Primary Treatment of Eyelid Conjunctival Melanoma with Immunotherapy: A Case Report.
Weiss M, Perzia B, Sinard J, Tran T, Maeng M. Primary Treatment of Eyelid Conjunctival Melanoma with Immunotherapy: A Case Report. Ophthalmic Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery 2024 PMID: 39240220, DOI: 10.1097/iop.0000000000002776.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConjunctival melanomaImmune checkpoint inhibitor regimenCombination of ipilimumabFirst-line combinationImmune checkpoint inhibitorsMonths of treatmentSystemic adverse effectsCutaneous melanoma treatmentHigher recurrence rateCheckpoint inhibitorsMucosal melanomaAdjuvant therapyDisease resolutionRecurrence rateLocal surgeryMelanoma treatmentFrequent metastasisCase reportPrimary treatmentMelanomaClinical approachIpilimumabNivolumabConjunctivalAdverse effects
Proceedings of the Association for Pathology Informatics Bootcamp 2022
Obstfeld A, Brodsky V, Carter A, Gershkovich P, Haymond S, Levy B, Sinard J, Sellers D, Stoffel M, Jackups R. Proceedings of the Association for Pathology Informatics Bootcamp 2022. Journal Of Pathology Informatics 2023, 14: 100331. PMID: 37705688, PMCID: PMC10495674, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpi.2023.100331.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Presenting as Bilateral Periorbital Edema Treated With Low-dose Radiation Therapy
Spadaro J, Chow R, Sinard J, Watsky K, Habib L. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Presenting as Bilateral Periorbital Edema Treated With Low-dose Radiation Therapy. Ophthalmic Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery 2023, 39: e78-e81. PMID: 36852835, DOI: 10.1097/iop.0000000000002338.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChronic lymphocytic leukemiaLow-dose radiation therapyPeriorbital edemaRadiation therapyChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia PresentingBilateral periorbital edemaLeukemia cutisOcular involvementOcular manifestationsPrompt diagnosisBlood dyscrasiasCase reportNeoplastic lymphocytesLymphocytic leukemiaTissue infiltrationTherapeutic interventionsEdemaPatientsTherapyLeukemiaInfiltrationEcchymosisPresentingDyscrasiasLymphocytesNK/T-cell Lymphoma With Orbital Involvement: A Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature
Dhodapkar R, Spadaro J, Heng J, Sinard J, Lee Y, Habib L, Pointdujour-Lim R. NK/T-cell Lymphoma With Orbital Involvement: A Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature. Ophthalmic Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery 2023, 39: 316-327. PMID: 36692957, DOI: 10.1097/iop.0000000000002317.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNK/T-cell lymphomaT-cell lymphomaImproved survivalOrbital involvementCases of NKTLAdvanced Ann Arbor stageAnn Arbor stageRecurrence of diseaseUse of radiotherapyLacrimal drainage systemMedian survivalPeriorbital swellingSurgical debulkingClinical courseMean agePoor prognosisOcular adnexaCase reportTumor locationVision lossPoor survivalEarly diagnosisLacrimal glandOcular structuresPubMed databaseComputational pathology in 2030: a Delphi study forecasting the role of AI in pathology within the next decade
BerbÃs M, McClintock D, Bychkov A, Van der Laak J, Pantanowitz L, Lennerz J, Cheng J, Delahunt B, Egevad L, Eloy C, Farris A, Fraggetta F, del Moral R, Hartman D, Herrmann M, Hollemans E, Iczkowski K, Karsan A, Kriegsmann M, Salama M, Sinard J, Tuthill J, Williams B, Casado-Sánchez C, Sánchez-Turrión V, Luna A, Aneiros-Fernández J, Shen J. Computational pathology in 2030: a Delphi study forecasting the role of AI in pathology within the next decade. EBioMedicine 2023, 88: 104427. PMID: 36603288, PMCID: PMC9823157, DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.104427.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Molecular Markers in Maternal Blood Exosomes Allow Early Detection of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Darbinian N, Darbinyan A, Sinard J, Tatevosian G, Merabova N, D’Amico F, Khader T, Bajwa A, Martirosyan D, Gawlinski A, Pursnani R, Zhao H, Amini S, Morrison M, Goetzl L, Selzer M. Molecular Markers in Maternal Blood Exosomes Allow Early Detection of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2022, 24: 135. PMID: 36613580, PMCID: PMC9820501, DOI: 10.3390/ijms24010135.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCaspase-3 activityBrain-derived exosomesMarker of synaptogenesisBrain caspase-3 activityFetal alcohol spectrum disordersMaternal blood samplesPrenatal alcohol exposureHuman fetal brainAlcohol spectrum disordersAvailable imaging techniquesMyelin basic proteinEtOH intakeEtOH exposureEtOH useMaternal raceNeurobehavioral deficitsAlcohol exposureMaternal bloodMother's bloodEarly diagnosisFetal brainBlood samplesMBP levelsTherapeutic interventionsBrain sizeSystems approach to enhance Lynch syndrome diagnosis through tumour testing
Singh V, Mezzacappa C, Gershkovich P, Di Giovanna J, Ganzak A, Gibson J, Sinard J, Xicola RM, Llor X. Systems approach to enhance Lynch syndrome diagnosis through tumour testing. Journal Of Medical Genetics 2022, 60: 533-539. PMID: 36115663, PMCID: PMC10020126, DOI: 10.1136/jmg-2022-108770.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOriginal cohortColorectal adenocarcinomaLynch syndromeTumor testingGenetic testingPercentage of patientsProportion of patientsLynch syndrome diagnosisCG evaluationCancer genetic testingRace/ethnicityCRC testingCohort studyMMR immunohistochemistryLS diagnosisNew diagnosisMMR lossAcademic centersPatientsSyndrome diagnosisCohortCase identificationMethylation testingReferral differencesReferral mechanismsBilateral dacryoadenitis as the initial presentation of ANCA-associated vasculitis in a pediatric patient
Spadaro JZ, Sinard J, Habib L. Bilateral dacryoadenitis as the initial presentation of ANCA-associated vasculitis in a pediatric patient. Orbit 2022, 43: 231-235. PMID: 35801829, DOI: 10.1080/01676830.2022.2093920.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchANCA-associated vasculitisPediatric patientsElevated inflammatory markersImmune-mediated vasculitisRight eye painRight lacrimal glandSuperior bulbar conjunctivaBilateral dacryoadenitisLocalized GranulomatosisEye painInflammatory markersNegative workupInitial presentationNegative serologyPalpable massAntibody levelsRare presentationChronic inflammationConjunctival petechiaeLymphoproliferative diseaseEyelid eversionBulbar conjunctivaRepeat testingLacrimal glandVasculitisLocal recurrence of uveal melanoma and concomitant brain metastases associated with an activating telomerase promoter mutation seven years after secondary enucleation
Heng JS, Perzia BM, Sinard JH, Pointdujour-Lim R. Local recurrence of uveal melanoma and concomitant brain metastases associated with an activating telomerase promoter mutation seven years after secondary enucleation. American Journal Of Ophthalmology Case Reports 2022, 27: 101607. PMID: 35707052, PMCID: PMC9189986, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajoc.2022.101607.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConcomitant brain metastasesOptic nerve massRecurrent uveal melanomaLocal recurrenceSecondary enucleationUveal melanomaBrain metastasesSystemic metastasesNerve massMultiple mass lesionsOptic nerve invasionYear old patientNext-generation sequencingSeven yearsNerve invasionExtrascleral extensionGait instabilityMass lesionPrimary tumorPatient historyAnophthalmic socketHigh riskRecurrenceEnucleationMetastasisPrimary Mesenchymal Tumors of the Thyroid Gland: A Modern Retrospective Cohort Including the First Case of TFE3-Translocated Malignant Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumor (PEComa)
Zhang L, Lubin D, Sinard JH, Dickson BC, Antonescu CR, Wu H, Panni RZ, Dogan S, Untch BR, Ghossein RA, Xu B. Primary Mesenchymal Tumors of the Thyroid Gland: A Modern Retrospective Cohort Including the First Case of TFE3-Translocated Malignant Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumor (PEComa). Head And Neck Pathology 2022, 16: 716-727. PMID: 35218514, PMCID: PMC9424363, DOI: 10.1007/s12105-022-01428-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMalignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumorPerivascular epithelioid cell tumorEpithelioid cell tumorPrimary mesenchymal tumorsMesenchymal tumorsThyroid glandCell tumorsPeripheral nerve sheath tumorsNerve sheath tumorsSmall case seriesBiphasic synovial sarcomaOnly case reportsSolitary fibrous tumorAnaplastic thyroid carcinomaMulti-centric cohortFirst caseRetrospective cohortEpithelioid hemangioendotheliomaSheath tumorsTertiary centerCase seriesClinicopathologic featuresFemale patientsSynovial sarcomaCase report
Necrotic Uveal Melanoma Mimics Orbital Cellulitis: A Review
Abdel-Aty A, Linderman WL, Kombo N, Sinard J, Pointdujour-Lim R. Necrotic Uveal Melanoma Mimics Orbital Cellulitis: A Review. Ocular Oncology And Pathology 2021, 8: 1-8. PMID: 35356597, PMCID: PMC8914239, DOI: 10.1159/000515558.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOrbital cellulitisOrbital inflammationUveal melanomaVision lossIntraocular malignancyNecrotic uveal melanomaCommon primary intraocular malignancyPainless vision lossPrimary intraocular malignancyUveal melanoma presentingMelanoma presentingExtraocular movementsTumor necrosisCellulitisMelanomaInflammationPatientsMalignancyReviewReportAutoinfarctionProptosisPainPresentingSymptomsCilioretinal Artery Occlusion as the Presenting Manifestation of Left Atrial Myxoma
Mir T, Megalla M, Sinard J, Wang J. Cilioretinal Artery Occlusion as the Presenting Manifestation of Left Atrial Myxoma. Journal Of VitreoRetinal Diseases 2021, 6: 320-323. PMID: 37007931, PMCID: PMC9976024, DOI: 10.1177/24741264211034114.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCilioretinal artery occlusionArtery occlusionAtrial myxomaLarge left atrial massAcute vision lossLeft atrial massErythrocyte sedimentation rateC-reactive proteinLeft atrial myxomaMagnetic resonance imagingPresenting manifestationVisible emboliAtrial massFurther morbidityInitial presentationLeft eyeEmergency departmentCase reportTomography angiographyComplete workupVision lossLeft ventricleMyxomaResonance imagingOcclusionAn independent assessment of an artificial intelligence system for prostate cancer detection shows strong diagnostic accuracy
Perincheri S, Levi AW, Celli R, Gershkovich P, Rimm D, Morrow JS, Rothrock B, Raciti P, Klimstra D, Sinard J. An independent assessment of an artificial intelligence system for prostate cancer detection shows strong diagnostic accuracy. Modern Pathology 2021, 34: 1588-1595. PMID: 33782551, PMCID: PMC8295034, DOI: 10.1038/s41379-021-00794-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CenterCore biopsyPredictive valueDiagnostic accuracyProstate core needle biopsiesCore needle biopsySurgical pathology practiceNegative predictive valueProstate core biopsiesPositive predictive valueProstate cancer detectionStrong diagnostic accuracyPoor quality scansCancer detectionCancer CenterProstate biopsyLeading causeNeedle biopsyTransrectal approachProstate cancerProstatic adenocarcinomaProstate carcinomaBiopsyPathology practiceProstateMeasuring Faculty Effort: A Quantitative Approach That Aligns Personal and Institutional Goals in Pathology at Yale
Morrow JS, Gershkovich P, Gibson J, Gilshannon M, Kowalski D, Levi AW, Nguyen DX, Rimm DL, Xu ML, Sinard J. Measuring Faculty Effort: A Quantitative Approach That Aligns Personal and Institutional Goals in Pathology at Yale. Academic Pathology 2021, 8: 23742895211047985. PMID: 34646939, PMCID: PMC8504692, DOI: 10.1177/23742895211047985.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Autopsy Services and Emergency Preparedness of a Tertiary Academic Hospital Mortuary for the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: The Yale Plan
McGuone D, Sinard J, Gill JR, Masters A, Liu C, Morotti R, Parkash V. Autopsy Services and Emergency Preparedness of a Tertiary Academic Hospital Mortuary for the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: The Yale Plan. Advances In Anatomic Pathology 2020, 27: 355-362. PMID: 32649315, DOI: 10.1097/pap.0000000000000274.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemicSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemicHealth care worker safetyCoronavirus 2 pandemicCOVID-19 public health emergencyHigh-quality patient carePublic health emergencyCorona Virus DiseaseEarly response phaseInfection controlPatient careTissue retrievalAutopsy serviceMortuary servicesHospital mortuaryAutopsiesHealth emergencyPatient flowNovel diseaseVirus diseasePlateau phaseDiseasePandemicRecent memoryEmergency preparednessProtecting the Pathology Commons in the Digital Era
Mazer BL, Paulson N, Sinard JH. Protecting the Pathology Commons in the Digital Era. Archives Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2020, 144: 1037-1040. PMID: 32579394, DOI: 10.5858/arpa.2020-0022-ed.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHistopathologic changes in cadaver eyes after MicroPulse and continuous wave transscleral cyclophotocoagulation
Maslin JS, Chen PP, Sinard J, Nguyen AT, Noecker R. Histopathologic changes in cadaver eyes after MicroPulse and continuous wave transscleral cyclophotocoagulation. Canadian Journal Of Ophthalmology 2020, 55: 330-335. PMID: 32446502, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcjo.2020.03.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMicropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulationHuman cadaver eyesCiliary bodyTransscleral cyclophotocoagulationCadaver eyesPigment clumpingPigmented ciliary epitheliumTissue damageCiliary epitheliumMinimal histologic changesLess tissue disruptionAcute histological effectsDifferent treatment areasPathologic evaluationHistologic changesHistological effectsTreatment groupsCyclophotocoagulationCiliary processesHistologic processingSenior pathologistAdjacent structuresStandard histologic processingTissue sectionsEyesPulmonary Adenocarcinoma Metastatic to Periocular Skin and Orbital Tissue Presenting as Orbital Cellulitis.
Li E, Sinard J, Sohrab M. Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma Metastatic to Periocular Skin and Orbital Tissue Presenting as Orbital Cellulitis. Ophthalmic Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery 2020, 36: e28-e30. PMID: 31789787, DOI: 10.1097/iop.0000000000001534.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOrbital inflammationAdenocarcinoma metastaticMetastatic lung cancerLife-saving managementIntraorbital soft tissuesBroad-spectrum antibioticsOccult malignancyAdjuvant radiationSystemic chemotherapyInitial presentationOrbital cellulitisLung cancerPeriocular skinSubcutaneous massHigh indexTissue biopsiesSoft tissueMetastaticBiopsyInflammationDiagnosisFirst reportCellulitisChemotherapyPatientsAn Analysis of the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Case Volumes in an Academic Subspecialty-Based Anatomic Pathology Practice
Sinard JH. An Analysis of the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Case Volumes in an Academic Subspecialty-Based Anatomic Pathology Practice. Academic Pathology 2020, 7: 2374289520959788. PMID: 33088911, PMCID: PMC7545513, DOI: 10.1177/2374289520959788.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubspecialty servicesInpatient censusSARS-CoV-2 testingPre-pandemic volumeAnatomic pathology practicePre-pandemic levelsCase volumeMain hospitalsCytology specimensSpecimen volumeHealth systemPathology practiceSignificant decreaseGynecologic cytologyGranular fashionSignificant increaseCOVID-19 pandemicNumber of peopleWeeksSpecimen typesHome directivesPandemicClinical operationsCOVID pandemicTurnaround time
A Survey of LOINC Code Selection Practices Among Participants of the College of American Pathologists Coagulation (CGL) and Cardiac Markers (CRT) Proficiency Testing Programs
Stram M, Seheult J, Sinard JH, Campbell WS, Carter AB, de Baca ME, Quinn AM, Luu HS, Pathologists O. A Survey of LOINC Code Selection Practices Among Participants of the College of American Pathologists Coagulation (CGL) and Cardiac Markers (CRT) Proficiency Testing Programs. Archives Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2019, 144: 586-596. PMID: 31603714, DOI: 10.5858/arpa.2019-0276-oa.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCanadaClinical CodingClinical Laboratory Information SystemsDatabases, FactualElectronic Health RecordsHumansLaboratoriesLaboratory Proficiency TestingLogical Observation Identifiers Names and CodesPathologistsReproducibility of ResultsSocieties, MedicalSurveys and QuestionnairesUnited StatesConceptsCode selectionLogical Observation IdentifiersHealth information systemsHealth care dataElectronic health recordsInformation systemsBiomedical terminologiesTerminology mappingLOINC codesLOINC databaseCode implementationHigh error rateHealth recordsSelection of panelsIncorrect componentsError rateProficiency testing programAmerican Pathologists Proficiency Testing ProgramCodeCare dataCRT participantsPatient outcomesInteroperabilityPractice settingsClinical research