For Physicians
The Department provides comprehensive, laboratory services directly to patients in Connecticut and also provides reference laboratory services to hospitals, large practices and institutions from much of New England and, for highly specialized services, across North America.
Yale New Haven hospital offers a multitude of blood draw stations including, a stat laboratory facility which operates at the Shoreline Medical Center in Guilford. There shoreline patients can have blood drawn for test results you may need in your office with rapid turnaround; results can be called and/or faxed as needed.
Test Results
Your patient's test results are available by faxing, mail and/or courier hardcopy delivery, as well as through system-wide web-based electronic access including Epic Hyperspace and Epic CareLink.
All test results in-patient and out-patient (regardless of which of our facilities they are performed at) are integrated into the on-line electronic systems and with all in-patient results.
We welcome inquiries from your office regarding our services, establishment of drop-boxes ('milk boxes') for sample pick-up at your office by our couriers, help with getting onto EPIC, and phone consultations with our clinical pathologists regarding interpretation of tests performed by our laboratory on your patients.
Please contact our Outreach Marketing Coordinator for assistance.
Related Links
Outpatient Laboratory Requisition
Laboratory results can be faxed, accessed electronically, or can be mailed or delivered directly as hard-copy.
Laboratory Medicine Customer Service
Dr. Henry Rinder M.D., Director of Outreach