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    Oliva Selected to Receive ASHP Travel Award

    May 05, 2023

    Henrique Oliva, MD, PhD, postdoctoral associate in the Yale Department of Psychiatry, has been selected to receive a travel award to attend and present work at the American Society of Hispanic Psychiatry (ASHP) annual meeting in San Francisco.

    The meeting is May 19 and 20, 2023. ASHP’s mission is to promote research, professional education, and clinical activities in the field of mental health through the participation and collaboration of Hispanic psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals in the United States, Latin America, and the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal).

    Oliva will compete at the meeting for the ASHP Don Quixote Award, presented for the best oral presentation by an early-career investigator.

    Oliva works in the Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit (CNRU) of the Connecticut Mental Health Center. He is part of the Yale Cocaine Research Clinic, and mentored by Gustavo Angarita, MD, MHS, assistant professor of psychiatry. He will be presenting work funded by NIH/NIDA Grant R01 DA052454-02.