Melissa R Schick, PhD
Assistant ProfessorAbout
Elucidating Heterogeneity of Intimate Partner Violence Among Women: Latent Class Analysis of Daily IPV, PTSD, and Substance Use Collected via Experience Sampling Methodologies.
Chiaramonte D, Schick M, Woerner J, Hernandez A, Sullivan T. Elucidating Heterogeneity of Intimate Partner Violence Among Women: Latent Class Analysis of Daily IPV, PTSD, and Substance Use Collected via Experience Sampling Methodologies. Journal Of Interpersonal Violence 2024, 8862605241286026. PMID: 39445476, DOI: 10.1177/08862605241286026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntimate partner violenceIntimate partner violence typesExperience intimate partner violenceLatent class analysisPartner violenceSubstance useSexual intimate partner violenceIntimate partner violence experiencesWomen’s lived experiencesCross-sectional survey dataWomen's daily livesHeterogeneity of experiencesPhysical health outcomesMicro-longitudinal dataPTSD-related distressPolicy implicationsSurvey dataMultilevel analysisAssociated with heightened riskClass analysisLived experienceViolenceDevelopment of interventionsHealth outcomesHeightened riskExpectations and Preferences for Digital Cessation Treatment: Multimethods Study Among Older Adults Who Smoke Cigarettes
Fahey M, Carpenter M, O'Neal R, Pebley K, Schick M, Ware E, Toll B, Dahne J. Expectations and Preferences for Digital Cessation Treatment: Multimethods Study Among Older Adults Who Smoke Cigarettes. Journal Of Medical Internet Research 2024, 26: e52919. PMID: 39196628, PMCID: PMC11391153, DOI: 10.2196/52919.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeasurement invariance of the Perceived Stress Scale across race, sex, and time, and differential impacts on cocaine use treatment outcomes
Schick M, Kiluk B, Nich C, LaPaglia D, Haeny A. Measurement invariance of the Perceived Stress Scale across race, sex, and time, and differential impacts on cocaine use treatment outcomes. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2024, 166: 209493. PMID: 39151798, PMCID: PMC11392621, DOI: 10.1016/j.josat.2024.209493.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCocaine use disorderPerceived Stress ScaleTreatment retentionMeasurement invarianceTreatment outcomesSubstance use treatment outcomesStress ScalePredicting treatment retentionSelf-efficacyCoping self-efficacyTwo-factor modelInfluence treatment outcomeCocaine abuse/dependenceDSM-IVUse disorderCocaine useBetween-group differencesMetric invarianceScalar invarianceTwo-factorCocainePharmacological treatmentFactor analysisDifferential impactAbuse/dependenceSelf-Change from Alcohol Problems among Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Adults: A Systematic Review
Haeny A, Schick M, Crouch M, Bautista T, Chowdhary A, McKenley C, Funaro M. Self-Change from Alcohol Problems among Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Adults: A Systematic Review. Current Addiction Reports 2024, 11: 818-837. DOI: 10.1007/s40429-024-00591-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSelf-changeAlcohol problemsProcess of self-changeREM groupRelevant constructsMultiracial groupsRacial identityFormal treatmentNative groupsNative HawaiiansLatin groupAlaska Native communitiesAlaska Native groupsREMPacific IslandersAlcoholNative communitiesAdultsSystematic reviewSystematic literature reviewHealing strategiesA psychometric evaluation of the PTSD Checklist for DSM‐5 among women experiencing intimate partner violence
Schick M, Sullivan T, Alfano A, Weiss N. A psychometric evaluation of the PTSD Checklist for DSM‐5 among women experiencing intimate partner violence. Journal Of Traumatic Stress 2024, 37: 998-1008. PMID: 39031171, PMCID: PMC11631682, DOI: 10.1002/jts.23087.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrevalence of posttraumatic stress disorderPTSD ChecklistPCL-5Intimate partner violenceDSM-5Self-report measures of PTSD symptomsPsychometric propertiesMeasures of PTSD symptomsPTSD diagnosisPosttraumatic stress disorderTrauma-exposed populationsPTSD prevalenceSample of community womenSelf-report measuresAdequate psychometric propertiesPartner violencePTSD symptomsStress disorderCutoff scorePsychometric evaluationInternal consistencyCommunity womenCronbach's aChecklistViolenceFeasibility of and reactivity to ecological momentary assessment (EMA) during electronic cigarette use initiation in adults who smoke daily MASKED FOR REVIEW
Hoeppner B, Eddie D, Schick M, Hoeppner S, Kelly L, Kelly J. Feasibility of and reactivity to ecological momentary assessment (EMA) during electronic cigarette use initiation in adults who smoke daily MASKED FOR REVIEW. The European Journal Of Psychiatry 2024, 38: 100247. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpsy.2023.100247.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEcological momentary assessmentMomentary assessmentE-cigarette useE-cigarette initiationEcological momentary assessment protocolEcological momentary assessment reportsE-cigarettesNicotine dependenceCohen's d valuesCigarette use initiationPublic health impactFollow-up weekMethods AdultsWeek 1ParticipantsAdultsPilot studyNon-significantRandomized groupsBiochemical assessmentExcellent adherenceAdherenceCigaretteAssessmentWeeksMeasuring emotion dysregulation in daily life: an experience sampling study
Weiss N, Dixon-Gordon K, Brick L, Goldstein S, Schick M, Laws H, Kiefer R, Contractor A, Sullivan T. Measuring emotion dysregulation in daily life: an experience sampling study. Anxiety Stress & Coping 2024, ahead-of-print: 1-19. PMID: 38932637, DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2024.2366031.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPositive emotion dysregulationEmotion dysregulationMeasures of emotion dysregulationEmotion Regulation ScaleMeasuring emotion dysregulationIntensive longitudinal approachAssess emotion dysregulationPsychometrically valid measureRegulation ScaleFactor structurePsychometric propertiesPositive emotionsIndividual's daily lifeBetween-levelCommunity womenEmotionsIntimate partner violenceBaseline traitsValidity measuresDaily lifeScale positionBaseline interviewMDersPartner violenceLongitudinal approachHair cortisol and substance use among women currently experiencing intimate partner violence: The role of PTSD symptom severity
Forkus S, Goldstein S, Schick M, Flanagan J, Weiss N. Hair cortisol and substance use among women currently experiencing intimate partner violence: The role of PTSD symptom severity. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2024, 261: 111378. PMID: 38936182, PMCID: PMC11439414, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2024.111378.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPosttraumatic stress disorderEcological momentary assessmentPosttraumatic stress disorder symptomsSubstance use behaviorsIntimate partner violencePosttraumatic stress disorder symptom severityCortisol levelsSubstance usePosttraumatic stress disorder severityHypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axisUse behaviorsPosttraumatic stress disorder symptomologyBinge drinkingHair cortisolHPA axis functionDays of drinkingAssociated with dysfunctionLow cortisol levelsPartner violenceStress disorderDays drinkingMomentary assessmentSymptom severityAmount of alcoholCortisol responseDoes personalized mean popular? A content analysis of suicide prevention smartphone applications
Kelly L, Buuh S, Schick M, Peikes C, Zajac K. Does personalized mean popular? A content analysis of suicide prevention smartphone applications. Current Psychology 2024, 43: 25006-25015. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-024-06169-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEvidence that personalized racial stress procedures elicit a stress response and increases alcohol craving among Black adults with alcohol use disorder: A laboratory pilot study
Haeny A, Schick M, McKenley C, Chowdhary A, Bellamy C, O'Malley S, Sinha R. Evidence that personalized racial stress procedures elicit a stress response and increases alcohol craving among Black adults with alcohol use disorder: A laboratory pilot study. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2024, 260: 111312. PMID: 38749311, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2024.111312.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAlcohol use disorderAlcohol cravingIncreased alcohol cravingUse disorderRacial stressEmotional responsesImpact of racial stressBlack adultsExposure to stressStress scriptsImagery procedureExposure sessionsCravingPersonal eventsStress procedureNegative emotionsNeutral conditionsPositive emotionsIdentity explorationStress responseExploratory analysisPhysiological responsesSessionsEmotionsAlcohol
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