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    New GSAS Chair: Meaghan McGeary

    April 15, 2020

    Congratulations to Meaghan McGeary for being elected as chair of Yale’s Graduate Student Assembly!

    Meaghan McGeary was elected chair of the Graduate Student Assembly in April 2020. The GSA is the student government body of the graduate school - composed of student representatives from each graduate school department. Meaghan had served as the Experimental Pathology rep since 2017, and took over as Assembly chair in May 2020. In this role, she runs assembly meetings and serves as the primary advocate and interlocutor between the Assembly and the GSAS and university administrations, through frequent meetings with administrators, university committees and student groups. Her focus as chair has largely been on student needs through the COVID-19 pandemic, including fighting for university recognition of the mental health and wellness needs of graduate students. In addition, she has led the GSA in codifying their 5-year strategic plan, exploring what an ideal graduate education looks like in this changing era, and prioritizing projects ranging from improving dental care to addressing transportation needs of students.

    Thank you for all of your hard work, Meaghan!