The cascade of care for commercially-insured persons with opioid use disorder and comorbid HIV and HCV infections
Ivasiy R, Madden L, DiDomizio E, Johnson K, Machavariani E, Ahmad B, Oliveros D, Ram A, Kil N, Altice F. The cascade of care for commercially-insured persons with opioid use disorder and comorbid HIV and HCV infections. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2024, 263: 112410. PMID: 39159600, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2024.112410.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOpioid use disorderXR-NTXUse disorderHCV infectionPrescribed MOUDOpioid use disorder cascadePrevalence of opioid use disorderRetrospective cohort studyHigher treatment retentionCascade of careConcurrent infectious diseasesSix-month retentionHCV/HIV coinfectionComorbid HIVCohort studyHospital-based settingPrescribed methadoneHCVMOUD initiationHIVHCV epidemicOpioidMethadoneMOUD prescriptionsTreatment retention
Challenges to Achieving HCV Micro-Elimination in People With HIV in the United States: Provider Perspectives and the Role of Implicit Bias
DiDomizio E, Chandra D, Nichols L, Villanueva M, Altice F. Challenges to Achieving HCV Micro-Elimination in People With HIV in the United States: Provider Perspectives and the Role of Implicit Bias. Health Promotion Practice 2023, 24: 998-1008. PMID: 37440258, DOI: 10.1177/15248399231169928.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNominal group techniqueHealth care decisionsProvider perspectivesEligibility criteriaHIV/HCVEffective antiviral medicationsPatient eligibility criteriaFacilitators of treatmentMicro-EliminationHCV treatmentAntiviral medicationsOpioid epidemicProvider knowledgePatient involvementPatient engagementDifferent clinicsRelated stigmaHCVCare decisionsHIVPatientsTreatmentGroup sessionsMost barriersFocus group sessions
Perceptions Towards HCV Treatment with Direct Acting Antivirals (DAAs): A Qualitative Analysis with Persons with HIV/HCV Co-infection Who Delay or Refuse Treatment
Brothers S, DiDomizio E, Nichols L, Brooks R, Villanueva M. Perceptions Towards HCV Treatment with Direct Acting Antivirals (DAAs): A Qualitative Analysis with Persons with HIV/HCV Co-infection Who Delay or Refuse Treatment. AIDS And Behavior 2022, 27: 119-133. PMID: 35776253, PMCID: PMC9663279, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-022-03749-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDirect acting antiviralsHIV/HCVDAA treatmentHCV treatmentHIV/HCV Co-infectionDAA treatment uptakeHCV Co-InfectionPatient-level barriersHCV diseaseAdherence supportHepatitis CActing antiviralsTreatment uptakeCo-InfectionTreatment barriersHCVTreatmentPWHAntiviralsQualitative interviewsHIVDiseaseDiagnosisPersonsUptake