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    Kavli Institute for Neuroscience Celebrates 20 Years with Symposium on Sept. 20

    August 30, 2024

    The Kavli Institute for Neuroscience at Yale invites all Yale affiliates to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Institute on Friday, Sept. 20, 2024. The Kavli Institute for Neuroscience aims to understand how genes, molecules, cells, and neural circuits interact to give rise to brain development and behavior, and to apply this knowledge to advance treatments for brain disorders.

    For its 20th anniversary, the Kavli Institute is hosting a one-day celebratory symposium. In alignment with its mission, the symposium will highlight many subfields of neuroscience, and will feature talks from renowned external speakers, Yale faculty, and Yale trainees. We hope you will celebrate with us during this very special event.

    Kavli 20th Anniversary Symposium schedule:

    8:40 AM- Introduction
    Stephen Strittmatter, MD, PhD

    9:00 AM - Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience
    Session chair: Shawn Ferguson, PhD
    Speakers: Kang Shen, PhD - Pietro De Camilli, MD - Maryann Platt, PhD

    10:10 AM - Systems Neuroscience and Behavior
    Session chair: Liang Liang, PhD
    Speakers: Randy Bruno, PhD - Marina Picciotto, PhD - Lisa Baik, PhD

    11:30 AM - Computational Neuroscience
    Session chair: Anirvan Nandy, PhD
    Speakers: Ken Miller, PhD - Smita Krishnaswamy, PhD - Erica Busch

    12:45 PM - Poster session 1 + lunch

    2:00 PM - Disease
    Session chair: Ellen Hoffman, MD, PhD
    Speakers: Michel Goedert, MD, PhD - Sreeganga Chandra, PhD - Amanda Bentley-DeSousa, PhD

    3:10 PM - Development
    Session chair: Emilia Favuzzi, PhD
    Speakers: Oscar Marín, PhD - Nenad Sestan, MD, PhD - Soraya Scuderi, PhD

    4:20 PM - Poster Session 2 + Reception

    This event is open to all Yale affiliates on a first come first serve basis. There is no sign up required. The TAC auditorium can accommodate 150 people.