Cryo-EM structures reveal how phosphate release from Arp3 weakens actin filament branches formed by Arp2/3 complex
Chavali S, Chou S, Cao W, Pollard T, De La Cruz E, Sindelar C. Cryo-EM structures reveal how phosphate release from Arp3 weakens actin filament branches formed by Arp2/3 complex. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 2059. PMID: 38448439, PMCID: PMC10918085, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-46179-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsArp2/3 complexActin filamentsCryo-EM structureMother filamentDaughter filamentArp2/3 complex nucleates branched actin filamentsActin filament branchingBranched actin filamentsDissociation of PiADP-PiFilament branchingOrganelle movementADP stateBranch junctionsArp3A-resolutionActinArp2/3ADP-BeFxFilamentsADPPhosphate releaseFilament mechanismArp2Organelles
Force and phosphate release from Arp2/3 complex promote dissociation of actin filament branches
Pandit NG, Cao W, Bibeau J, Johnson-Chavarria EM, Taylor EW, Pollard TD, De La Cruz EM. Force and phosphate release from Arp2/3 complex promote dissociation of actin filament branches. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2020, 117: 13519-13528. PMID: 32461373, PMCID: PMC7306818, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1911183117.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsActin filament branchesArp2/3 complexMother filamentFilament branchesTotal internal reflection fluorescence microscopyEssential cellular functionsMechanical forcesActin filament networkReflection fluorescence microscopyCellular functionsActin networkCell motilityComplex generatesActin filamentsArp2/3Filament networkFluorescence microscopyState 1Branch junctionsState 2FilamentsComplexesPhosphate releaseMuscle actinADP
Nup159 Weakens Gle1 Binding to Dbp5 But Does Not Accelerate ADP Release
Wong EV, Gray S, Cao W, Montpetit R, Montpetit B, De La Cruz EM. Nup159 Weakens Gle1 Binding to Dbp5 But Does Not Accelerate ADP Release. Journal Of Molecular Biology 2018, 430: 2080-2095. PMID: 29782832, PMCID: PMC6003625, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmb.2018.05.025.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEssential DEAD-box proteinADP releaseDbp5's ATPase activityDEAD-box proteinsNucleotide exchange factorsDbp5 activityMRNA exportRNA metabolismExchange factorDbp5Cellular processesATPase cyclingNup159Gle1ATP affinityMechanochemical cycleATPase activityADPATP releaseDDX19NTPasesNucleoporinsDetailed characterizationRNARegulator
NPP4 is a procoagulant enzyme on the surface of vascular endothelium
Albright RA, Chang WC, Robert D, Ornstein DL, Cao W, Liu L, Redick ME, Young JI, De La Cruz EM, Braddock DT. NPP4 is a procoagulant enzyme on the surface of vascular endothelium. Blood 2012, 120: 4432-4440. PMID: 22995898, PMCID: PMC4017314, DOI: 10.1182/blood-2012-04-425215.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPlatelet dense granule componentsNucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesteraseRelease of ADPUncharacterized enzymesPyrophosphatase/phosphodiesteraseGranule componentsEnzymatic basisRapid disaggregationDense granule releasePlatelet aggregationExtracellular spaceAp3AConcentration-dependent mannerEnzymeGranule releaseVascular endotheliumADPProcoagulant enzymeADP receptorActivationAggregationMutants
Molecular Structure and Biological Activity of NPP-4, An Endothelial Cell Surface Pyrophosphatase/ Phosphodiesterase That Stimulates Platelet Aggregation and Secretion Via Liberation of ADP Upon Hydrolysis of Diadenosine Triphosphate
Ornstein D, Albright R, Chang W, Robert D, Cao W, De La Cruz E, Braddock D. Molecular Structure and Biological Activity of NPP-4, An Endothelial Cell Surface Pyrophosphatase/ Phosphodiesterase That Stimulates Platelet Aggregation and Secretion Via Liberation of ADP Upon Hydrolysis of Diadenosine Triphosphate. Blood 2011, 118: 701. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v118.21.701.701.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHigh-resolution structuresActive site threonineDense granule releaseDiadenosine triphosphateExtracellular spaceNanomolar concentrationsEnzyme familyPlatelet dense granulesMolecular foundationMolecular basisExtracellular enzymesStructural basisPhosphodiesterase enzyme familyGranule releaseEnzymatic mechanismCell surfaceRapid disaggregationEndothelial cell surfaceDense granulesPlatelet aggregationAp3AEnzymatic productBiological activityConcentration-dependent fashionADP