Alan Enriquez, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)Cards
Variation in hospital use of cardiac resynchronization therapy-defibrillator among eligible patients and association with clinical outcomes
Chui P, Lan Z, Freeman J, Enriquez A, Khera R, Akar J, Masoudi F, Ong E, Curtis J. Variation in hospital use of cardiac resynchronization therapy-defibrillator among eligible patients and association with clinical outcomes. Heart Rhythm 2023, 20: 1000-1008. PMID: 36963741, DOI: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2023.03.022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEligible patientsICD RegistryCardiac resynchronizationNational Cardiovascular Data Registry ICD RegistryCRT-D implantationCRT-D useHospital-level outcomesStrong guideline recommendationsHospital-level variationPatient-level outcomesIntraclass correlation coefficientQuality improvement effortsHospital mortalityGuideline indicationsReadmission ratesSelect patientsClinical outcomesGuideline recommendationsHospital variationHospital ratesUse of CRTHospital levelHospital usePatientsCase mix
Mortality and readmission in non-ischemic compared with ischemic cardiomyopathies after implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation
Freeman J, Bjerre J, Parzynski C, Minges K, Ahmad T, Desai N, Enriquez A, Spatz E, Friedman D, Curtis J, Hlatky M, Higgins A. Mortality and readmission in non-ischemic compared with ischemic cardiomyopathies after implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation. European Heart Journal 2020, 41: ehaa946.0788. DOI: 10.1093/ehjci/ehaa946.0788.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNon-ischemic cardiomyopathyImplantable cardioverter defibrillator implantationPrimary prevention ICDsCardioverter-defibrillator implantationIschemic cardiomyopathyICM patientsNational Cardiovascular Data Registry ICD RegistryCox proportional hazards regression modelPrimary prevention ICD implantationLeft ventricular ejection fractionProportional hazards regression modelsOne-year mortalityHeart failure readmissionVentricular ejection fractionKaplan-Meier curvesHazards regression modelsRisk of mortalityMedian followCause readmissionICD implantationEjection fractionHeart failureHospital readmissionICD RegistryPatient subgroupsArrhythmias During Pregnancy and Postpartum
Enriquez A, Tedrow U. Arrhythmias During Pregnancy and Postpartum. Contemporary Cardiology 2020, 645-669. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-41967-7_28.ChaptersStructural heart diseaseLong safety recordType of arrhythmiaFetal outcomesRefractory arrhythmiasDevice therapyAntiarrhythmic drugsCatheter ablationAtrial fibrillationFirst trimesterCommon arrhythmiaPatient populationHeart diseaseSevere symptomsCardiac arrhythmiasArrhythmiasTherapeutic interventionsPregnancyMaternal populationMinimal dataTherapySafety recordTrimesterFibrillationPostpartum
Workman V, Freeman J, Forrest J, Upadhyaya K, Carney K, Enriquez A. BUNDLE BRANCH REENTRANT VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA AFTER TRANSCATHETER AORTIC VALVE REPLACEMENT. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2019, 73: 2934. DOI: 10.1016/s0735-1097(19)33540-5.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical Notes
Impact of general anesthesia on initiation and stability of VT during catheter ablation
Nof E, Reichlin T, Enriquez AD, Ng J, Nagashima K, Tokuda M, Barbhaiya C, John RM, Michaud GF, Tedrow U, Gross W, Stevenson WG. Impact of general anesthesia on initiation and stability of VT during catheter ablation. Heart Rhythm 2015, 12: 2213-2220. PMID: 26072026, DOI: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2015.06.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnesthesia, GeneralBody Surface Potential MappingBostonCatheter AblationCohort StudiesConscious SedationFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHospitals, UniversityHumansIsraelMalePostoperative ComplicationsRecurrenceRetrospective StudiesRisk AssessmentSeverity of Illness IndexStatistics, NonparametricSwitzerlandTachycardia, VentricularTreatment OutcomeConceptsClinical ventricular tachycardiaGeneral anesthesiaInducible ventricular tachycardiaInduced ventricular tachycardiaVentricular tachycardiaHemodynamic supportVT inducibilityConscious sedationRadiofrequency ablationEffects of GANonclinical ventricular tachycardiaLow ejection fractionMajority of patientsIntravenous conscious sedationEjection fractionNonischemic cardiomyopathyCatheter ablationRetrospective studyVT inductionVT morphologiesProspective groupRetrospective comparisonGA groupPatientsProcedure outcomesBetter outcome of ablation for sustained outflow-tract ventricular tachycardia when tachycardia is inducible
Choi EK, Kumar S, Nagashima K, Lin KY, Barbhaiya CR, Chinitz JS, Enriquez AD, Helmbold AF, Baldinger SH, Tedrow UB, Koplan BA, Michaud GF, John RM, Epstein LM, Stevenson WG. Better outcome of ablation for sustained outflow-tract ventricular tachycardia when tachycardia is inducible. EP Europace 2015, 17: 1571-1579. PMID: 25840288, DOI: 10.1093/europace/euv064.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPremature ventricular contractionsOvert structural heart diseaseOutflow tract ventricular tachycardiaMultiple VT morphologiesInducible ventricular tachycardiaStructural heart diseaseSustained ventricular tachycardiaVentricular tachycardiaInducible groupHeart diseaseVT morphologiesBetter outcomesInducibility of VTSpontaneous sustained ventricular tachycardiaCatheter ablationOutflow tract regionAblation outcomesMM groupVentricular contractionsGreat vesselsPatientsSM groupTachycardiaPVC morphologyOutcomes“Needle-in-needle” epicardial access: Preliminary observations with a modified technique for facilitating epicardial interventional procedures
Kumar S, Bazaz R, Barbhaiya CR, Enriquez AD, Helmbold AF, Chinitz JS, Baldinger SH, Mahida S, McConville JW, Tedrow UB, John RM, Michaud GF, Stevenson WG. “Needle-in-needle” epicardial access: Preliminary observations with a modified technique for facilitating epicardial interventional procedures. Heart Rhythm 2015, 12: 1691-1697. PMID: 25828599, DOI: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2015.03.045.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Incidence, predictors, and evolution of conduction disorders and atrial arrhythmias after contemporary mitral valve repair
Viles-Gonzalez JF, Enriquez AD, Castillo JG, Coffey JO, Pastori L, Reddy VY, Adams DH, Fuster V. Incidence, predictors, and evolution of conduction disorders and atrial arrhythmias after contemporary mitral valve repair. Cardiology Journal 2014, 21: 569-575. PMID: 24526511, DOI: 10.5603/cj.a2014.0016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsArrhythmias, CardiacAtrial FibrillationAtrioventricular BlockBrugada SyndromeBundle-Branch BlockCardiac Conduction System DiseaseCardiac Surgical ProceduresElectrocardiographyFemaleHeart Conduction SystemHeart Valve DiseasesHumansIncidenceMaleMiddle AgedMitral ValvePostoperative ComplicationsRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsUnited StatesConceptsRight bundle branch blockMitral valve repairAtrio-ventricular blockAtrial arrhythmiasConduction disordersBypass timeAtrial sizeCardiac surgeryIndependent predictorsValve repairMultivariate predictorsFirst degree atrio-ventricular blockConcomitant mitral valve repairDegree atrio-ventricular blockOnly multivariate predictorPrior cardiac surgeryPrompt clinical recoverySignificant valvular regurgitationComplete atrio-ventricular blockTreatment of choiceLength of stayBundle branch blockCommon atrial arrhythmiaPreoperative pacemakerProlong hospitalizationClinical Impact of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With the HeartMate II Left Ventricular Assist Device
Enriquez AD, Calenda B, Gandhi PU, Nair AP, Anyanwu AC, Pinney SP. Clinical Impact of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With the HeartMate II Left Ventricular Assist Device. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2014, 64: 1883-1890. PMID: 25444141, DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2014.07.989.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsParoxysmal atrial fibrillationAtrial fibrillationHF hospitalizationThromboembolic eventsVentricular assist deviceHeartMate IIHMII LVADAssist deviceImpact of AFCox proportional hazards regressionEffect of AFKaplan-Meier survival analysisHigh INR levelsHeart failure hospitalizationMajor bleeding eventsPersistent atrial fibrillationProportional hazards regressionBleeding eventsHMII implantationINR levelsFailure hospitalizationPatient yearsComposite endpointIndependent predictorsClinical outcomesContemporary Management of Arrhythmias During Pregnancy
Enriquez AD, Economy KE, Tedrow UB. Contemporary Management of Arrhythmias During Pregnancy. Circulation Arrhythmia And Electrophysiology 2014, 7: 961-967. PMID: 25336366, DOI: 10.1161/circep.114.001517.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Clinical Care
Alan Enriquez, MD, is a cardiac electrophysiologist who focuses on abnormal heart rhythms and likens himself to being an electrician for the heart.
Coming from an immediate and extended family filled with physicians, Dr. Enriquez says he grew up set against becoming a physician. “I didn’t want to do what everyone else did. For my undergraduate degree, I started off as a double-major in neuroscience and economics thinking I wanted to go into business,” he says. “But by sophomore year, my heart wasn’t in it and I was really interested in science and medicine.”
He chose electrophysiology as his specialty because of its blend of working with his hands and taking care of patients over a long period of time. “I think it’s the best field because of this unique mixture. It’s also a really young specialty with so much innovation in recent years. We are doing new things every single day,” he says. “I truly enjoy my work.”
Dr. Enriquez performs catheter ablation of complex arrhythmias such as refractory persistent atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, and arrhythmias related to heart failure and valve disease.
“I focus on abnormal heart rhythms. Often, that is helping people with symptoms, such as an especially fast heartbeat, and making them feel better. When a patient has an irregular heartbeat, I always reassure them that we can manage this,” Dr. Enriquez says. “There are certain conditions that are more serious, but we can deal with those, too. We have defibrillators and pacemakers and procedures like ablation to help.”
Dr. Enriquez’s research interests include exploring genetic diseases that can cause ventricular tachycardia.
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Atrioventricular Block
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Board Certifications
Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology
- Certification Organization
- AB of Internal Medicine
- Original Certification Date
- 2015
Cardiovascular Disease
- Certification Organization
- AB of Internal Medicine
- Original Certification Date
- 2013
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