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    Neuroscience Department has started its move to 100 College St

    August 29, 2023

    Multiple floors of the 100 College Street building have been fitted out to our Yale specifications, and are now being occupied for the first time. The building will be the home of many Yale neuroscientists, including labs affiliated with the Department of Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, the Wu Tsai institute, the Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, and other close Yale collaborators. While most Neuroscience labs' move will take place this upcoming fall and winter, the labs of Shaul Yogev, PhD (assistant professor of Neuroscience and Cell Biology) and Marc Hammarlund, PhD (professor of Neuroscience and Genetics) kicked this off during the summer.

    Both are optimistic about the new space and can't wait to see their colleagues move in with them. "The open lab space is great, it will provide more opportunities for collaborations" said Yogev. But the lab is not the only positive side of the new building.

    The atmosphere will be greatly improved by the common spaces.

    Marc Hammarlund, PhD

    Yogev and Hammarlund in the kitchen area next to their new lab

    Between cozy working spaces, coffee nooks, outdoor picnic tables, and a big cafeteria with a view, there are many more places to mingle and spend time together away from the bench.

    The Department of Neuroscience labs will be located on the 2nd, 3rd and 10th floor of the building. The labs of Yogev and Hammarlund are both on the 3rd floor.