Sexual Minority Individuals’ Explanations for the Sexual Orientation Disparity in Depression: Relevance to Their Well-Being and Optimism
Pachankis J, Maiolatesi A, Sullivan T, Ankrum H, Lebowitz M. Sexual Minority Individuals’ Explanations for the Sexual Orientation Disparity in Depression: Relevance to Their Well-Being and Optimism. Psychology Of Sexual Orientation And Gender Diversity 2025 DOI: 10.1037/sgd0000810.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSexual minority individualsMinority individualsSexual orientation disparitiesExternal attributionsStyle theoryMinority stress theoryMental health disparitiesOrientation disparitiesSelf-reported current depressionInterpersonal maltreatmentFuture depressionEndorser attributesCurrent depressionMental health impactsInternal attributionsPositive expectationsDepressionInduce pessimismMental healthSexual minoritiesCategories of explanationsWell-beingHealth disparities researchIndividualized explanationsStress theory
Global LGBTQ Mental Health
Bränström R, Hughes T, Pachankis J. Global LGBTQ Mental Health. Global LGBTQ Health 2024, 45-78. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-36204-0_3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLGBTQ individualsStigma-related stressPoor mental healthLGBTQ peopleLGBTQ populationsGender identityMental healthMinority stress theoryRisk of poor mental healthLow social trustLack of stable housingMental health disparitiesGlobal SouthGlobal NorthHeterosexual individualsStable housingElevated risk of poor mental healthMinority stressSexual orientationSocietal integrationDiscriminatory lawsMental health problemsSocial trustElevated riskSocietal attitudes
The Role of Shame in the Sexual-Orientation Disparity in Mental Health: A Prospective Population-Based Study of Multimodal Emotional Reactions to Stigma
Pachankis J, Hatzenbuehler M, Klein D, Bränström R. The Role of Shame in the Sexual-Orientation Disparity in Mental Health: A Prospective Population-Based Study of Multimodal Emotional Reactions to Stigma. Clinical Psychological Science 2023, 12: 486-504. PMID: 38938414, PMCID: PMC11210704, DOI: 10.1177/21677026231177714.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStigma theoryMental healthRole of shameIndirect effectsSexual minoritiesSexual orientation disparitiesMental health sequelaeSocial anxietyAdverse mental healthEmotional reactionsMental health disparitiesRelated constructsInterpersonal stigmaInternalized stigmaShameSuicidal thoughtsYoung adultsProspective populationHeterosexual young adultsRepresentative cohortTreatment targetsLater experienceStigmaEmotionsAnxiety
Rejection Sensitivity Across Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Age: Measurement Invariance and Latent Mean Differences
Maiolatesi AJ, Clark KA, Pachankis JE. Rejection Sensitivity Across Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Age: Measurement Invariance and Latent Mean Differences. Psychological Assessment 2022, 34: 431-442. PMID: 35025579, PMCID: PMC9328167, DOI: 10.1037/pas0001109.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLatent mean differencesRejection sensitivityPersonality dispositionsMeasurement invarianceScalar invarianceAdult Rejection Sensitivity QuestionnaireSocial experienceInformation processing styleRejection Sensitivity QuestionnaireMaladaptive personality dispositionsSexual orientationPartial scalar invarianceSexual minoritiesProcessing styleAnxious expectationsMental health disparitiesGroup differencesSensitivity QuestionnairePresent research highlightSwedish young adultsYoung adultsFuture researchPresent researchSocial groupsPopulation-based sampleSupervision and consultation in the delivery of cognitive behavior therapy to LGBTQ individuals.
Harkness A, Pachankis J. Supervision and consultation in the delivery of cognitive behavior therapy to LGBTQ individuals. 2022, 289-304. DOI: 10.1037/0000314-020.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCognitive behavior therapyBehavior therapyEvidence-based cognitive-behavioral treatmentCognitive-behavioral treatmentEvidence-based treatment approachesMental health problemsTransdiagnostic approachMental health disparitiesEmotional disordersBehavioral treatmentUnified ProtocolMinority stressLGBTQ peopleLGBTQ clientsLGBTQ individualsPeople's experiencesStructural stigmaTreatment approachesIndividualsHealth problemsPeopleSupervisorsElevated riskStigmaHealth disparities
Cultural Context Matters: Testing the Minority Stress Model Among Chinese Sexual Minority Men
Sun S, Hoyt WT, Tarantino N, Pachankis JE, Whiteley L, Operario D, Brown LK. Cultural Context Matters: Testing the Minority Stress Model Among Chinese Sexual Minority Men. Journal Of Counseling Psychology 2021, 68: 526-537. PMID: 33030914, PMCID: PMC8026770, DOI: 10.1037/cou0000535.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSexual minority menSexual minoritiesMinority menMinority stress theorySexual identity concernsMinority stress modelNorm conformityChinese cultureCultural contextCultural considerationsAlternative model testingDistal minority stressorsMinority stressorsChinese contextIdentity concernsGlobal contextMental health disparitiesProximal minority stressorsLow family supportAcceptance concernsEast Asian countriesWestern samplesContextMinorityFamily support
“It truly does get better”: Young sexual minority men’s resilient responses to sexual minority stress
Harkness A, Rogers BG, Albright C, Mendez NA, Safren SA, Pachankis JE. “It truly does get better”: Young sexual minority men’s resilient responses to sexual minority stress. Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health 2020, 24: 258-280. PMID: 32884609, PMCID: PMC7462415, DOI: 10.1080/19359705.2020.1713276.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAddressing Minority Stress and Mental Health among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in China
Sun S, Pachankis JE, Li X, Operario D. Addressing Minority Stress and Mental Health among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in China. Current HIV/AIDS Reports 2020, 17: 35-62. PMID: 31950336, PMCID: PMC7050812, DOI: 10.1007/s11904-019-00479-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMinority stress theoryMental health issuesPsychological healthMinority stressPsychological distressMental healthChinese MSMProximal minority stressPrevalent mental health issuesFuture intervention researchMental health interventionsStress theoryHealth issuesElevated riskMental health disparitiesPrejudice eventsStress processIntervention researchHIV/STI riskMental health servicesHIV prevention effortsSexual minoritiesRecent FindingsResultsAlcohol dependenceSuicidal behavior
Societal-Level Explanations for Reductions in Sexual Orientation Mental Health Disparities: Results From a Ten-Year, Population-Based Study in Sweden
Hatzenbuehler M, Bränström R, Pachankis J. Societal-Level Explanations for Reductions in Sexual Orientation Mental Health Disparities: Results From a Ten-Year, Population-Based Study in Sweden. Stigma And Health 2018, 3: 16-26. DOI: 10.1037/sah0000066.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHealth disparitiesMental health disparitiesPsychological distressSexual orientation disparitiesNationwide population-based cross-sectional surveyPopulation-based cross-sectional surveyAdverse mental health outcomesStructural stigmaCross-sectional surveyMental health outcomesSexual orientationOrientation disparitiesGay men/lesbians
LGB-Affirmative Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Young Adult Gay and Bisexual Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Transdiagnostic Minority Stress Approach
Pachankis JE, Hatzenbuehler ML, Rendina HJ, Safren SA, Parsons JT. LGB-Affirmative Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Young Adult Gay and Bisexual Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Transdiagnostic Minority Stress Approach. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology 2015, 83: 875-889. PMID: 26147563, PMCID: PMC4573250, DOI: 10.1037/ccp0000037.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCo-occurring health problemsStandard evidence-based treatmentBisexual menSignificant greater improvementCo-occurring health risksEvidence-based treatmentsMental health disparitiesMinority stress processesTransdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral treatmentTreatment guidelinesAlcohol use problemsEvidence-based practicePreliminary efficacyImmediate treatmentCognitive-behavioral treatmentCasual partnersCondomless sexDepressive symptomsHealth problemsCondom useFirst interventionRisk behaviorsTreatment adaptationHealth disparitiesHeavy drinking