Yale Surgical Society
Mission “To Sustain the Best in Surgical Science Practice and Service”
The Yale Surgical Society is founded with pride to serve the tradition of surgery at Yale which has seen successive generations of surgeons grow to clinical maturity, excellence, and service. The tradition is remembered in order to preserve the camaraderie, the sacrifice and the ambition of trainees, faculty and staff. The tradition is further served by stewardship to subsequent generations who are challenged to attain and sustain the best in surgical science, practice and service. The Yale Surgical Society will candidly and constructively advise and support the contemporary lest the past be recalled poorly and the future be deprived of its lessons and inspiration. The Yale Surgical Society will also apply knowledge gained in our profession after training to inform the Yale surgical programs of the insight gained and to sponsor our successors in their efforts after training.
Please contact Ania Shea, 203.785.7890 regarding the Yale Surgical Society.
Proposed Slate of Officers
President - Bauer Sumpio, MD, PhD
Vice-President - Tobias Carling, MD, PhD
Treasurer - Vikram Reddy, MD PhD
Secretary - Deepak Narayan, MD, MBBS
Past President - Walter E. Longo, MD, MBA
YSM Fac. Adv. - John Fenn, MD
Archivist - Michael O'Brien, MD
Founders - Andrew Graham, MD and Ronald Merrell, MD
Board Members
Stephen Ariyan - MD
Kimberly Davis - MD
Hulda Einarsdottir - MD
Anthony Kim - MD
James Passarelli - MD
Robert Schlessel - MD
Exec. Secretary
Ania Shea