activity Head and Neck Cancer Outcomes and Quality of Care Research
activity Reconstruction Panel / Transoral Robotic Surgery
honor Excellence in Clinical Care
activity HPV and Oropharynx Cancer for Front Line Providers
honor Faculty Teaching Award
honor Extra Mile Award
activity Maxillary Reconstruction after Cancer
honor Faculty Teaching Award
activity Decision Making in Pharyngeal Reconstruction after Laryngectomy / Management of Pharyngo-esophageal Stenosis After Total Laryngectomy
activity Salivary Endoscopy: Overview, Indications, and Innovations
activity Striving for a New and Improved National Thyroid Cancer Database
Abstract/SynopsisDescribing an innovative web-based tool called the Thyroid Cancer Care Collaborative to improve database research in thyroid cancer across the country.
activity Improving the Quality of Thyroid Cancer Care: How Does the Thyroid Cancer Care Collaborative Cross the Institute of Medicine’s Quality Chasm?
Abstract/SynopsisUsing IOM initiatives to measure quality in cancer care.
honor Chief Resident Teaching Award
activity Facial Nerve Monitoring in Resection of Complex Vascular Malformations of the Head and Neck: Description and outcomes of a new methodology.
Abstract/SynopsisReview of experience with an active FNM during resection of complex tumors of the face.
activity The role of otolaryngologists in anterior approaches to the cervical spine: a review of 193 consecutive cases.
Abstract/SynopsisReview of voice and swallowing outcomes in anterior approaches to the cervical spine.
honor Distinguished House Staff Award
activity Case Series with Endoscopic Findings of a Novel Nasal Irrigation Protocol
Abstract/SynopsisNasal irrigation protocol for recalcitrant sinus disease.
honor Coakley Memorial Prize for Excellence in Otolaryngology
honor Chancellor's Scholarship