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    Jennifer Kapo, MD

    Sherwin B. Nuland and Michael K. Vlock Associate Professor of Palliative Medicine
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    Sherwin B. Nuland and Michael K. Vlock Associate Professor of Palliative Medicine

    Chief, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Care Program


    Provides clinical palliative medicine to patients at Smilow Cancer Hospital. In addition, she focuses on developing a research mission in palliative medicine and expanding teaching opportunities for existing Yale faculty, staff, fellows, residents, and medical students. Has been charged with creating an ACGME certified fellowship in hospice and palliative care.


    Education & Training

    Associate Professor
    Yale University School of Medicine (2020)
    Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
    University of Pennsylvania (2012)
    Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine
    University of Pennsylvania (2011)
    University of Pennsylvania (2005)
    University of Pennsylvania (2003)
    University of Pennsylvania (2002)
    Chief Resident
    University of Colorado (2001)
    Universtiy of Colorado (2000)
    University of Colorado (1998)
    University of Pennsylvania Medical School, MD (1997)
    Moravian College, Pre-Medicine (1993)



    Medical Research Interests

    Medical Oncology; Palliative Care; Palliative Medicine

    Research at a Glance

    Yale Co-Authors

    Frequent collaborators of Jennifer Kapo's published research.





    Academic Achievements & Community Involvement

    • activity

      Journal of Palliative Medicine, Journal of Hospital Medicine

    • activity

      Yale School of Medicine, Yale Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship Selection Committee

    • activity

      Yale New Haven Hospital/Yale Cancer Center American College of Surgeons Cancer Program Committee

    • activity

      Smilow Physician Leadership Council

    • activity

      Smilow YCC Clinical Council

    Clinical Care


    Jennifer Kapo, MD, director of Yale Cancer Center’s Palliative Care Program at Smilow Cancer Hospital, dedicates her life to helping people diagnosed with serious illnesses. Through careful listening, she provides comforting care, always keeping the individual’s life goals in mind.

    She enjoys being part of a team that provides the support patients and families need when experiencing a serious illness—from diagnosis through end of life. Dr. Kapo helps ease pain, suffering and stress through medical interventions and by providing access to psycho-social support, parenting help, spiritual services and financial counseling as needed (and on a case-by-case basis) because every cancer patient’s needs and experience are unique.

    “What we also try to do in palliative medicine is to the support the oncologist, patient and their family in having difficult conversations about the medical condition in a gentle, informative way so that patients actually feel more supported after having these conversations,” Dr. Kapo says.

    Research shows that patients and families desire all information—both good and bad—about their condition, says Dr. Kapo, who is also an associate professor of geriatrics at Yale School of Medicine. She makes it her mission to provide this information accurately and in such a way that families can still access what they need most during a trying time: hope.

    Clinical Specialties

    Internal Medicine; Hospice & Palliative Care

    Fact Sheets

    Board Certifications

    • Hospice & Palliative Medicine

      Certification Organization
      AB of Internal Medicine
      Latest Certification Date
      Original Certification Date
    • Geriatric Medicine

      Certification Organization
      AB of Internal Medicine
      Latest Certification Date
      Original Certification Date

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