activity ChemBioChem
Editorial Advisory Board10/01/2010 - Presentactivity Cell Chemical Biology (formerly Chemistry & Biology)
Editor07/01/2007 - Presentactivity PITCH (Program in Innovative Therapeutics for CT's Health)
Founder of a biotech accelerator focused on translating biological and biomedical discoveries into new biopharma ventures.2016 - Presentactivity NIH Chemistry and Biology Interface Training Grant
Principal Investigator07/01/2003 - Presenthonor IUPAC-Richter Prize in Medicinal Chemistry
honor Emanuel Merck Lectureship Award
honor Kimberly Prize
honor Benvenuto Memorial Award
honor Jacob and Louise Gabbay Award in Biotechnology and Medicine
honor Bristol Myers Squibb Award for Enzyme Chemistry
honor Ivy Award
honor Medal of Technology
honor Irving Weinstein Foundation Distinguished Lectureship
honor Honorary Doctoral Degree (doctor rerum naturalium honoris causa)
honor Scheele Prize
honor Award for Experimental Therapeutics
honor Research Professorship
honor Award for Therapeutic Innovation
activity Cell Chemical Biology (formerly Chemistry & Biology)
Editorial Board07/01/2001 - 06/30/2018honor Khorana Prize