The neural activity of auditory conscious perception
Christison-Lagay K, Khalaf A, Freedman N, Micek C, Kronemer S, Gusso M, Kim L, Forman S, Ding J, Aksen M, Abdel-Aty A, Kwon H, Markowitz N, Yeagle E, Espinal E, Herrero J, Bickel S, Young J, Mehta A, Wu K, Gerrard J, Damisah E, Spencer D, Blumenfeld H. The neural activity of auditory conscious perception. NeuroImage 2025, 121041. PMID: 39832539, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2025.121041.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConscious perceptionPerceived trialsRight caudal middle frontal gyrusCaudal middle frontal gyrusAuditory regionsMiddle frontal gyrusAuditory association regionsBroadband gamma powerEarly auditory regionsFrontal gyrusFrontal cortexSubcortical networksGamma powerAuditory domainNeural activityThreshold taskPerceptual consciousnessSensory modalitiesAssociation regionsVisual paradigmAuditory perceptionWaves of activity
Human visual consciousness involves large scale cortical and subcortical networks independent of task report and eye movement activity
Kronemer S, Aksen M, Ding J, Ryu J, Xin Q, Ding Z, Prince J, Kwon H, Khalaf A, Forman S, Jin D, Wang K, Chen K, Hu C, Agarwal A, Saberski E, Wafa S, Morgan O, Wu J, Christison-Lagay K, Hasulak N, Morrell M, Urban A, Todd Constable R, Pitts M, Mark Richardson R, Crowley M, Blumenfeld H. Human visual consciousness involves large scale cortical and subcortical networks independent of task report and eye movement activity. Nature Communications 2022, 13: 7342. PMID: 36446792, PMCID: PMC9707162, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-35117-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubcortical networksConscious visual perceptionVisual perception taskNeurophysiology of consciousnessExecutive control networkMajor brain networksDefault mode networkFrontal eye fieldOvert reportPerception taskVisual consciousnessConscious perceptionFusiform cortexVisual perceptionAnterior insulaConscious experienceSalience networkBrain networksMode networkAnterior cingulateEye fieldTask reportControl networkFMRI changesNeural circuitsMore than a feeling: Scalp EEG and eye signals in conscious tactile perception
Gusso MM, Christison-Lagay KL, Zuckerman D, Chandrasekaran G, Kronemer SI, Ding JZ, Freedman NC, Nohama P, Blumenfeld H. More than a feeling: Scalp EEG and eye signals in conscious tactile perception. Consciousness And Cognition 2022, 105: 103411. PMID: 36156359, DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2022.103411.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEye metricsHigh-density scalp EEGConscious tactile perceptionPerception taskReport taskNeural basisConscious perceptionPhysiological arousalVisual stimuliMicrosaccade rateTactile perceptionTactile stimuliScalp EEGSensory perceptionP300 eventEye signalsPerceptionPresent behaviorPupil diameterStimuliTaskEmpirical studyEEGConsciousnessNeuroscience
A Switch and Wave of Neuronal Activity in the Cerebral Cortex During the First Second of Conscious Perception
Herman WX, Smith RE, Kronemer SI, Watsky RE, Chen WC, Gober LM, Touloumes GJ, Khosla M, Raja A, Horien CL, Morse EC, Botta KL, Hirsch LJ, Alkawadri R, Gerrard JL, Spencer DD, Blumenfeld H. A Switch and Wave of Neuronal Activity in the Cerebral Cortex During the First Second of Conscious Perception. Cerebral Cortex 2017, 29: 461-474. PMID: 29194517, PMCID: PMC6319177, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhx327.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCerebral cortexVisual cortexHuman cerebral cortexDirect electrical recordingHz gamma powerDefault mode networkConscious perceptionNeuronal activityAssociation cortexBrain disordersIntracranial electrodesCortexMonophasic wavesMode networkCortex networkGamma powerGamma activationVisual thresholdFirst secondElectrical recordingsStimulus processingInitial activationStimuliActivationFindings