Comparison of responses to tensile and compressive stimuli in C-mechanosensitive nociceptors in rat hairy skin
Zheng Z, LaMotte R, Grigg P. Comparison of responses to tensile and compressive stimuli in C-mechanosensitive nociceptors in rat hairy skin. Somatosensory & Motor Research 2002, 19: 109-113. PMID: 12088384, DOI: 10.1080/08990220120113095.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Attenuation of experimental pruritus and mechanically evoked dysesthesiae in an area of cutaneous allodynia
Brull S, Atanassoff P, Silverman D, Zhang J, Lamotte R. Attenuation of experimental pruritus and mechanically evoked dysesthesiae in an area of cutaneous allodynia. Somatosensory & Motor Research 1999, 16: 299-303. PMID: 10632027, DOI: 10.1080/08990229970366.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultCapsaicinForearmHistamineHumansHyperalgesiaInjections, IntradermalMaleMiddle AgedPainParesthesiaPhysical StimulationPruritusSkinSkin Physiological PhenomenaSkin TestsTime FactorsConceptsIntradermal injectionTactile allodyniaNociceptive primary afferent neuronsArea of allodyniaAreas of whealCapsaicin-induced allodyniaPrimary afferent neuronsCutaneous hyperalgesiaCutaneous allodyniaAfferent neuronsExperimental armControl armAllodyniaExperimental pruritusDysesthesiaeOpposite forearmVolar surfaceAlloknesisHuman volunteersItchHistamineHyperknesisHyperalgesiaInhibitory processesWheal
Raised Object on a Planar Surface Stroked Across the Fingerpad: Responses of Cutaneous Mechanoreceptors to Shape and Orientation
Lamotte R, Friedman R, Lu C, Khalsa P, Srinivasan M. Raised Object on a Planar Surface Stroked Across the Fingerpad: Responses of Cutaneous Mechanoreceptors to Shape and Orientation. Journal Of Neurophysiology 1998, 80: 2446-2466. PMID: 9819255, DOI: 10.1152/jn.1998.80.5.2446.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Peripheral neural correlates of magnitude of cutaneous pain and hyperalgesia: simultaneous recordings in humans of sensory judgments of pain and evoked responses in nociceptors with C-fibers
Torebjörk H, LaMotte R, Robinson C. Peripheral neural correlates of magnitude of cutaneous pain and hyperalgesia: simultaneous recordings in humans of sensory judgments of pain and evoked responses in nociceptors with C-fibers. Journal Of Neurophysiology 1984, 51: 325-339. PMID: 6707724, DOI: 10.1152/jn.1984.51.2.325.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultEvoked PotentialsHot TemperatureHumansHyperalgesiaHyperesthesiaNerve FibersNociceptorsPainPerceptionPeroneal NervePhysical StimulationSensationSkin Physiological PhenomenaConceptsConditioning stimulusIntensity-response functionsNormal skinMost subjectsC-mechanoheat nociceptorsPeripheral neural correlateHeat pain sensationMild heat injuryMagnitude ratingsReceptive fieldsHeat injurySupra-threshold stimuliShort-duration stimuliPain thresholdCutaneous painHeat painPain sensationC-fibersPainNociceptorsHairy skinUninjured skinHeat stimulationMagnitude of responseNeuronal correlates
Peripheral neural mechanisms of cutaneous hyperalgesia following mild injury by heat
LaMotte R, Thalhammer J, Torebjörk H, Robinson C. Peripheral neural mechanisms of cutaneous hyperalgesia following mild injury by heat. Journal Of Neuroscience 1982, 2: 765-781. PMID: 7086482, PMCID: PMC6564351, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.02-06-00765.1982.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsConditioning stimulusCutaneous hyperalgesiaMild injuryDevelopment of hyperalgesiaHeat injuryMagnitude of hyperalgesiaMild heat injurySingle conditioning stimulusMagnitude of sensitizationPeripheral neural mechanismsReceptive fieldsPeroneal nervePeripheral determinantsCutaneous receptorsC-fibersAwake humansConduction blockAnesthetized monkeysHyperalgesiaNociceptorsPainGlabrous skinNormal skinInjuryHeat stimulation