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C. Patrick Lusk, PhD

Associate Professor of Cell Biology; Co-Director, Molecular Cell Biology, Genetics and Development Track, Cell Biology; Co-Director, Cellular, Molecular, and Quantitative Biology Training Program, Cell Biology

Contact Information

C. Patrick Lusk, PhD

Lab Location

Office Location

Mailing Address

  • Cell Biology

    PO Box 208002, 333 Cedar Street

    New Haven, CT 06520-8002

    United States



Dr. Lusk runs the joint LusKing laboratory with Megan King in the Department of Cell Biology. He is also the co-director of the MCGD graduate training track. He has a long standing interest in fundamental cellular mechanisms of compartmentalization with an emphasis on those that govern the biogenesis of the nuclear envelope and nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). He has been studying the nuclear envelope and nuclear transport since his graduate work at the University of Alberta in Canada and has been trained during his postdoctoral fellowship by Nobel Laureate Günter Blobel at The Rockefeller University. During this time, he (with collaborators/colleagues) has provided substantial insight into how nuclear transport is regulated and how the NPC is assembled. Moreover, he has helped to develop yeast as a model to study integral membrane proteins that reside at the inner nuclear membrane. While it is generally understood that these proteins are essential factors in gene regulation and genome organization, which is reflected by the discovery of the “nuclear envelopathies”, they remain challenging to study. Dr. Lusk is leveraging his expertise in yeast cell biology and genetics with super-resolution and proteomic approaches to illuminate function at the nuclear periphery.

Education & Training

  • Postdoctoral Fellow
    The Rockefeller University (2009)
  • PhD
    University of Alberta (2005)
  • BS
    University of Alberta (1998)

Departments & Organizations