Host-microbe multiomic profiling reveals age-dependent immune dysregulation associated with COVID-19 immunopathology
Phan H, Tsitsiklis A, Maguire C, Haddad E, Becker P, Kim-Schulze S, Lee B, Chen J, Hoch A, Pickering H, van Zalm P, Altman M, Augustine A, Calfee C, Bosinger S, Cairns C, Eckalbar W, Guan L, Jayavelu N, Kleinstein S, Krammer F, Maecker H, Ozonoff A, Peters B, Rouphael N, Montgomery R, Reed E, Schaenman J, Steen H, Levy O, Diray-Arce J, Langelier C, Erle D, Hendrickson C, Kangelaris K, Nguyen V, Lee D, Chak S, Ghale R, Gonzalez A, Jauregui A, Leroux C, Altamirano L, Rashid A, Willmore A, Woodruff P, Krummel M, Carrillo S, Ward A, Patel R, Wilson M, Dandekar R, Alvarenga B, Rajan J, Schroeder A, Fragiadakis G, Mick E, Guerrero Y, Love C, Maliskova L, Adkisson M, Ehrlich L, Melamed E, Rousseau J, Hurley K, Geltman J, Siles N, Rogers J, Kutzler M, Bernui M, Cusimano G, Connors J, Woloszczuk K, Joyner D, Edwards C, Lin E, Melnyk N, Powell D, Kim J, Goonewardene I, Simmons B, Smith C, Martens M, Croen B, Semenza N, Bell M, Furukawa S, McLin R, Tegos G, Rogowski B, Mege N, Ulring K, Holland S, Rosen L, Lee S, Vaysman T, Fernandez-Sesma A, Simon V, Van Bakel H, Gonzalez-Reiche A, Qi J, Carreño J, Singh G, Raskin A, Tcheou J, Khalil Z, van de Guchte A, Farrugia K, Khan Z, Kelly G, Srivastava K, Eaker L, Bermúdez González M, Mulder L, Beach K, Fatou B, Smolen K, Viode A, van Haren S, Jha M, Kho A, Milliren C, Chang A, McEnaney K, Barton B, Lentucci C, Murphy M, Saluvan M, Shaheen T, Liu S, Syphurs C, Albert M, Hayati A, Bryant R, Abraham J, Salehi-Rad R, Rivera A, Sen S, Elashoff D, Ward D, Presnell S, Kohr B, Arnett A, Boddapati A, Tharp G, Pellegrini K, Johnson B, Panganiban B, Huerta C, Anderson E, Samaha H, Sevransky J, Bristow L, Beagle E, Cowan D, Hamilton S, Hodder T, Esserman D, Brito A, Rothman J, Grubaugh N, Ko A, Hafler D, Shaw A, Gygi J, Pawar S, Konstorum A, Chen E, Cotsapas C, Wang X, Xu L, Dela Cruz C, Iwasaki A, Mohanty S, Nelson A, Zhao Y, Farhadian S, Asashima H, Pulendran B, Nadeau R, Rosenberg-Hasson Y, Leipold M, Sigal N, Rogers A, Fernandez A, Manohar M, Do E, Chang I, Vita R, Westendorf K, Corry D, Kheradmand F, Song L, Nelson E, Baden L, Mendez K, Lasky-Su J, Tong A, Rooks R, Sekaly R, Fourati S, McComsey G, Harris P, Sieg S, Ribeiro S, Overton J, Rahman A, Hutton S, Michelotti G, Wong K, Seyfert-Margolis V, Metcalf J, Agudelo Higuita N, Sinko L, Booth J, Messer W, Hough C, Siegel S, Sullivan P, Lu Z, Kraft M, Bime C, Mosier J, Erickson H, Schunk R, Kimura H, Conway M, Atkinson M, Brakenridge S, Ungaro R, Manning B, Oberhaus J, Guirgis F, Borresen B, Anderson M. Host-microbe multiomic profiling reveals age-dependent immune dysregulation associated with COVID-19 immunopathology. Science Translational Medicine 2024, 16: eadj5154. PMID: 38630846, DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.adj5154.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPro-inflammatory genesViral clearanceUpper airwayImmune signaling pathwaysInduction of pro-inflammatory genesBiomarkers of disease severityDelayed viral clearanceImpaired viral clearanceSevere coronavirus disease 2019B cell populationsAge-dependent up-regulationExpression of pro-inflammatory genesHost immune responseSignaling pathwayType I interferon gene expressionCOVID-19 immunopathologyInnate immune signaling pathwaysSerum chemokinesAge-dependent impairmentNaive TMulticenter cohortNasal transcriptomeAcute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2Monocyte populationsSerum protein profiles
Multi-omic longitudinal study reveals immune correlates of clinical course among hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Diray-Arce J, Fourati S, Jayavelu N, Patel R, Maguire C, Chang A, Dandekar R, Qi J, Lee B, van Zalm P, Schroeder A, Chen E, Konstorum A, Brito A, Gygi J, Kho A, Chen J, Pawar S, Gonzalez-Reiche A, Hoch A, Milliren C, Overton J, Westendorf K, Network I, Abraham J, Adkisson M, Albert M, Torres L, Alvarenga B, Anderson M, Anderson E, Arnett A, Asashima H, Atkinson M, Baden L, Barton B, Beach K, Beagle E, Becker P, Bell M, Bernui M, Bime C, Kumar A, Booth L, Borresen B, Brakenridge S, Bristow L, Bryant R, Calfee C, Manuel J, Carrillo S, Chak S, Chang I, Connors J, Conway M, Corry D, Cowan D, Croen B, Dela Cruz C, Cusimano G, Eaker L, Edwards C, Ehrlich L, Elashoff D, Erickson H, Erle D, Farhadian S, Farrugia K, Fatou B, Fernandes A, Fernandez-Sesma A, Fragiadakis G, Furukawa S, Geltman J, Ghale R, Bermúdez M, Goonewardene M, Sanchez E, Guirgis F, Hafler D, Hamilton S, Harris P, Nemati A, Hendrickson C, Agudelo N, Hodder T, Holland S, Hough C, Huerta C, Hurley K, Hutton S, Iwasaki A, Jauregui A, Jha M, Johnson B, Joyner D, Kangelaris K, Kelly G, Khalil Z, Khan Z, Kheradmand F, Kim J, Kimura H, Ko A, Kohr B, Kraft M, Krummel M, Kutzler M, Lasky-Su J, Lee S, Lee D, Leipold M, Lentucci C, Leroux C, Lin E, Liu S, Love C, Lu Z, Maliskova L, Roth B, Manohar M, Martens M, McComsey G, McEnaney K, McLin R, Melamed E, Melnyk N, Mendez K, Messer W, Metcalf J, Michelotti G, Mick E, Mohanty S, Mosier J, Mulder L, Murphy M, Nadeau K, Nelson E, Nelson A, Nguyen V, Oberhaus J, Panganiban B, Pellegrini K, Pickering H, Powell D, Presnell S, Pulendran B, Rahman A, Sadeed A, Raskin A, Reed E, Pereira S, Rivera A, Rogers J, Rogers A, Rogowski B, Rooks R, Rosenberg-Hasson Y, Rothman J, Rousseau J, Salehi-Rad R, Saluvan M, Samaha H, Schaenman J, Schunk R, Semenza N, Sen S, Sevransky J, Seyfert-Margolis V, Shaheen T, Shaw A, Sieg S, Siegel S, Sigal N, Siles N, Simmons B, Simon V, Singh G, Sinko L, Smith C, Smolen K, Song L, Srivastava K, Sullivan P, Syphurs C, Tcheou J, Tegos G, Tharp G, Ally A, Tsitsiklis A, Ungaro R, Vaysman T, Viode A, Vita R, Wang X, Ward A, Ward D, Willmore A, Woloszczuk K, Wong K, Woodruff P, Xu L, van Haren S, van de Guchte A, Zhao Y, Cairns C, Rouphael N, Bosinger S, Kim-Schulze S, Krammer F, Rosen L, Grubaugh N, van Bakel H, Wilson M, Rajan J, Steen H, Eckalbar W, Cotsapas C, Langelier C, Levy O, Altman M, Maecker H, Montgomery R, Haddad E, Sekaly R, Esserman D, Ozonoff A, Becker P, Augustine A, Guan L, Peters B, Kleinstein S. Multi-omic longitudinal study reveals immune correlates of clinical course among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Cell Reports Medicine 2023, 4: 101079. PMID: 37327781, PMCID: PMC10203880, DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2023.101079.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDisease courseFatal COVID-19 diseaseHospitalized COVID-19 patientsSevere disease courseCOVID-19 participantsCOVID-19 patientsTrajectory groupsHost immune responseCOVID-19 diseaseImmune correlatesAcute infectionClinical courseHospital admissionClinical outcomesFatal outcomeClinical prognosisImmune responseSevere diseaseLongitudinal bloodNasal samplesBiologic stateLongitudinal studyDistinct assaysCohortMolecular signatures
Immunophenotyping assessment in a COVID-19 cohort (IMPACC): A prospective longitudinal study
, , Rouphael N, Maecker H, Montgomery R, Diray-Arce J, Kleinstein S, Altman M, Bosinger S, Eckalbar W, Guan L, Hough C, Krammer F, Langelier C, Levy O, McEnaney K, Peters B, Rahman A, Rajan J, Sigelman S, Steen H, van Bakel H, Ward A, Wilson M, Woodruff P, Zamecnik C, Augustine A, Ozonoff A, Reed E, Becker P, Higuita N, Altman M, Atkinson M, Baden L, Becker P, Bime C, Brakenridge S, Calfee C, Cairns C, Corry D, Davis M, Augustine A, Ehrlich L, Haddad E, Erle D, Fernandez-Sesma A, Hafler D, Hough C, Kheradmand F, Kleinstein S, Kraft M, Levy O, McComsey G, Melamed E, Messer W, Metcalf J, Montgomery R, Nadeau K, Ozonoff A, Peters B, Pulendran B, Reed E, Rouphael N, Sarwal M, Schaenman J, Sekaly R, Shaw A, Simon V. Immunophenotyping assessment in a COVID-19 cohort (IMPACC): A prospective longitudinal study. Science Immunology 2021, 6: eabf3733. PMID: 34376480, PMCID: PMC8713959, DOI: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abf3733.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCOVID-19 cohortProspective longitudinal studyHost immune responseLongitudinal studyCOVID-19Identification of biomarkersHospitalized patientsRespiratory secretionsClinical criteriaDisease progressionImmune responseRadiographic dataImmunologic assaysEffective therapeuticsOptimal timingStudy designBiologic samplingSuch interventionsCohortSeveritySample collectionAssay protocolsPatients
Cathelicidin Insufficiency in Patients with Fatal Leptospirosis
Lindow JC, Wunder EA, Popper SJ, Min JN, Mannam P, Srivastava A, Yao Y, Hacker KP, Raddassi K, Lee PJ, Montgomery RR, Shaw AC, Hagan JE, Araújo GC, Nery N, Relman DA, Kim CC, Reis MG, Ko AI. Cathelicidin Insufficiency in Patients with Fatal Leptospirosis. PLOS Pathogens 2016, 12: e1005943. PMID: 27812211, PMCID: PMC5094754, DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005943.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHost immune responseHigh bacterial loadBacterial loadAcute leptospirosisCase fatalityFatal casesDisease progressionImmune responseHigher systemic bacterial loadsValuable new therapeutic approachPro-inflammatory cytokine receptorsAdaptive immune signaturesSystemic bacterial loadsIndependent risk factorTime of hospitalizationDuration of illnessHigh case fatalityPoor clinical outcomeNew therapeutic approachesBlood transcriptional profilingLimited study sizeFatal leptospirosisLethal leptospirosisRANTES levelsSerum cathelicidin
IL-22 Signaling Contributes to West Nile Encephalitis Pathogenesis
Wang P, Bai F, Zenewicz LA, Dai J, Gate D, Cheng G, Yang L, Qian F, Yuan X, Montgomery RR, Flavell RA, Town T, Fikrig E. IL-22 Signaling Contributes to West Nile Encephalitis Pathogenesis. PLOS ONE 2012, 7: e44153. PMID: 22952908, PMCID: PMC3429482, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044153.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWild-type miceCentral nervous systemIL-22Viral loadNeutrophil migrationType miceWest Nile virus encephalitisSimilar viral loadsLethal WNV infectionIL-22 signalingHost immune responseWNV neuroinvasionVirus encephalitisCXCR2 ligandsLeukocyte infiltrateProinflammatory cytokinesChemokine receptorsImmune responseWNV infectionViral infectionNervous systemSignaling contributesExtracellular pathogensNon-redundant roleWT leukocytes