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LabMed Residency Program


Our residency program is one of the larger programs in the country, serving the sixth largest hospital in the country. The depth and breadth of our academic medical center (including the Smilow Cancer Hospital, the Children’s Hospital, and major centers of excellence in Translational Immunology, Neurosciences, Transfusion/Hematology, and Informatics) allows us to educate our residents and fellows in both today’s state-of-the-art pathology as well as in the future of practice. Rotations at our associated community hospital and the Connecticut VA provide a broad practice experience. This breadth also allows us to more effectively tailor training to a particular resident/fellow’s career plans, matching electives and combination programs, residency and fellowship, residency and scientific training) to the needs of the individual, what we like to think of as “personalized GME training”. For example, in addition to our physician-scientist track, we also offer an opportunity for MD trainees to obtain a PhD in Investigative Medicine or a MHS degree to enhance clinical/translational investigation. We are fortunate to have a diverse, expert and accessible faculty very dedicated to teaching. Indeed, the Departments of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine faculty have won 30% of the Medical School wide Bohmfalk Teaching Awards since the inception of that Award.

Residency Training

Residency Training

Programs are available for residents in the combined Anatomic Pathology (AP)/Clinical Pathology (CP) Program, as well as for residents in either straight CP or straight AP. Learn more about our combined AP/CP Program here.

An 18-month core curriculum in CP is offered to all AP/CP and CP-only residents to assure familiarity with all aspects of Laboratory Medicine. The core curriculum allows flexibility for subspecialization and tailoring the CP electives program to the individual interests of each resident. Residents in the CP-only program, go on to complete an additional 18 months of clinical and subspecialty training and research in Laboratory Medicine. Research may be pursued not only within the Department, but also with mentors in basic science or clinical departments in the School of Medicine, School of Public Health, and Yale University.

Clinical Pathology Residency Experience

Our program is designed to provide residents with a good foundation of knowledge in all aspects of Clinical Pathology and an in-depth experience in one of the subspecialties that particularly interests them. To accomplish this, residents rotate through each of the sections of the Clinical Laboratories during their first year.
An 18-month core curriculum in CP is offered to all residents to assure familiarity with all aspects of Laboratory Medicine. The core curriculum allows flexibility for subspecialization and tailoring the CP electives program to the individual interests of each resident. Core rotations include:

  • Clinical Chemistry
  • Medical Microbiology and Virology
  • Transfusion Medicine
  • Hematology
  • Immunology and Flow Cytometry
  • Molecular Diagnostics and Precision Medicine
  • Veterans Administration Rotation
  • Laboratory Administration
  • Clinical Informatics

Research and clinical subspecialty opportunities are available to allow completion of the final 18 months of training in the CP track. Upon completion of the program, residents are prepared for careers in either academic or community medicine.

Many applicants for Clinical Pathology training have already begun to focus on a clinical subspecialty interest and are often considering additional fellowship training. Our fellowship program directors in Chemistry, Hematopathology, Microbiology, and Transfusion work closely with the program director for CP, as well as the overall AP/CP & AP-only tracks, to integrate joint recruitment for residency/fellowship at the time of residency matching. Such joint recruitment is also crafted to allow for creativity in the design of each individual’s training pathway, e.g., some residents elect to do fellowship training after 2, rather than 3, years of CP residency, while other applicants wish to pursue fellowship training after they have completed some post-doctoral work following CP residency. As always, our commitment to training is based on helping each individual develop their best career pathway as they advance to junior faculty status.

Apply to the Clinical Pathology Residency Program

Residents must have a Doctor of Medicine degree from an approved U.S. or Canadian medical school or must hold a currently valid ECFMG certificate if they are physicians with M.D. degrees from other medical schools.

All applications to the program must be made via the ERAS program administered by the NRMP. Applicants are encouraged to contact the program director (Dr. Nataliya Sostin) beforehand to discuss their career plans and to explore how Yale can help them accomplish their goals.

An Example Timeline of CP-only PST Training through Junior Faculty

Title Role Description and Support
CP-1 resident PGY-1 Clinical CP training, GME
CP-2 resident PGY-2 Clinical CP training Research, GME
CP-3 resident PGY-3 Clinical CP training & Research, GME
Post-doc Instructor Research, T32 Departmental
Subspecialty fellowship Fellow Clinical subspecialty, GME Departmental
Post-doc Instructor Research, T32 & Departmental
Junior faculty appointment Assistant Professor Research, K award Departmental
Ongoing Junior faculty Assistant Professor Research, optional clinical role, grants Departmental