Featured Publications
Detecting differentially expressed genes by relative entropy
Yan X, Deng M, Fung K, Qian M. Detecting differentially expressed genes by relative entropy. Journal Of Theoretical Biology 2005, 234: 395-402. PMID: 15784273, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2004.11.039.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Lung Microenvironments and Disease Progression in Fibrotic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis.
De Sadeleer LJ, McDonough JE, Schupp JC, Yan X, Vanstapel A, Van Herck A, Everaerts S, Geudens V, Sacreas A, Goos T, Aelbrecht C, Nawrot TS, Martens DS, Schols D, Claes S, Verschakelen JA, Verbeken EK, Ackermann M, Decottignies A, Mahieu M, Hackett TL, Hogg JC, Vanaudenaerde BM, Verleden SE, Kaminski N, Wuyts WA. Lung Microenvironments and Disease Progression in Fibrotic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2022, 205: 60-74. PMID: 34724391, PMCID: PMC8865586, DOI: 10.1164/rccm.202103-0569oc.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitisIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosisHypersensitivity pneumonitisLung zonesMolecular traitsUnused donor lungsInterstitial lung diseaseLocal disease extentProgression of fibrosisSevere fibrosis groupGene co-expression network analysisCo-expression network analysisExplant lungsDonor lungsLung involvementEndothelial functionLung findingsDisease extentPulmonary fibrosisLung diseaseFibrosis groupLung microenvironmentClinical behaviorDisease progressionBAL samples
Characterisation of asthma subgroups associated with circulating YKL-40 levels
Gomez JL, Yan X, Holm CT, Grant N, Liu Q, Cohn L, Nezgovorova V, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER, Crisafi GM, Jarjour NN, Rogers L, Reibman J, Chupp GL. Characterisation of asthma subgroups associated with circulating YKL-40 levels. European Respiratory Journal 2017, 50: 1700800. PMID: 29025889, PMCID: PMC5967238, DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00800-2017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAge of OnsetAirway ObstructionAsthmaChitinase-3-Like Protein 1Cluster AnalysisCross-Sectional StudiesDisease ProgressionFemaleGene Expression ProfilingHumansInflammationMaleMiddle AgedReproducibility of ResultsRespiratory SystemSeverity of Illness IndexSputumStatistics as TopicSymptom Flare UpConceptsSerum YKL-40 levelsYKL-40 levelsHigher serum YKL-40 levelsAirflow obstructionAsthma phenotypesElevated serum YKL-40 levelsSevere Asthma Research ProgramClinical asthma phenotypesExacerbation-prone asthmaIrreversible airway obstructionSevere airflow obstructionFrequent exacerbationsSevere exacerbationsAirway inflammationAirway obstructionAsthma exacerbationsAirway diseaseAsthma patientsAsthma severitySerum levelsInflammatory pathwaysAsthma subgroupsAdult onsetIdentification of individualsUnsupervised cluster analysis
Nonlinear cooperation of p53-ING1-induced bax expression and protein S-nitrosylation in GSNO-induced thymocyte apoptosis: a quantitative approach with cross-platform validation
Duan S, Wan L, Fu WJ, Pan H, Ding Q, Chen C, Han P, Zhu X, Du L, Liu H, Chen Y, Liu X, Yan X, Deng M, Qian M. Nonlinear cooperation of p53-ING1-induced bax expression and protein S-nitrosylation in GSNO-induced thymocyte apoptosis: a quantitative approach with cross-platform validation. Apoptosis 2008, 14: 236. PMID: 19082896, DOI: 10.1007/s10495-008-0288-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAlgorithmsAnimalsApoptosisbcl-2-Associated X ProteinDexamethasoneGene DosageGene Expression RegulationInhibitor of Growth Protein 1Intracellular Signaling Peptides and ProteinsMiceModels, BiologicalNeural Networks, ComputerNonlinear DynamicsNuclear ProteinsOligonucleotide Array Sequence AnalysisProtein BindingReproducibility of ResultsReverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain ReactionS-NitrosoglutathioneThymus GlandTumor Suppressor Protein p53Tumor Suppressor Proteins