Identification of High-Efficiency β-Catenin Protein Degradation As Critical Vulnerability in B-Cell Malignancies
Cosgun K, Robinson M, Agadzhanian N, Cheng Z, Oulghazi S, Berning P, Fonseca-Arce D, Kume K, Fontaine J, Chan L, Lee J, Yu F, Qian Z, Song J, Chan W, Chen J, Taketo M, Schjerven H, Müschen M. Identification of High-Efficiency β-Catenin Protein Degradation As Critical Vulnerability in B-Cell Malignancies. Blood 2024, 144: 4125-4125. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-208125.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchProtein degradation pathwaysB-ALL cellsProtein degradationRepression of MYCTranscriptional activity of MYCCell deathAcute cell deathLoss of colony formationChIP-seq analysisActive enhancer marksB-cell malignanciesSuper-enhancer regionsActivation of MYCIkaros transcription factorB-lymphoid cellsCell linesB cell identityDefective protein degradationB-cateninNon-lymphoid cell linesDegradation pathwayMantle cell lymphomaProtein levelsB-ALLChIP-seq
Repurposing GSK3B Small Molecule Inhibitors for Refractory Lymphoid Malignancies
Cosgun K, Robinson M, Oulghazi S, Xu L, Xiao G, Chan L, Lee J, Kume K, Leveille E, Arce D, Khanduja D, Feldhahn N, Song J, Chan W, Chen J, Taketo M, Schjerven H, Jellusova J, Kothari S, Davids M, Müschen M. Repurposing GSK3B Small Molecule Inhibitors for Refractory Lymphoid Malignancies. Blood 2023, 142: 2818. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-190522.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFavorable safety profileSmall molecule inhibitorsT-lymphoid malignancyΒ-catenin degradationLymphoid malignanciesΒ-cateninInteractome studiesSafety profileClinical trialsMolecule inhibitorsLow nanomolar concentrationsΒ-catenin accumulationSolid tumorsRefractory B-cell malignanciesCell deathPK/PD profilesZinc finger proteinRefractory lymphoid malignanciesChIP-seq analysisPhase 2 trialMYC target genesT-cell lymphomaColony formationRapid nuclear accumulationWnt/β-catenin pathway
Identification of BCL6 As Synthetic Lethality in RAS-Driven B-Cell Transformation
Chan L, Hurtz C, Leveille E, Kume K, Robinson M, Geng H, Cosgun K, Müschen M. Identification of BCL6 As Synthetic Lethality in RAS-Driven B-Cell Transformation. Blood 2021, 138: 792. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2021-148653.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRAS-ERK pathwayB cell developmentNormal B cell developmentRAS-ERKCell deathTransplant recipient miceSynthetic lethalityGenetic lesionsBCL6 expressionGenetic ablationChIP-seq analysisRAS-ERK signalingPermanent activationMurine B cell precursorsB cell precursorsDeletion of Bcl6Pharmacological inhibitionDoxycycline-inducible expressionSmall molecule inhibitionNegative B cell selectionSmall molecule inhibitorsExpression of PRDM1BCL6 promoterB-cell transformationExpression of BCL6