Prediction of craving across studies: A commentary on conceptual and methodological considerations when using data-driven methods
Antons S, Yip S, Lacadie C, Dadashkarimi J, Scheinost D, Brand M, Potenza M. Prediction of craving across studies: A commentary on conceptual and methodological considerations when using data-driven methods. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2024, 13: 695-701. PMID: 39356557, PMCID: PMC11457034, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2024.00050.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAddictive behaviorsDisorders due to addictive behaviorsConnectome-based predictive modelingPrediction of cravingInvestigate neural mechanismsSubstance use disordersNeural mechanismsCravingSubstance useMethodological considerationsDisordersMethodological featuresBehaviorConceptualizationCommentaryStudyFindingsSubstances
Plasma concentration of leptin is related to food addiction in gambling disorder: Clinical and neuropsychological implications
Etxandi M, Baenas I, Mora-Maltas B, Granero R, Fernández-Aranda F, Tovar S, Solé-Morata N, Lucas I, Casado S, Gómez-Peña M, Moragas L, del Pino-Gutiérrez A, Tapia J, Valenciano-Mendoza E, Potenza M, Gearhardt A, Diéguez C, Jiménez-Murcia S. Plasma concentration of leptin is related to food addiction in gambling disorder: Clinical and neuropsychological implications. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2023, 12: 1019-1031. PMID: 38141066, PMCID: PMC10786224, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2023.00051.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexLeptin concentrationsFood addictionPlasma concentrationsHigher body mass indexAppetite-regulating hormonesYale Food Addiction Scale 2.0Gambling disorderSemi-structured clinical interviewLiver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2Clinical featuresMass indexAppetite regulationHormonal variablesBlood samplesLifetime diagnosisPatientsAntimicrobial peptide 2Clinical InterviewNeuropsychological featuresPoor inhibitory controlAnthropometric variablesEndocrine measuresHormonal concentrationsLeptinPsychometric properties of the Persian Gaming Disorder Test and relationships with psychological distress and insomnia in adolescents
Lin C, Potenza M, Pontes H, Pakpour A. Psychometric properties of the Persian Gaming Disorder Test and relationships with psychological distress and insomnia in adolescents. BMC Psychology 2023, 11: 326. PMID: 37817223, PMCID: PMC10566088, DOI: 10.1186/s40359-023-01368-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGaming Disorder TestPsychological distressClassical test theoryPsychometric propertiesIranian adolescentsRasch analysisTest theorySubstantial differential itemICD-11 criteriaDifferential itemDistressAdolescentsPsychiatric conditionsGamingInsomniaShort instrumentPersian versionMethodsThe present studyEleventh RevisionItemsBehavioral addictions in the ICD-11: An important debate that is anticipated to continue for some time
Brand M, Potenza M. Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11: An important debate that is anticipated to continue for some time. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2023, 12: 585-589. PMID: 37682725, PMCID: PMC10562818, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2023.00042.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersNeural mechanisms linked to treatment outcomes and recovery in substance-related and addictive disorders
Mestre-Bach G, Potenza M. Neural mechanisms linked to treatment outcomes and recovery in substance-related and addictive disorders. Dialogues In Clinical Neuroscience 2023, 25: 75-91. PMID: 37594217, PMCID: PMC10444012, DOI: 10.1080/19585969.2023.2242359.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsMeSH KeywordsBehavior, AddictiveBrainHumansInternet Addiction DisorderMental DisordersTreatment OutcomeConceptsNeural mechanismsAddictive disordersPotential neural mechanismsTreatment development effortsInternet gaming disorderBrain processesSubstance use disordersAdvanced analytic approachesGaming disorderImpulse controlTreatment developmentUse disordersPsychiatric conditionsExtant dataTreatment utilityAddictionDisordersAnalytic approachTreatment outcomesNarrative reviewIntervention administrationMedication challengePresent reviewMain modelsContextProblematic smartphone use and two types of problematic use of the internet and self-stigma among people with substance use disorders
Chang C, Chen J, Huang S, Potenza M, Su J, Chang K, Pakpour A, Lin C. Problematic smartphone use and two types of problematic use of the internet and self-stigma among people with substance use disorders. Addictive Behaviors 2023, 147: 107807. PMID: 37542974, DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2023.107807.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBehavior, AddictiveCross-Sectional StudiesHumansInternetSmartphoneSubstance-Related DisordersConceptsProblematic smartphone useSubstance use disordersCognition-Execution (I-PACE) modelI-PACE modelSmartphone useProblematic useUse disordersPROCESS macro Model 4Person-AffectMediation modelCross-sectional designMediation analysisLongitudinal studyPeopleDisordersRelationshipPsychiatric centerFindingsParticipantsHayesModel 4ContextPotential risk and protective factors related to problematic social media use among adolescents in Iran: A latent profile analysis
Akbari M, Hossein Bahadori M, Khanbabaei S, Boruki Milan B, Jamshidi S, Potenza M. Potential risk and protective factors related to problematic social media use among adolescents in Iran: A latent profile analysis. Addictive Behaviors 2023, 146: 107802. PMID: 37442018, DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2023.107802.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentBehavior, AddictiveCross-Sectional StudiesHumansInternetIranProtective FactorsSocial MediaConceptsAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderIranian adolescentsProtective factorsPresent cross-sectional studyHyperactivity disorderCross-sectional studySocial supportInternalizing symptomsPotential riskIntervention developmentProblematic social media useLatent profile analysisSymptomsAdolescentsStandardized factor scoresCurrent findingsDisordersMultiple factorsRiskAddictionAnxietyGroupFactorsFactor scoresA systematic review and meta-analysis of risky decision-making in specific domains of problematic use of the internet: Evidence across different decision-making tasks
Müller S, Antons S, Wegmann E, Ioannidis K, King D, Potenza M, Chamberlain S, Brand M. A systematic review and meta-analysis of risky decision-making in specific domains of problematic use of the internet: Evidence across different decision-making tasks. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2023, 152: 105271. PMID: 37277009, DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2023.105271.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTranslation and Validation of the Gaming Disorder Test and Gaming Disorder Scale for Adolescents into Chinese for Taiwanese Young Adults
Wu T, Huang S, Chen J, Kamolthip R, Kukreti S, Strong C, Pontes H, Lin I, Lin C, Potenza M, Pakpour A. Translation and Validation of the Gaming Disorder Test and Gaming Disorder Scale for Adolescents into Chinese for Taiwanese Young Adults. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2023, 124: 152396. PMID: 37295061, DOI: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2023.152396.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentBehavior, AddictiveFemaleHumansMalePsychometricsReproducibility of ResultsTranslationsVideo GamesYoung AdultConceptsTaiwanese young adultsGaming Disorder TestConfirmatory factor analysisMeasurement invarianceConvergent validityInternal consistencyYoung adultsDisorder ScaleDepression Anxiety Stress Scale-21Anxiety Stress Scale-21Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short FormStress Scale-21Taiwanese university studentsTwo-factor structureAdequate internal consistencyOne-factor structureScale-Short FormGaming disorderScale-21Factor structureDASS-21University studentsTraditional Chinese charactersCFA resultsChinese charactersClinical Correlates of Sports Betting: A Systematic Review
Valenciano-Mendoza E, Mora-Maltas B, Mestre-Bach G, MunguÃa L, Richard J, Derevensky J, Potenza M, Jiménez-Murcia S. Clinical Correlates of Sports Betting: A Systematic Review. Journal Of Gambling Studies 2023, 39: 579-624. PMID: 37004597, PMCID: PMC10066997, DOI: 10.1007/s10899-023-10196-0.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsSystematic reviewMultiple sociodemographic variablesGambling disorderNCBI/PubMedSelf-administered instrumentAPA PsycINFO databasesClinical correlatesCo-occurring psychopathologyGeneral populationPRISMA guidelinesPrevention strategiesClinical diagnosisPsycINFO databasesSubstance useSociodemographic variablesAddictive disordersRelevant studiesVulnerable individualsHigh impulsivityDisordersCertain pathologiesImpulsive malesGambling-related variablesAddictive behaviorsGroups of participantsTransdiagnostic Connectome-Based Prediction of Craving
Garrison K, Sinha R, Potenza M, Gao S, Liang Q, Lacadie C, Scheinost D. Transdiagnostic Connectome-Based Prediction of Craving. American Journal Of Psychiatry 2023, 180: 445-453. PMID: 36987598, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.21121207.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBehavior, AddictiveBrainConnectomeCravingCuesHumansMagnetic Resonance ImagingSubstance-Related DisordersConceptsConnectome-based predictive modelingImagery conditionFunctional connectomeSelf-reported cravingStudy of motivationDefault mode networkFunctional connectivity dataIndependent samplesKey phenomenological featuresNeural signaturesTransdiagnostic sampleTransdiagnostic perspectiveMode networkMotivated behaviorCentral constructAddictive disordersHuman behaviorConnectivity dataPhenomenological featuresStrongest predictorCravingTaskSubstance use-related disordersConnectomeIndividualsIndependent component analysis for internet gaming disorder
Mestre-Bach G, Granero R, Fernández-Aranda F, Jiménez-Murcia S, Potenza M. Independent component analysis for internet gaming disorder. Dialogues In Clinical Neuroscience 2023, 25: 14-23. PMID: 36817972, PMCID: PMC9930851, DOI: 10.1080/19585969.2023.2168135.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsFeatures Linked to Treatment Outcomes in Behavioral Addictions and Related Disorders
Mestre-Bach G, Potenza M. Features Linked to Treatment Outcomes in Behavioral Addictions and Related Disorders. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2023, 20: 2873. PMID: 36833569, PMCID: PMC9957199, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20042873.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsPotential Biological Markers and Treatment Implications for Binge Eating Disorder and Behavioral Addictions
Mestre-Bach G, Potenza M. Potential Biological Markers and Treatment Implications for Binge Eating Disorder and Behavioral Addictions. Nutrients 2023, 15: 827. PMID: 36839185, PMCID: PMC9962023, DOI: 10.3390/nu15040827.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsMeSH KeywordsBehavior, AddictiveBinge-Eating DisorderBrainGamblingHumansInternetMagnetic Resonance ImagingVideo GamesConceptsInternet gaming disorderGambling disorderVentral striatumBehavioral addictionsBinge Eating DisorderReward processingEating DisordersGaming disorderReward systemTreatment implicationsBrain regionsBrain changesTreatment-related changesAddictionDisordersBingePotential biological markersPossible biomarkersBiological markersMore evidenceSpecific roleProcessingInterventionImplicationsCircuitryExploring mediational roles for self-stigma in associations between types of problematic use of internet and psychological distress in youth with ADHD
Lee K, Chen C, Chen J, Liu C, Chang K, Fung X, Chen J, Kao Y, Potenza M, Pakpour A, Lin C. Exploring mediational roles for self-stigma in associations between types of problematic use of internet and psychological distress in youth with ADHD. Research In Developmental Disabilities 2023, 133: 104410. PMID: 36603311, DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2022.104410.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderProblematic smartphone useProblematic social media usePsychological distressProblematic gamingProblematic useDeficit hyperactivity disorderMediational roleHyperactivity disorderSmartphone useDistressResults of pathAdolescentsSocial media useYouthExtant literaturePsychiatric outpatient clinicMedia useSpecific formAnxietyDifferent formsParticipantsGamingDepressionAssociation
Obsessive-compulsive, harm-avoidance and persistence tendencies in patients with gambling, gaming, compulsive sexual behavior and compulsive buying-shopping disorders/concerns
Mestre-Bach G, Granero R, Fernández-Aranda F, Potenza M, Jiménez-Murcia S. Obsessive-compulsive, harm-avoidance and persistence tendencies in patients with gambling, gaming, compulsive sexual behavior and compulsive buying-shopping disorders/concerns. Addictive Behaviors 2022, 139: 107591. PMID: 36587418, DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2022.107591.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBehavior, AddictiveCompulsive BehaviorGamblingHumansObsessive-Compulsive DisorderSexual BehaviorVideo GamesConceptsObsessive-compulsive featuresTreatment-seeking patientsObsessive-compulsive subscaleBehavioral addictionsDifferent behavioural addictionsHarm avoidanceDifferent addictionsSymptom ChecklistObsessive-compulsive measuresLower scoresBuying-shopping disorderInternet gaming disorderCompulsive sexual behavior disorderCompulsive sexual behaviorSexual behavior disorderCharacter Inventory-RevisedGambling disorderGaming disorderCharacter InventoryClinical populationsInventory-RevisedPersonality profilesBehavior disorderHigher scoresEmpirical group
Neurobiology of cue-reactivity, craving, and inhibitory control in non-substance addictive behaviors
Antons S, Brand M, Potenza MN. Neurobiology of cue-reactivity, craving, and inhibitory control in non-substance addictive behaviors. Journal Of The Neurological Sciences 2020, 415: 116952. PMID: 32534370, DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2020.116952.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-substance addictive behaviorsAddictive behaviorsInhibitory controlPotential neurobiological mechanismsExecutive functioningSalience attributionNeurobiological foundationsSubstance use disordersNeurobiological factorsNeurobiological mechanismsBrain networksLife domainsRewarding behaviorNegative consequencesHabit formationCravingSpecific disordersNeurobiologyNeurochemical pathwaysAddictionFunctional impairmentFuture directionsSexual activityDisordersCuesDisrupted prefrontal regulation of striatum-related craving in Internet gaming disorder revealed by dynamic causal modeling: results from a cue-reactivity task
Dong GH, Wang M, Zheng H, Wang Z, Du X, Potenza MN. Disrupted prefrontal regulation of striatum-related craving in Internet gaming disorder revealed by dynamic causal modeling: results from a cue-reactivity task. Psychological Medicine 2020, 51: 1549-1561. PMID: 32102722, DOI: 10.1017/s003329172000032x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInternet gaming disorderPosterior cingulate cortexRecreational game useIGD subjectsRGU subjectsNeurobiological markersGaming disorderCue-craving taskCue-reactivity taskGaming-related cuesCue-related cravingDynamic causal modelingPossible neurobiological mechanismsCognitive controlGaming cuesNeutral cuesUseful neurobiological markerPrefrontal regulationBrain responsesNeurobiological mechanismsLeft hemisphereCausal modelingCingulate cortexDirectional connectivityGame use
Manifesto for a European research network into Problematic Usage of the Internet
Fineberg N, Demetrovics Z, Stein D, Ioannidis K, Potenza M, Grünblatt E, Brand M, Billieux J, Carmi L, King D, Grant J, Yücel M, Dell'Osso B, Rumpf H, Hall N, Hollander E, Goudriaan A, Menchon J, Zohar J, Burkauskas J, Martinotti G, Van Ameringen M, Corazza O, Pallanti S, Network C, Chamberlain. Manifesto for a European research network into Problematic Usage of the Internet. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2018, 28: 1232-1246. PMID: 30509450, PMCID: PMC6276981, DOI: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2018.08.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGender-related functional connectivity and craving during gaming and immediate abstinence during a mandatory break: Implications for development and progression of internet gaming disorder
Dong G, Wang Z, Wang Y, Du X, Potenza MN. Gender-related functional connectivity and craving during gaming and immediate abstinence during a mandatory break: Implications for development and progression of internet gaming disorder. Progress In Neuro-Psychopharmacology And Biological Psychiatry 2018, 88: 1-10. PMID: 29684536, DOI: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2018.04.009.Peer-Reviewed Original Research