In their clinical year, trainees are evaluated after each rotation by their attending faculty using MedHub (online evaluation tool). A fellow and faculty member must spend at least five days together to generate an evaluation form. These evaluations forms are reviewed monthly by the Program Director. In the subsequent Research Training years, trainees meet on at least a weekly basis with their individual research mentor and every six months with the Research Training Committee to evaluate the progress of their project and research training program. Once every six months, each fellow undergoes a mini-CEX with their clinic preceptor and/or the Program Director or Associate Program Director. This opportunity for direct observation provides additional feedback in real time. Every six months the Clinical Competency Committee meets to review these evaluations and the progression on ACGME milestones of each fellow.
The Program Director or Associate Program Director meets with each fellow every six months to review evaluations and feedback of the Clinical Competency Committee.
The discipline of Infectious Diseases clinical care involves faculty assessment of fellow skill in management of IV catheters and use of antimicrobial agents. Additionally, during Clinical Microbiology rounds, fellows are instructed and assessed in the evaluation of microbiologic stains and other diagnostic technologies used in the microbiologic identification of infectious pathogens.
Evaluation of Faculty
Faculty members receive anonymous evaluations by trainees in their clinical year using MedHub, and evaluation forms are sent to fellows at the end of each rotation. Additionally, trainees give verbal feedback to the Program Director every six months regarding faculty evaluation when they meet to discuss their own evaluations.
Faculty members, who serve as mentors for fellows in their research training, are evaluated by the Research Training Committee and the Section Chief for their suitability as research mentorship in the future.
Evaluation of Program By Staff and Residents
The training program is evaluated by the faculty on a yearly basis, through a formal evaluation on MedHub, as well as an annual meeting of the Program Evaluation Committee. The Infectious Diseases Chief Fellow meets quarterly with the trainee group for feedback on program issues.
The variety of evaluations is critical to overall training program development and have been instrumental in our continuous revisions and improvements in the training program.