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Five Yale Investigators Receive NIH U01 Award

September 05, 2024

Yale Principal Investigators Rong Fan, PhD, Mina L. Xu, MD, Stephanie Halene, MD, and Zongming Ma received an NIH U01 award to establish the Center for Human Lymphoma Spatiotemporal Atlas (HuLymSTA) for mapping spatiotemporal atlases of human lymphomas. Together with their colleagues, they will construct an atlas of human lymphomas in transformation from indolent to aggressive cancer. The award is part of a new round funding from the NIH/NCI Human Tumor Atlas Network.

In the coming years, this team will apply novel tools from biomedical engineering and data sciences to specific biological questions in lymphoid malignancies, directly addressing pathologic changes that may be targetable in the future. Human Tumor Atlas Network is an NCI-funded Cancer Moonshot initiative to construct 3-dimensional atlases of the dynamic cellular, morphological, and molecular features of human cancers as they evolve from precancerous lesions to advanced disease.

In addition, Gisela Gabernet, PhD, Associate Research Scientist in Pathology in the Lab of Steven Kleinstein, PhD, Anthony N. Brady Professor of Pathology, recently received a NIH U01 grant for her project titled, “Large-scale integrated data analysis of lymphocyte receptor repertoires with workflows.” It is a three-year, $1.5M project. Dr. Gabernet has a BSc in biotechnology from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, an MSc in Molecular Bioengineering from TU Dresden, and a PhD in Computational Drug Design from ETH Zurich.