Classroom Materials
Prepare for each case conference in advance by reading the case(s) and any background reading that you feel is necessary to help you create a differential diagnosis and develop a treatment plan. For each case, the authors list “highly recommended” literature, copies of which may be given to you at the beginning of the clerkship. It is expected that you will read the highly recommended literature.
At the beginning of each outpatient rotation, you will receive a schedule indicating the date for your student-faculty round. Identify a patient early in your rotation who you and your preceptor believe will be suitable for this exercise. Well before your session, identify a topic related to ambulatory internal medicine care. Topics in disease diagnosis, pahtophysiology, management and prognosis are the most successful. The most important feature of a topic is that it interests you.
- During the last three weeks of the rotation, students will meet with an attending physician to review patients encountered at clinical sites. Students will be notified in advance that they will be asked to present a patient; each student will present at least once per rotation.
The anonymous multiple choice Problem-Focused Patient Exam Workshop consists of 4 problem focused scenarios in which the patients present with the same 4 symptoms as will be encountered in the workshop cases. The quiz provides immediate feedback and explanations.