Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru
Clinical research, epidemiology, prevention, health services and health policy aspects of non-communicable diseases. In particular, we welcome applicants with interest in the areas of musculoskeletal and rheumatologic disease, women’s health, HIV, and aging.
LMIC Affiliation
Facultad de Salud Pública y AdministracÃon (School of Public Health and Administration), Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
Site Description
Peru is a country of enormous geographic, cultural and biologic diversity. Located in the capital city of Lima, the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) is the leading biomedical teaching and research institution in Peru. Since its foundation, UPCH´s scientific contributions have significantly influenced national public health policies and promoted development and innovation in Peru. Its research is funded by national and international entities from both private and public sectors such as the NIH, Grand Challenges Canada, Wellcome Trust, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, WHO, and pharmaceutical companies.
With eight schools and three campuses that provide undergraduate and graduate education in medicine, dentistry, public health, nursing, sciences and philosophy, veterinary medicine and zoology, psychology, and education, the facilities in UPCH are built for academicians, researchers and students. UPCH boasts various laboratories, animal and clinical facilities, and classrooms, all equipped with high quality internet.
Dr. Garcia and the faculty at the School of Public Health and Administration have longstanding experience in training both Peruvian and foreign trainees in global health and research methods through the delivery of short courses/electives in Global Health, a formal master’s degree program, and the innovative Fogarty Kuskaya post-doctoral global health fellowship program. Dr. Garcia has served as Dean of FASPA, Director of the Instituto Nacional de Salud (Peruvian National Institute of Health), and most recently as the Minister of Health of Peru. Dr. Hsieh is an Assistant Professor at the Yale School of Medicine (Rheumatology) and School of Public Health (Chronic Disease Epidemiology). Her recent work focuses on prevention of osteoporosis and fracture in countries undergoing economic transition, and the intersection between HIV and non-communicable disease.
Dr. Hsieh and Dr. Garcia have collaborated on epidemiological, prevention and health services research projects related to women’s health topics including sexually transmitted infections, osteoporosis, and aging-related comorbidities among Peruvian women with HIV (osteoporosis, fractures, and sarcopenia). This site strives to expand knowledge in these key areas of health, which are understudied in Peru and across much of Latin America.
Site Mentors
Evelyn Hsieh, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology); Chief of Rheumatology, VA Connecticut Healthcare System; Assistant Professor of Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases)
Dr. Patricia Garcia, Professor, School of Public Health, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia