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Additional Training Opportunities

Clinical/Clinician Educator Yale ID Fellows have the opportunity to receive additional specialized training. Three available one-year fellowship opportunities include:

Medical Microbiology Fellowship

Fellows interested in enhancing their diagnostic skills in microbiology can apply to spend one additional year in this training. Fellows that have completed this training have secured jobs where they provide infectious diseases consultation and serve in roles in medical microbiology laboratories.

Addiction Medicine Fellowship

The Yale ID Section has a cadre of faculty with clinical and research expertise in infectious diseases and addiction medicine including Drs. Jaimie Meyer, Sandra Springer, and Frederick Altice. This one-year fellowship program will provide additional training in the clinical aspects of addiction medicine. Fellows will have the opportunity to consider additional research training at the intersection of addiction medicine and infectious diseases if desired.

Critical Care Fellowship

For fellows interested in gaining critical care medicine expertise, this one-year fellowship program can be applied to and completed at the conclusion of two years of ID fellowship training. The broad array of ICUs at YNHH serve as an ideal training environment for ID fellows that want to further their critical care training expertise. Fellows that complete this training are able to assume jobs where they can serve as ID consultants and ICU physicians.