Cost-Effectiveness of Eltrombopag Plus Immunosuppressive Therapy Versus Immunosuppressive Therapy Alone in Adults with Severe Aplastic Anemia in the United States
Potnis K, Ito S, Patel K, Shallis R, Podoltsev N, Kewan T, Stempel J, Mendez L, Huntington S, Stahl M, Zeidan A, Bewersdorf J, Goshua G. Cost-Effectiveness of Eltrombopag Plus Immunosuppressive Therapy Versus Immunosuppressive Therapy Alone in Adults with Severe Aplastic Anemia in the United States. Blood 2024, 144: 3644. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-204312.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSevere aplastic anemiaTreatment of severe aplastic anemiaQuality-adjusted life yearsAplastic anemiaIncremental net monetary benefitDeterministic sensitivity analysisProbabilistic sensitivity analysesImmunosuppressive therapyNewly diagnosed severe aplastic anemiaCost-effectiveness of eltrombopagOral thrombopoietin receptor agonistPatients treated with eltrombopagUntreated severe aplastic anemiaHematopoietic stem cell transplantationCost-effective therapeutic strategyDevelopment of adverse eventsLonger-term follow-up dataRACE trialsLater-line therapyThrombopoietin receptor agonistsPhase I/II trialSecond-line therapyStem cell transplantationU.S. payer perspectiveFirst-line treatmentIdentifying Patients with Erythrocytosis Not Requiring JAK2 Testing: External Validation and Decision Analysis of the Jakpot Prediction Rule
Lam B, Ito S, Ryu J, O'Sullivan K, Potnis K, Lu R, Bidikian A, Freed J, La J, Goshua G. Identifying Patients with Erythrocytosis Not Requiring JAK2 Testing: External Validation and Decision Analysis of the Jakpot Prediction Rule. Blood 2024, 144: 3669-3669. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-198033.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNegative predictive valueBeth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterClinical prediction rulePolycythemia veraIncremental net monetary benefitHealth resource utilizationPV patientsMyeloproliferative neoplasmsVA cohortTest characteristicsUS health system perspectivePrediction ruleAssociated with increased riskNon-fatal cardiovascular eventsExternal validation cohortAssociated with increased risk of strokeRandomized trial dataMarkov cohort modelLifetime time horizonProbabilistic sensitivity analysesRisk of strokePersistent erythrocytosisMedian ageHematologic malignanciesDiagnostic workupCost-Effectiveness of Oral Versus Intravenous First-Line Treatment of Severe Iron Deficiency Anemia in Women with Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Wang D, Wang D, Glaeser-Khan S, Moshashaian Asl R, Chetlapalli K, Ito S, Cuker A, Goshua G. Cost-Effectiveness of Oral Versus Intravenous First-Line Treatment of Severe Iron Deficiency Anemia in Women with Heavy Menstrual Bleeding. Blood 2024, 144: 281-281. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-198803.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSevere iron deficiency anemiaHeavy menstrual bleedingIron deficiency anemiaOral ferrous sulfateIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioIV iron sucroseIV iron dextranFirst-line treatmentFirst-lineIron sucroseQuality-adjusted life expectancyOral ironSecond-lineDeterministic sensitivity analysisProbabilistic sensitivity analysesIron dextranMenstrual bleedingDeficiency anemiaIron deficiencyUS health system perspectiveTreated with oral ironIV iron supplementationIV iron treatmentOral iron therapyDevelopment of iron deficiencyCost-Effectiveness of Universal Duffy Testing at 9-12 Months: An Effort Towards Equity in Interpreting Absolute Neutrophil Counts (ANC)
Merz L, Ito S, Walkovich K, Achebe M, Van Havre N, Frustace P, Goshua G. Cost-Effectiveness of Universal Duffy Testing at 9-12 Months: An Effort Towards Equity in Interpreting Absolute Neutrophil Counts (ANC). Blood 2024, 144: 162. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-202605.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIncremental net monetary benefitAbsolute neutrophil countWork-upBirth cohortBase-caseCenters for Medicare & Medicaid ServicesMitigate patient harmCost-effective strategyUniversal testingUS health system perspectiveThreshold sensitivity analysisDiscounted quality-adjusted life yearsInfectious work-upHealth system perspectiveNo testBone marrow biopsyIncreased risk of infectionCross-sectional studyAnti-neutrophil antibodiesDiagnostic work-upQuality-adjusted life yearsUniversal testing strategiesUnited StatesCost-effectiveMarkov cohort modelDeciding between Multiple Curative Options in Sickle Cell Disease: Cost-Effectiveness of Non-Myeloablative/Reduced Intensity Conditioning Haploidentical Allo-HSCT Vs Gene Therapy Vs Standard of Care in Adult Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
Chetlapalli K, Butt A, Ito S, Wang D, Calhoun C, Krishnamurti L, Pandya A, Goshua G. Deciding between Multiple Curative Options in Sickle Cell Disease: Cost-Effectiveness of Non-Myeloablative/Reduced Intensity Conditioning Haploidentical Allo-HSCT Vs Gene Therapy Vs Standard of Care in Adult Patients with Sickle Cell Disease. Blood 2024, 144: 601-601. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-203234.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChronic graft-versus-host diseaseSickle cell diseaseQuality-adjusted life yearsPost-transplant cyclophosphamideReduced intensity conditioningAllo-HSCTGene therapyCurative optionIncremental net monetary benefitProbabilistic sensitivity analysesMyeloablative conditioningHaploidentical donorsCell diseaseAdult patientsExpansion of donor poolUS health system perspectiveCenter for International Blood and Marrow Transplant ResearchGraft-versus-host diseaseEuropean Society for BloodSickle cell disease severityUS commercially insured patientsCost-effective therapeutic optionCost-effectiveness analysisAllo-HSCT outcomesDonor allo-HSCTSex, Lies, and Iron Deficiency in 2024: Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Ferritin Thresholds for the Treatment of Iron Deficiency in Women of Reproductive Age
Wang D, Glaeser-Khan S, Wang D, Moshashaian Asl R, Chetlapalli K, Ito S, Cuker A, Goshua G. Sex, Lies, and Iron Deficiency in 2024: Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Ferritin Thresholds for the Treatment of Iron Deficiency in Women of Reproductive Age. Blood 2024, 144: 277-277. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-203654.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioFerritin thresholdIron deficiencyCost-effectiveness ratioIron supplementationNational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey dataUS Medical Expenditure Panel SurveyNutrition Examination Survey dataMedical Expenditure Panel SurveyAverage annual healthcare costsHealth-related well-beingWillingness-to-pay (WTP) thresholdAbsence of universal screeningAnnual healthcare costsWell-being of affected individualsAdult womenStudies of iron statusCost-effective interventionID diagnosisIron dextranTreated with iron supplementationTreatment of iron deficiencyHematologic follow-upOral ferrous sulfateIntravenous iron dextranPreventing Long-Term Neurologic Disability in Hemophilia (A): Cost-Effectiveness of Emicizumab Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Infants with Severe Hemophilia (A)
Glaeser-Khan S, Richmond R, Ito S, Bona R, Krumholz H, Cuker A, Goshua G. Preventing Long-Term Neurologic Disability in Hemophilia (A): Cost-Effectiveness of Emicizumab Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Infants with Severe Hemophilia (A). Blood 2024, 144: 157-157. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-203690.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioStandard-of-careStandard half-lifeEmicizumab prophylaxisSevere hemophilia AIntracranial hemorrhageIntracranial hemorrhage incidenceSevere HAHemophilia AProbabilistic sensitivity analysesYears of agePrevention of intracranial hemorrhageNeurological disabilityPrevent intracranial hemorrhageIntracranial hemorrhage eventsIntracranial hemorrhage riskPhase III studyBase-casePersistent neurological disabilityAged 1 monthFactor VIII replacementStandard-of-care armUS societal perspectiveInfants aged 0Aged 0Cost-effectiveness of iptacopan in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Ito S, Chetlapalli K, Wang D, Potnis K, Richmond R, Krumholz H, Lee A, Cuker A, Goshua G. Cost-effectiveness of iptacopan in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. Blood 2024 PMID: 39374533, DOI: 10.1182/blood.2024025176.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStandard-of-careParoxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuriaIncremental net monetary benefitNocturnal hemoglobinuriaComplement-mediated hemolytic anemiaTreating paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuriaComplement C5 inhibitor eculizumabPhase 3 studyQuality-adjusted life expectancyRare blood disorderComprehensive cost-effectiveness analysisProbabilistic sensitivity analysesCost-saving thresholdsC5 inhibitor eculizumabNet monetary benefitPersistent anemiaIptacopanExtravascular hemolysisIntravenous infusionMonotherapyHemolytic anemiaAnemia resolutionC5 inhibitionFDA approvalPrimary outcomeCancer research is not correlated with driver gene mutation burdens
Mendiratta G, Liarakos D, Tong M, Ito S, Ke E, Goshua G, Stites E. Cancer research is not correlated with driver gene mutation burdens. Med 2024, 5: 832-838.e4. PMID: 38908369, DOI: 10.1016/j.medj.2024.05.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCancer patient populationCancer researchCancer research effortsResearch allocation decisionsNational InstitutePatient populationResearch fundingBurdenBurden of mutationsFunding decisionsCancerGenetic driversGene mutation burdenFunding amountFundingGenetic drivers of cancerAllocation decisionsCancer-associated genesEpidemiologyDrivers of cancerMutational burdenBaselineEffortsFactorsBalance of prioritiesCost-effectiveness of bevacizumab therapy in the care of patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
Wang D, Ito S, Waldron C, Butt A, Zhang E, Krumholz H, Al-Samkari H, Goshua G. Cost-effectiveness of bevacizumab therapy in the care of patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Blood Advances 2024, 8: 2835-2845. PMID: 38537061, PMCID: PMC11176968, DOI: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2024012589.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIncremental net monetary benefitHereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasiaStandard-of-careBevacizumab therapyWillingness-to-payNet monetary benefitHemorrhagic telangiectasiaWillingness-to-pay thresholdsStandard-of-care strategiesCare of patientsCost-effectiveness analysisAnti-VEGF bevacizumabSystemic antiangiogenic therapyCurrent standard-of-careMonetary benefitsTime horizonFormulary placementHealthcare resource utilizationStandard of careLifetime time horizonPatient quality-of-lifeScenario analysisProbabilistic sensitivity analysesIV bevacizumabAnti-VEGFCost-effectiveness of prophylaxis with recombinant vs plasma-derived VWF in severe von Willebrand disease in the United States
Waldron C, Ito S, Wang D, Allen C, Viswanathan G, Bona R, Cuker A, Goshua G. Cost-effectiveness of prophylaxis with recombinant vs plasma-derived VWF in severe von Willebrand disease in the United States. Blood 2024, 143: 2332-2335. PMID: 38635764, DOI: 10.1182/blood.2024024209.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCost-effectiveness of rapid vs in-house vs send-out ADAMTS13 testing for immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Allen C, Ito S, Butt A, Purcell A, Richmond R, Tormey C, Krumholz H, Cuker A, Goshua G. Cost-effectiveness of rapid vs in-house vs send-out ADAMTS13 testing for immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Blood Advances 2024, 8: 2279-2289. PMID: 38502197, PMCID: PMC11116991, DOI: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2024012608.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImmune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpuraPLASMIC scoreThrombotic thrombocytopenic purpuraThrombocytopenic purpuraADAMTS13 testingIncremental net monetary benefitPer-patient cost savingsTherapeutic plasma exchangeBase-case analysisMarkov cohort simulationProbabilistic sensitivity analysesAmount of QALYEmpirical therapyADAMTS13 assaysPlasma exchangeEmpirical treatmentCaplacizumabFRET-based assayPrimary outcomePatientsNet monetary benefitCohort simulationCost-effectiveness evaluationPurpuraTesting strategiesCost‐effectiveness of sutimlimab in cold agglutinin disease
Ito S, Wang D, Purcell A, Chetlapalli K, Lee A, Cuker A, Goshua G. Cost‐effectiveness of sutimlimab in cold agglutinin disease. American Journal Of Hematology 2024, 99: 1475-1484. PMID: 38733355, DOI: 10.1002/ajh.27358.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrimary cold agglutinin diseaseCold agglutinin diseaseStandard-of-careIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioUS willingness-to-pay thresholdRare autoimmune hemolytic anemiaPhase 3 studyWillingness-to-pay thresholdsAutoimmune hemolytic anemiaTime-limited treatmentHuman monoclonal antibodyCold-reactive antibodiesBinding to red blood cellsFollow-up dataCost-effectiveness ratioComplement-mediated hemolysisDeterministic sensitivity analysisHealth resource utilizationProbabilistic sensitivity analysesTransfusion-dependentClinical remissionTransfusion supportImprove quality of lifeRed blood cellsHemolytic anemiaDecreasing alloimmunization‐specific mortality in sickle cell disease in the United States: Cost‐effectiveness of a shared transfusion resource
Ito S, Pandya A, Hauser R, Krishnamurti L, Stites E, Tormey C, Krumholz H, Hendrickson J, Goshua G. Decreasing alloimmunization‐specific mortality in sickle cell disease in the United States: Cost‐effectiveness of a shared transfusion resource. American Journal Of Hematology 2024, 99: 570-576. PMID: 38279581, DOI: 10.1002/ajh.27211.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSickle cell diseaseDelayed hemolytic transfusion reactionQuality-adjusted life expectancyAlloimmunized patientsPatient populationRed blood cell alloimmunizationCell diseaseCost-effective interventionMedical expenditure of patientsHealth system perspectiveExpenditure of patientsIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioHemolytic transfusion reactionsUnited StatesMarkov cohort simulationCost-effectiveAverage patient populationCost-effectiveness ratioBirth cohortAnalytical time horizonAntibody historyCohort simulationTransfusionTransfusion reactionsLife expectancy
Cost-Effectiveness of Sutimlimab Versus Standard-of-Care in Transfusion Dependent Patients with Primary Cold Agglutinin Disease in the United States
Ito S, Wang D, Purcell A, Chetlapalli K, Lee A, Cuker A, Goshua G. Cost-Effectiveness of Sutimlimab Versus Standard-of-Care in Transfusion Dependent Patients with Primary Cold Agglutinin Disease in the United States. Blood 2023, 142: 2316. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-187270.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrimary cold agglutinin diseaseCold agglutinin diseaseIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioTransfusion-dependent patientsIncremental net monetary benefitProbabilistic sensitivity analysesDistributional cost-effectiveness analysisAnemia severityBody weightPhase 3 clinical studiesHealth resource utilizationRed blood cell destructionDisease-specific mortalityHistory of transfusionAutoimmune hemolytic anemiaMarkov state transition modelCare of patientsHumanized monoclonal antibodyLower body weightBlood cell destructionCost-effectiveness ratioFDA package insertsCold-reactive antibodiesBase-case analysisCost-effectiveness analysisAllotransplantation and Gene Therapy Equity for Children with Sickle Cell Disease: Distributional Cost-Effectiveness of Allotransplantation Vs Gene Therapy Vs Standard-of-Care in Pediatric Patients with Sickle Cell Disease in the United States
Goshua G, Ito S, Chetlapalli K, Potnis K, Calhoun C, Krishnamurti L, Krumholz H, Pandya A. Allotransplantation and Gene Therapy Equity for Children with Sickle Cell Disease: Distributional Cost-Effectiveness of Allotransplantation Vs Gene Therapy Vs Standard-of-Care in Pediatric Patients with Sickle Cell Disease in the United States. Blood 2023, 142: 490. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-191072.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSickle cell diseaseIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioDistributional cost-effectiveness analysisPediatric patientsCell diseaseCost-effectiveness analysisDisease severityHealth resource utilization dataPediatric Health Information SystemGene therapyJustifiable treatment optionTransplant-related mortalityVaso-occlusive crisisExpert clinical experienceMarrow Transplant ResearchSubstantial mortality riskVisual analog scaleQuality-adjusted life expectancyConcomitant riskCost-effectiveness ratioResource utilization dataCost-effectiveness frontierHost diseaseMaximum patientsOpioid therapyLongitudinal Systemic Bevacizumab Therapy Produces Cost Savings and Improves Quality-Adjusted Life Expectancy in the Care of Patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia with Moderate-to-Severe Bleeding
Wang D, Ito S, Waldron C, Butt A, Zhang E, Krumholz H, Al-Samkari H, Goshua G. Longitudinal Systemic Bevacizumab Therapy Produces Cost Savings and Improves Quality-Adjusted Life Expectancy in the Care of Patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia with Moderate-to-Severe Bleeding. Blood 2023, 142: 2312. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-185340.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasiaIncremental net monetary benefitIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioEmergency department visitsCare of patientsHemostatic proceduresIron infusionPatient timeBevacizumab therapyDepartment visitsRBC transfusionHemorrhagic telangiectasiaVascular endothelial growth factor inhibitionRed blood cell transfusionEQ-5D index valuesCommon hereditary bleeding disorderLocal hemostatic proceduresRBC transfusion needSystemic bevacizumab therapyHealth resource utilizationBlood cell transfusionWorld Health Organization VigiBaseLong-term followGrowth factor inhibitionCost-saving interventionCost-Effectiveness of Rapid Hemosil Versus in-House and Send-out ADAMTS13 Activity Testing in the Care of Patients with Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Allen C, Ito S, Butt A, Purcell A, Richmond R, Cuker A, Goshua G. Cost-Effectiveness of Rapid Hemosil Versus in-House and Send-out ADAMTS13 Activity Testing in the Care of Patients with Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Blood 2023, 142: 368. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-184927.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImmune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpuraTherapeutic plasma exchangeIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioThrombotic thrombocytopenic purpuraPLASMIC scoreIncremental net monetary benefitProbabilistic sensitivity analysesPlasma exchangeThrombocytopenic purpuraMedical intensive care unitADAMTS13 activity testingIntensive care unitCare of patientsActivity levelsHigh pretest probabilityClinical trial dataCost-effectiveness ratioCost-effectiveness evaluationDeterministic sensitivity analysesNet monetary benefitEmpiric treatmentAdverse eventsPrimary outcomeIll adultsCare unitEquitable Care for Severe Hemophilia_A: Distributional Cost-Effectiveness of Prophylactic Weekly Efanesoctocog Alfa Versus Standard-Care Factor VIII in Patients with Severe Hemophilia_A in the United States
Ito S, Potnis K, Allen C, Richmond R, Waldron C, Viswanathan G, Bona R, Goshua G. Equitable Care for Severe Hemophilia_A: Distributional Cost-Effectiveness of Prophylactic Weekly Efanesoctocog Alfa Versus Standard-Care Factor VIII in Patients with Severe Hemophilia_A in the United States. Blood 2023, 142: 492. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-190420.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioSevere hemophilia A.Quality-adjusted life expectancySevere haemophilia AHemophilia AFactor VIIIDistributional cost-effectiveness analysisHemophilia A.Chronic arthropathyOpen-label multicenter studyCoagulation factor replacementLifelong prophylactic treatmentCare of patientsCost-effectiveness ratioUSD/QALYProbabilistic sensitivity analysesCost-effectiveness analysisPackage insert informationDeterministic sensitivity analysesWeekly prophylaxisPrimary outcomeSecondary outcomesWeekly dosingFactor replacementIntracranial hemorrhageSecond-Line Therapy Sequencing in Primary Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia: Splenectomy-Rituximab Versus Rituximab-Splenectomy
Waldron C, Ito S, Wang D, Viswanathan G, Butt A, Goshua G. Second-Line Therapy Sequencing in Primary Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia: Splenectomy-Rituximab Versus Rituximab-Splenectomy. Blood 2023, 142: 2317. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-189957.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWarm autoimmune hemolytic anemiaSecond-line therapyAutoimmune hemolytic anemiaAdult patientsHemolytic anemiaSecond-line treatmentFirst-line treatmentPrevention of thrombosisDegree of anemiaLaparoscopic surgical techniquesPatient's disease statusQuality-adjusted life expectancyRate of infectionProbabilistic sensitivity analysesNet monetary benefitRituximab cyclesTherapy sequencingComplete remissionPartial remissionPerioperative mortalityPrimary outcomeTherapeutic sequencingLaparoscopic techniquePreferred treatmentRelapse risk