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    Shayna Cunningham, MHS, PhD

    Assistant Professor Adjunct
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    Assistant Professor Adjunct


    Shayna Cunningham, PhD, is a Research Scientist in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department at the Yale School of Public Health. Working in both the private sector and in academic settings, she has been engaged in education, advocacy, and scholarship with the goal of promoting deeper understanding of the fundamental determinants of sexual and reproductive health disparities as well as solutions to reduce or eliminate them. She has led and collaborated on a wide variety of applied research projects focused on the multilevel factors that influence individuals' health behaviors and outcomes. Her areas of expertise include the use of mixed methods research design, implementation science, and program and policy development and evaluation. She has extensive experience working in multi-disciplinary teams, and collaborating with individuals from government, the private-sector, community-based organizations, and academic institutions.

    Departments & Organizations

    Education & Training

    Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2007)
    Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2002)



    Dr. Cunningham is currently the Principal Investigator for an evaluation, funded by Merck for Mothers, on the use of community health workers to improve outcomes among pregnant women with chronic disease in three United States cities and a co-investigator for Yale's Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium. Recent past projects include a United Health Foundation-sponsored initiative to develop and implement an innovative group prenatal care model and assess its impact on perinatal outcomes and healthcare costs and a Health Resources and Services Administration-funded study aimed at describing patterns and identifying multi-level factors that impact variation in utilization and costs of maternity services.

    Public Health Interests

    Mental Health; Reproduction; Community Health; Aging; Chronic Diseases; Health Equity, Disparities, Social Determinants and Justice

    Research at a Glance

    Yale Co-Authors

    Frequent collaborators of Shayna Cunningham's published research.





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