce DR, Orchard RC, Orvedahl A, Park S, Kreamalmeyer D, Handley SA, Pfeifer JD, Baldridge MT, Artyomov MN, Stallings CL, Virgin HW. Select autophagy genes maintain quiescence of tissue-resident macrophages and increase susceptibility to Listeria monocytogenes. Nature Microbiology 2020, 5: 272-281. PMID: 31959973, PMCID: PMC7147835, DOI: 10.1038/s41564-019-0633-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTissue-resident macrophagesAutophagy genesDegradative autophagyBeclin-1Maintenance of proteinMyeloid cells resultsAutophagy protein Beclin 1Protein Beclin 1Organelle integrityCellular processesMyeloid cellsBacterial microbiotaCytoplasmic contentsLysosomal digestionGenesCommensal microorganismsCells resultsAutophagyFIP200Homeostatic functionsListeria monocytogenes infectionAdaptive immune responsesKey functionsMice displayMacrophage response
Interaction between smoking and ATG16L1T300A triggers Paneth cell defects in Crohn's disease
Liu TC, Kern JT, VanDussen KL, Xiong S, Kaiko GE, Wilen CB, Rajala MW, Caruso R, Holtzman MJ, Gao F, McGovern DP, Nunez G, Head RD, Stappenbeck TS. Interaction between smoking and ATG16L1T300A triggers Paneth cell defects in Crohn's disease. Journal Of Clinical Investigation 2018, 128: 5110-5122. PMID: 30137026, PMCID: PMC6205411, DOI: 10.1172/jci120453.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPaneth cell defectsCD susceptibility genesSusceptibility genesCell defectsDisease-relevant phenotypesTranscriptional analysisCellular phenotypesApoptosis inhibitorCell-specific knockoutDisease subjectsFull-thickness ileumDistinct pathwaysCrohn's disease subjectsComplex inflammatory diseasePPARγ agonist rosiglitazoneCrypt base cellsEnvironmental risk factorsPaneth cellsGenesSelective downregulationCigarette smokingCrohn's diseasePhenotypeRelevant environmental exposuresCD subjects
Viral Replication Complexes Are Targeted by LC3-Guided Interferon-Inducible GTPases
Biering SB, Choi J, Halstrom RA, Brown HM, Beatty WL, Lee S, McCune BT, Dominici E, Williams LE, Orchard RC, Wilen CB, Yamamoto M, Coers J, Taylor GA, Hwang S. Viral Replication Complexes Are Targeted by LC3-Guided Interferon-Inducible GTPases. Cell Host & Microbe 2017, 22: 74-85.e7. PMID: 28669671, PMCID: PMC5591033, DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2017.06.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAutophagyCaliciviridae InfectionsCarrier ProteinsCell LineCytosolFemaleFibroblastsGene Knockdown TechniquesGTP PhosphohydrolasesHeLa CellsHumansImmunity, InnateInterferon-gammaInterferonsMacrophagesMaleMiceMice, Inbred C57BLMicrotubule-Associated ProteinsNorovirusRAW 264.7 CellsVacuolesViral Plaque AssayVirus ReplicationConceptsViral replication complexReplication complexImmunity-related GTPasesGuanylate-binding proteinsIFN-inducible GTPasesMNV replication complexPositive-sense RNA genomeLC3 conjugation systemConjugation systemInterferon-inducible GTPasesMembranes of vacuolesAutophagy proteinsRNA genomeGTPasesDiverse pathogensMNV replicationHuman cellsAdvantageous microenvironmentImmune defense mechanismsMembranous structuresDefense mechanismsMurine norovirusHost immune systemMembrane structureProtein
Impact on Patient Management and Outcome of Switching between 2 Contemporary Sensitive Cardiac Troponin Assays
Wilen CB, Szymanski JJ, Hung S, Rajan A, Lavigne PM, Char DM, Geltman EM, Scott MG. Impact on Patient Management and Outcome of Switching between 2 Contemporary Sensitive Cardiac Troponin Assays. Clinical Chemistry 2015, 61: 870-876. PMID: 25886769, DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2015.238089.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Simultaneous zinc-finger nuclease editing of the HIV coreceptors ccr5 and cxcr4 protects CD4+ T cells from HIV-1 infection
Didigu CA, Wilen CB, Wang J, Duong J, Secreto AJ, Danet-Desnoyers GA, Riley JL, Gregory PD, June CH, Holmes MC, Doms RW. Simultaneous zinc-finger nuclease editing of the HIV coreceptors ccr5 and cxcr4 protects CD4+ T cells from HIV-1 infection. Blood 2013, 123: 61-69. PMID: 24162716, PMCID: PMC3879906, DOI: 10.1182/blood-2013-08-521229.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsC chemokine receptor 5HIV-1 infectionT cellsHIV-1HIV coreceptor CCR5Chemokine receptor 5Humanized mouse modelDrug-free treatmentHIV-1 entryHIV coreceptorsPharmacologic blockadeCoreceptor CCR5Mouse modelCells engraftReceptor 5Gene-modified cellsCXCR4InfectionPrimary humanCoreceptorCD4CCR5Genetic inactivationVirusCells
Phenotypic and Immunologic Comparison of Clade B Transmitted/Founder and Chronic HIV-1 Envelope Glycoproteins
Wilen CB, Parrish NF, Pfaff JM, Decker JM, Henning EA, Haim H, Petersen JE, Wojcechowskyj JA, Sodroski J, Haynes BF, Montefiori DC, Tilton JC, Shaw GM, Hahn BH, Doms RW. Phenotypic and Immunologic Comparison of Clade B Transmitted/Founder and Chronic HIV-1 Envelope Glycoproteins. Journal Of Virology 2011, 85: 8514-8527. PMID: 21715507, PMCID: PMC3165820, DOI: 10.1128/jvi.00736-11.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMucosal barrierF EnvsNeutralization sensitivitySingle-round infectivity assaysHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1Immunodeficiency virus type 1Enhanced neutralization sensitivityTransmitted/FounderHIV-1 envelope glycoproteinHIV-1 transmissionIntact mucosal barrierClade B EnvVirus type 1Chronic EnvsHIV-IgDendritic cellsCoreceptor tropismFounder virusesSexual transmissionEnv phenotypeAntibody b12Chronic controlEffective vaccineNew infectionsEnv trimers