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The Perry Initiative’s Impact on Gender Diversity Within Orthopedic Education

January 24, 2022

Who: Delaney Harbold; Laurie Dearolf, Ph.D; Jennifer Buckley, Ph.D; Lisa Lattanza, MD

Journal: Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine

Overview: Orthopedic surgery lags behind the other surgical specialties in terms of reaching gender equality, and women remain underrepresented in the field. The reason for this disparity is multifaceted, with lack of exposure and mentorship frequently cited as two key reasons women fail to choose orthopedic surgery as a specialty. Recognizing these gender differences, The Perry Initiative was founded to increase young women’s exposure to the field, provide mentorship opportunities, and recruit women into orthopedic surgery and related engineering fields. The purpose of this article is to describe the measurable impact of The Perry Initiative on increasing the number of women matriculating into orthopedic residencies.

Though roughly half of medical school graduates today are women, only 16% of active orthopedic surgery residents are women. To date, The Perry Initiative has reached over 12,000 women in high school and medical school, and of the program participants who are eligible to match into any residency program, 20% matched into orthopedic surgery residencies.

This indicates that the women who participated in Perry Initiative outreach programs are entering orthopedic surgery at a rate that is higher than the current rate of women entering orthopedic surgery. The model behind The Perry Initiative’s outreach efforts can be scaled and expanded, ideally reaching more women and making progress towards closing the gender gap within orthopedic surgery and achieving greater gender diversity.