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Graduate & Postdoctoral Student Opportunities

Many of the faculty in the Department of Laboratory Medicine train Basic Science PhD, MD/PhD graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows in their research laboratories. The Department does not offer an independent PhD degree in Laboratory Medicine; instead, the faculty participate in the major Yale University and Yale School of Medicine PhD programs in the sciences. One of these programs includes an innovative track for individuals who already hold an MD degree and who wish to obtain a PhD degree - the Investigative Medicine PhD program. Application to these Yale graduate student programs may be made through one of the following venues:


Applications for post-doctoral appointments may be made directly with an individual research laboratory faculty member. Please see the faculty section of this Web site. In addition, the Department has a specific basic research training program for post-doctoral MDs, MD/PhDs, and PhDs interested in a long-term physician-scientist or clinician-scientist career in the broad discipline of Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine. The program is especially relevant to those recently clinically certified in AP and/or CP, Transfusion Medicine, Hematopathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Genetics, Medicine/Hematology-Oncology, Allergy and Immunology or Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. Research mentors are drawn from a large number of Yale scientists in basic science and bridge departments. For more information, follow the link below:

Postdocs & Fellows

Policies for Postdocs and fellows can be found on the Postdoctoral office website or you may contact John Alvaro's office.


Residents in the Department of Laboratory Medicine also have the opportunity to carry out investigative work either with Laboratory Medicine faculty and/or with any Yale faculty member in the Schools of Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health, or Arts and Sciences. Touring the Yale University website can provide some information on the broad range of faculty interests within the University.