Nur Afiqah Mohd Salleh
Dr. Nur Afiqah's research work examines institutional-related structures associated with engagement in HIV among people who use illicit drugs (PWUD). This epidemiological work is informed by sociological perspectives which framed the research questions within a wider social, economic and policy environment. As such, her doctoral research project applied institutional perspectives from a sociological view to explore the extent to which individual and organizational interactions are aligned in achieving a patient-centred care approach, specifically to facilitate improvements in HIV care outcomes among PWUD.
Her current research activities have incorporated a community-based participatory research (CBPR) component. Using this approach, she engages with local communities of PWUD and NGOs that serve these populations, whose collective views in the design and implementation of health programs are key in developing effective interventions. Dr. Nur Afiqah was trained in Implementation Science at the Yale University, USA. She is currently the principal investigator for the study entitled, “A Study to Engage Malaysian People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) to Comprehensive HIV Key Services (SEMARAK).”