Differential Pulley Release in Trigger Finger: A Prospective, Randomized Clinical Trial
Wu RT, Walker ME, Peck CJ, Liu YJ, Hetzler P, Le NK, Smetona J, Thomson JG. Differential Pulley Release in Trigger Finger: A Prospective, Randomized Clinical Trial. Hand 2021, 18: 244-249. PMID: 33648377, PMCID: PMC10035080, DOI: 10.1177/1558944721994231.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTrigger fingerA1 pulleyComplete resolutionSymptom resolutionClinical trialsA1 releaseIncomplete resolutionGreater symptom resolutionRandomized clinical trialsTrigger finger releasePulley releaseSurgical releaseLarge trialsFinger releaseActive flexionPalmar aponeurosisPatientsTrialsPrimary causeFingerReleaseSymptomsAponeurosisPathologyFlexion
The Hand Surgeon Consultation Improves Patient Knowledge in a Hand Surgery Mission to Honduras
Walker ME, Chuang C, Moores CR, Webb ML, Buonocore SD, Thomson J. The Hand Surgeon Consultation Improves Patient Knowledge in a Hand Surgery Mission to Honduras. The Journal Of Hand Surgery (Asian-Pacific Volume) 2018, 23: 11-17. PMID: 29409417, DOI: 10.1142/s2424835518500017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSurgeon consultationSurgical riskFellowship-trained hand surgeonsSurgical missionsHand surgery practiceStandard of careInformed consent processPatient knowledgePatients' perceptionsPatient retentionHand surgeonsPatient educationHigh-income countriesNew patientsSurgery practicePatientsDiagnosisHand practiceIndividual diagnosisConsent processScore increaseConsultationHand centerRiskCommunication difficulties
A prospective, randomized-controlled pilot study comparing closed suction versus negative pressure drains for panniculectomy patients
Walker ME, Tsay C, Broer PN, Zhu VZ, Sturrock T, Ng R, Scoutt LM, Thomson JG, Kwei SL. A prospective, randomized-controlled pilot study comparing closed suction versus negative pressure drains for panniculectomy patients. Journal Of Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 2017, 71: 438-439. PMID: 29289501, DOI: 10.1016/j.bjps.2017.11.013.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A novel use for suture button suspension: reconstruction of the dorsal ulnar ligament to treat thumb metacarpal dislocation
Shah A, Martin G, Thomson JG. A novel use for suture button suspension: reconstruction of the dorsal ulnar ligament to treat thumb metacarpal dislocation. Case Reports In Plastic Surgery And Hand Surgery 2015, 2: 7-11. PMID: 27252958, PMCID: PMC4623541, DOI: 10.3109/23320885.2014.997823.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSuture-button suspensionplastyUlnar ligamentLigament reconstructionCase reportLigament instabilityCMC jointNumerous treatment algorithmsThumb CMC jointThumb carpometacarpal arthritisNew treatment optionsRadial dislocationPatient demographicsCarpometacarpal arthritisTreatment algorithmOperative indicationsTreatment optionsOperative resultsOperative techniqueSeparate patientsSuture buttonThumb metacarpalPatientsLigamentSuspensionplastyDemographics
Helping Hands: A Cost‐Effectiveness Study of a Humanitarian Hand Surgery Mission
Tadisina KK, Chopra K, Tangredi J, Thomson JG, Singh DP. Helping Hands: A Cost‐Effectiveness Study of a Humanitarian Hand Surgery Mission. Plastic Surgery International 2014, 2014: 921625. PMID: 25225616, PMCID: PMC4158142, DOI: 10.1155/2014/921625.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLow-middle income countriesCost-effectiveness studiesLikelihood of disabilityTreatable diseaseCongenital anomaliesSurgery successSurgical reconstructionGlobal burdenTotal burdenHealthcare professionalsSan Pedro SulaIncome countriesDiseaseBurdenFirst studyHumanitarian missionsMission tripsPatientsGross national incomeInjuryDigit Replantation in Children: A Nationwide Analysis of Outcomes and Trends of 455 Pediatric Patients
Berlin NL, Tuggle CT, Thomson JG, Au A. Digit Replantation in Children: A Nationwide Analysis of Outcomes and Trends of 455 Pediatric Patients. Hand 2014, 9: 244-252. PMID: 24839429, PMCID: PMC4022954, DOI: 10.1007/s11552-014-9628-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLength of stayShort-term outcomesDigit replantationTotal complicationsAdult patientsPediatric patientsNationwide analysisPediatric replantationStudy periodNumber of replantationsSingle finger replantationNationwide Inpatient SampleMicrovascular revisionsReplantation outcomesReplantation patientsIndependent predictorsPatient ageHospital characteristicsInpatient SampleAmputation patientsSurgeon experienceHealthcare costsPatientsMultivariate analysisReplantation
Mental and physical impact of body contouring procedures on post-bariatric surgery patients.
Singh D, Zahiri HR, Janes LE, Sabino J, Matthews JA, Bell RL, Thomson JG. Mental and physical impact of body contouring procedures on post-bariatric surgery patients. Eplasty 2012, 12: e47. PMID: 22993645, PMCID: PMC3443403.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPost-bariatric surgery patientsShort Form Health SurveyQuality of lifeForm Health SurveySurgery patientsExcessive skinHealth SurveyControl groupPost-bariatric surgery populationWeight lossPlastic surgeryMassive weight lossCross-sectional studySignificant lower scoresBariatric surgeryObese patientsSurgery groupSurgery populationObese groupRole EmotionalSurgery showFunctional impairmentMental componentPatientsSurgeryPrognostication for body contouring surgery after bariatric surgery.
Singh D, Forte AJ, Zahiri HR, Janes LE, Sabino J, Matthews JA, Bell RL, Thomson JG. Prognostication for body contouring surgery after bariatric surgery. Eplasty 2012, 12: e46. PMID: 22993644, PMCID: PMC3443410.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPercent excess weight lossExcess weight lossBody mass indexMean percent excess weight lossBariatric surgery patientsMass indexGroup IIGroup IWeight lossBariatric surgerySurgery patientsMean agePreoperative body mass indexExcess body weightGastric bypass surgeryPopulation of patientsUseful predictive factorWeight loss treatmentBypass surgeryPredictive factorsLoss treatmentPatientsSurgeryBody weightElicit factors
Does the Severity of Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Influence the Timing of Staged Bilateral Release?
Chin SH, Tom LK, Thomson JG. Does the Severity of Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Influence the Timing of Staged Bilateral Release? Annals Of Plastic Surgery 2011, 67: 30-33. PMID: 21467913, DOI: 10.1097/sap.0b013e3181ebe617.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEndoscopic carpal tunnel releaseCarpal tunnel syndromeBilateral carpal tunnel syndromeContralateral surgeryBilateral endoscopic carpal tunnel releaseModerate carpal tunnel syndromeSevere carpal tunnel syndromeSeverity of CTSMild carpal tunnel syndromeRetrospective chart analysisCarpal tunnel releaseBilateral releaseCTS patientsTunnel syndromeContralateral sideSecond operationPatientsSurgeryChart analysisSeverityReleaseSyndromeIdeal Anthropomorphic Values of the Female Breast
Liu YJ, Thomson JG. Ideal Anthropomorphic Values of the Female Breast. Annals Of Plastic Surgery 2011, 67: 7-11. PMID: 21301308, DOI: 10.1097/sap.0b013e3181f77ab5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreast surgery patientsReconstructive patientsCosmetic patientsPlastic surgeonsSurgery patientsAnthropomorphic measurementsFemale breastInframammary fold distanceBreast surgeryPostoperative asymmetrySternal notchPatientsFemale volunteersNipple distanceOperative planningInsufficient cleavageBreastFold distanceSurgeonsComputerized surveySevere asymmetryPrevious studiesSurgeryNipple
Mild Intraoperative Hypothermia Reduces Free Tissue Transfer Thrombosis
Liu Y, Hirsch B, Shah A, Reid M, Thomson J. Mild Intraoperative Hypothermia Reduces Free Tissue Transfer Thrombosis. Journal Of Reconstructive Microsurgery 2010, 27: 121-126. PMID: 20981640, DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1268211.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBody TemperatureChildChild, PreschoolCohort StudiesFemaleFollow-Up StudiesFree Tissue FlapsGraft RejectionGraft SurvivalHumansHypothermiaLogistic ModelsMaleMiddle AgedMonitoring, IntraoperativeMultivariate AnalysisPlastic Surgery ProceduresPostoperative ComplicationsPredictive Value of TestsRetrospective StudiesThrombosisTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeYoung AdultConceptsFree flap thrombosisFlap thrombosisIntraoperative temperatureThrombosis rateIntraoperative core body temperatureYale-New Haven HospitalMaximum intraoperative temperatureComplete flap necrosisFree flap patientsFree flap reconstructionLogistic regression analysisLower thrombosis rateMild intraoperative hypothermiaFree tissue transferCore body temperatureVenous thrombosisFlap patientsIntraoperative hypothermiaFlap necrosisFlap reconstructionThrombosisTissue transferPatientsSignificant predictorsBody temperature
The Effect of Core Temperature on the Success of Free Tissue Transfer
Thomson J, Mine R, Shah A, Palesty J, Yaghjyan G, Ahmed S, Braün S, Chao R. The Effect of Core Temperature on the Success of Free Tissue Transfer. Journal Of Reconstructive Microsurgery 2009, 25: 411-416. PMID: 19455487, DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1223849.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFree tissue transferDegrees C groupTissue transferC groupFlap survivalFree flapSurvival rateOverall flap survival ratePostoperative day 5Flap survival rateBetter flap survivalCore body temperatureAnimal modelsBlinded observersDay 5Beneficial effectsStatistical differenceDegrees CBody temperaturePatientsCore temperatureHypothermiaSurvivalFlapPresent study
Long-Term Outcome of Embolotherapy and Surgery for High-Flow Extremity Arteriovenous Malformations
White R, Pollak J, Persing J, Henderson K, Thomson J, Burdge C. Long-Term Outcome of Embolotherapy and Surgery for High-Flow Extremity Arteriovenous Malformations. Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology 2000, 11: 1285-1295. PMID: 11099238, DOI: 10.1016/s1051-0443(07)61302-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh-flow arteriovenous malformationsSuccessful embolotherapyArteriovenous malformationsExcellent long-term palliationExtremity arteriovenous malformationLong-term palliationRecurrence of symptomsLong-term efficacyMaximum painSurgical resectionSymptomatic improvementAffected handConsecutive patientsNerve blockSurgical cutdownDiffuse involvementTerm outcomesBony erosionFemoral arteryUpper extremitySkin graftsPatientsEmbolotherapy proceduresEmbolotherapyPainPedal macrodactyly: Coverage of a large defect with a rectus abdominus free flap
Hendrix C, Thomson J, Blume P. Pedal macrodactyly: Coverage of a large defect with a rectus abdominus free flap. The Journal Of Foot & Ankle Surgery 2000, 39: 184-188. PMID: 10862390, DOI: 10.1016/s1067-2516(00)80020-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSplit-thickness skin graftRectus abdominis free-tissue transferFree tissue transferRectus abdominus free flapLocal resectionSurgical treatmentFunctional resultsLower extremitiesSkin graftsFree flapIsolated macrodactylyReconstructive approachSoft tissueAfrican malesLarge defectsResectionComplicationsPatientsGraftMacrodactylyExcisionExtremitiesFlap
Patient satisfaction and outcomes of surgery for de Quervain's tenosynovitis
Ta K, Eidelman D, Thomson J. Patient satisfaction and outcomes of surgery for de Quervain's tenosynovitis. The Journal Of Hand Surgery 1999, 24: 1071-1077. PMID: 10509287, DOI: 10.1053/jhsu.1999.1071.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDe Quervain's tenosynovitisQuervain's tenosynovitisPatient satisfactionPatient dissatisfactionRadial sensory nerve injurySensory nerve injuryOutcome of surgeryPercentage of patientsLong-term complicationsLong-term resultsLonger durationDefinitive therapyPostoperative complicationsScar tendernessChart reviewNerve injuryOutpatient examinationConsecutive patientsRetrospective studySurgical interventionCure rateTenosynovitisSurgeryPatientsComplications
The Preconditioned TRAM Flap: Preliminary Clinical Experience
Restifo R, Thomson J. The Preconditioned TRAM Flap: Preliminary Clinical Experience. Annals Of Plastic Surgery 1998, 41: 343-347. PMID: 9788213, DOI: 10.1097/00000637-199810000-00001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTRAM flapFat necrosisIschemic preconditioningMusculocutaneous flapPartial flap failure rateTransverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flapAcute ischemic preconditioningHigh-risk patientsLow-risk patientsRectus abdominis musculocutaneous flapFlap failure rateHigh-risk groupPartial flap lossPreliminary clinical experienceObese patientsFree TRAMClinical efficacyFlap lossClinical experiencePatientsClinical situationsPreliminary experienceFlapUnderserved areasNecrosis