Marc A. Brackett
Professor in the Child Study CenterCards
Affective Experiences of U.S. School Personnel in the Sociopolitical Context of 2021: Reflecting on the Past to Shape the Future
Wood M, Ha C, Brackett M, Cipriano C. Affective Experiences of U.S. School Personnel in the Sociopolitical Context of 2021: Reflecting on the Past to Shape the Future. Education Sciences 2024, 14: 1093. DOI: 10.3390/educsci14101093.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSchool personnelPrimary feelingSelf-reported affective experienceSociopolitical contextEmotion managementSource of joyOpen-ended questionsAfrican American participantsEducation systemRemote learningAffective experienceVirtual courseAmerican participantsScale itemsSchoolSources of stressStudentsEmotional supportEmotionsEthnic identityCOVID-19ParticipantsRacial groupsFeelingsJoyCreativity and affect: A person-centered analysis
Ivcevic Z, Lin S, Liu X, Brackett M. Creativity and affect: A person-centered analysis. Learning And Individual Differences 2024, 113: 102481. DOI: 10.1016/j.lindif.2024.102481.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEmotional Empowerment in High School Life
Hoffmann J, McGarry J, Seibyl J, Baumsteiger R, Brackett M. Emotional Empowerment in High School Life. International And Cultural Psychology 2024, 189-207. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-46349-5_11.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSchool climate perceptionsHigh school lifeHigh school studentsStudent voiceSchool climateSecondary studentsAcademic achievementStudent empowermentPedagogical approachSchool lifeStudent conductSchool studentsAcademic performanceStudentsSchoolEmotional climateHigh self-esteemClimate perceptionsProject-based initiativesFeelings of stressTheoretical underpinningsSelf-esteemCivic activitiesEmotional empowermentPersonal benefitsEmotional Intelligence: An Impactful Yet Often Overlooked Skill That Can Enhance Physician Well-being and Professional Satisfaction
Hass D, Brackett M. Emotional Intelligence: An Impactful Yet Often Overlooked Skill That Can Enhance Physician Well-being and Professional Satisfaction. Clinical Gastroenterology And Hepatology 2024, 22: 919-922. PMID: 38458607, DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2024.02.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEmotionally intelligent school leadership predicts educator well-being before and during a crisis
Floman J, Ponnock A, Jain J, Brackett M. Emotionally intelligent school leadership predicts educator well-being before and during a crisis. Frontiers In Psychology 2024, 14: 1159382. PMID: 38425349, PMCID: PMC10903540, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1159382.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWell-beingEmotional supportLeaders' emotion regulationEmotional skills trainingStaff well-beingTwo-wave studyConservation of resources theoryEducational well-beingEmotion regulationPositive affectPromote well-beingEmotional contagion theoryStructural equation modelingModeration analysisStudy 1Negative emotionsPsychological resourcesLower emotional exhaustionMultilevel modelsSkills trainingEmotionsTurnover intentionResources theoryContagion theoryJob satisfactionDaily positive and negative affect during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ivcevic Z, Shen S, Lin S, Cheng D, Probasco R, Silbermann B, Zhang F, Lin X, Brackett M. Daily positive and negative affect during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers In Psychology 2024, 14: 1239123. PMID: 38259529, PMCID: PMC10800618, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1239123.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Development and Validation of an Ability Measure of Emotion Understanding: The Core Relational Themes of Emotion (CORE) Test
Floman J, Brackett M, LaPalme M, Ponnock A, Barsade S, Doyle A. Development and Validation of an Ability Measure of Emotion Understanding: The Core Relational Themes of Emotion (CORE) Test. Journal Of Intelligence 2023, 11: 195. PMID: 37888427, PMCID: PMC10607998, DOI: 10.3390/jintelligence11100195.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCore relational themesRelational themesEmotion testIncremental validityAbility measuresEmotion-understanding abilityHealthy social functioningUnidimensional factor structureConfirmatory factor analysisEmotion understandingHigh internal consistencyVerbal intelligenceNegative emotionsMaladaptive copingEmotional experienceRelational conflictSocial functioningPeople's abilityStudy 1Study 2Study 3Validity evidenceFactor structureDiverse sampleTest itemsThe role of originality, distancing, and tentative language in effective cognitive reappraisal among adolescents
Hoffmann J, De France K, Seibyl J, Orleck-Jetter R, Gualda R, Brackett M. The role of originality, distancing, and tentative language in effective cognitive reappraisal among adolescents. Thinking Skills And Creativity 2023, 49: 101377. DOI: 10.1016/j.tsc.2023.101377.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCognitive reappraisalTentative languageRegulation knowledgeEmotion regulation strategiesStudy of adolescentsRegulatory efficacyReappraisal effectivenessRole of originalityRegulation strategiesUnique varianceLinguistic elementsLanguageReappraisalAdolescentsCurrent studyOriginalityRelative associationDistancingMeasuresHigh levelsSocial distancingRecent evidenceTentativenessVarianceParticipantsThe Meso-Expression Test (MET): A Novel Assessment of Emotion Perception
LaPalme M, Barsade S, Brackett M, Floman J. The Meso-Expression Test (MET): A Novel Assessment of Emotion Perception. Journal Of Intelligence 2023, 11: 145. PMID: 37504788, PMCID: PMC10381771, DOI: 10.3390/jintelligence11070145.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEmotion perceptionEmotional intelligenceEmotion perception abilityImportant psychosocial outcomesEmpathic concernCognitive abilitiesPerception abilityPsychosocial outcomesStudy 4Study 1Study 2Study 3Ability researchSocial interactionSocial connectednessInterpersonal communicationMeasurement equivalencePerceiver groupsConstruct validityPerceptionResearch paradigmVideo displayPrimary facetsNovel assessmentVideo-based assessmentPreventative initiatives to promote psychological adjustment among primary students: Findings of RULER Approach in Spanish public schools
Castillo Gualda R, Moraleda A, Brackett M. Preventative initiatives to promote psychological adjustment among primary students: Findings of RULER Approach in Spanish public schools. International Journal Of Educational Psychology 2023, 12: 206-232. DOI: 10.17583/ijep.10970.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSpanish public schoolsPublic schoolsPrimary school studentsEmotional learning interventionProfessional development trainingYear old studentsPrimary studentsSense of inadequacyLearning interventionIntervention schoolsSchool studentsSchool yearControl schoolsOlder studentsDevelopment trainingRuler approachBehavior Assessment SystemSchoolsStudentsAssessment systemMental health outcomesPsychological maladjustmentPsychological adjustmentEvidence-based approachSocial challenges
- March 03, 2025Source: Education Week
A Child Took Her Own Life After Being Bullied. Schools Must Take Notice
- March 02, 2025Source: The Washington Post
5 ways to manage moral injury, when our values clash with our actions
- February 18, 2025
Marc Brackett Helps to Shape the Future with The Royal Foundation by Introducing a Framework for Lifelong Social and Emotional Skills
- November 24, 2024Source: Washington Post
Gaslighting can mar holiday gatherings. Here's how to identify, avoid it.
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Jul 202524-25Multiple Days
- EveryoneAll DayMarc A. Brackett - Nicole Elbertson, MEd, BS - Jessica D Hoffmann, PhD - James Floman, PhD