Featured Publications
Electronic Alerts to Improve Heart Failure Therapy in Outpatient Practice A Cluster Randomized Trial
Ghazi L, Yamamoto Y, Riello RJ, Coronel-Moreno C, Martin M, O'Connor KD, Simonov M, Huang J, Olufade T, McDermott J, Dhar R, Inzucchi SE, Velazquez EJ, Wilson FP, Desai NR, Ahmad T. Electronic Alerts to Improve Heart Failure Therapy in Outpatient Practice A Cluster Randomized Trial. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2022, 79: 2203-2213. PMID: 35385798, DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2022.03.338.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGuideline-directed medical therapyUsual careEjection fractionHeart failureMedical therapyPrimary outcomeCluster-randomized comparative effectiveness trialSodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitorsElectronic health record alertsAldosterone system inhibitorsReduced ejection fractionUsual care armCotransporter 2 inhibitorsMineralocorticoid receptor antagonistsVentricular ejection fractionComparative effectiveness trialNumber of patientsKnowledge of guidelinesLow-cost interventionCare armDays postrandomizationEligible patientsGDMT useFailure therapyPatient characteristicsAssessment of Acute Kidney Injury and Longitudinal Kidney Function After Hospital Discharge Among Patients With and Without COVID-19
Nugent J, Aklilu A, Yamamoto Y, Simonov M, Li F, Biswas A, Ghazi L, Greenberg J, Mansour S, Moledina D, Wilson FP. Assessment of Acute Kidney Injury and Longitudinal Kidney Function After Hospital Discharge Among Patients With and Without COVID-19. JAMA Network Open 2021, 4: e211095. PMID: 33688965, PMCID: PMC7948062, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.1095.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCOVID-19-associated acute kidney injuryAcute kidney injuryHospital acute kidney injurySubgroup of patientsKidney functionKidney injuryCohort studyHospital dischargeAKI recoveryKidney diseaseCOVID-19Peak creatinine levelsRetrospective cohort studyChronic kidney diseaseDays of dischargeHalf of patientsGlomerular filtration rateCoronavirus disease 2019AKI severityBaseline comorbiditiesEGFR decreaseDialysis requirementEGFR slopeKidney recoveryCreatinine levelsElectronic health record alerts for acute kidney injury: multicenter, randomized clinical trial
Wilson FP, Martin M, Yamamoto Y, Partridge C, Moreira E, Arora T, Biswas A, Feldman H, Garg AX, Greenberg JH, Hinchcliff M, Latham S, Li F, Lin H, Mansour SG, Moledina DG, Palevsky PM, Parikh CR, Simonov M, Testani J, Ugwuowo U. Electronic health record alerts for acute kidney injury: multicenter, randomized clinical trial. The BMJ 2021, 372: m4786. PMID: 33461986, PMCID: PMC8034420, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.m4786.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute kidney injuryElectronic health record alertsKidney injuryPrimary outcomeMedical recordsYale New Haven Health SystemCare practicesGlobal Outcomes creatinine criteriaLarge tertiary care centerComposite of progressionDays of randomizationReceipt of dialysisPrespecified secondary outcomesTertiary care centerPatients' medical recordsSmall community hospitalNon-teaching hospitalsElectronic health recordsCreatinine criteriaUsual careSecondary outcomesAdult inpatientsKidney diseaseClinical centersWorse outcomesThe Association of COVID-19 With Acute Kidney Injury Independent of Severity of Illness: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Moledina DG, Simonov M, Yamamoto Y, Alausa J, Arora T, Biswas A, Cantley LG, Ghazi L, Greenberg JH, Hinchcliff M, Huang C, Mansour SG, Martin M, Peixoto A, Schulz W, Subair L, Testani JM, Ugwuowo U, Young P, Wilson FP. The Association of COVID-19 With Acute Kidney Injury Independent of Severity of Illness: A Multicenter Cohort Study. American Journal Of Kidney Diseases 2021, 77: 490-499.e1. PMID: 33422598, PMCID: PMC7791318, DOI: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2020.12.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute kidney injurySARS-CoV-2Cohort studyRisk factorsCOVID-19Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) testingTime-updated Cox proportional hazards modelsDialysis-requiring acute kidney injuryYale New Haven Health SystemHigher inflammatory marker levelsMore acute kidney injuryCox proportional hazards modelMulticenter cohort studyHigh rateInflammatory marker levelsTraditional risk factorsProportional hazards modelCoronavirus disease 2019KDIGO criteriaNephrotoxin exposureKidney injuryInjury independentUnivariable analysisNasopharyngeal samplesMarker levelsReal-Time Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Adults: Implementation and Proof of Concept
Ugwuowo U, Yamamoto Y, Arora T, Saran I, Partridge C, Biswas A, Martin M, Moledina DG, Greenberg JH, Simonov M, Mansour SG, Vela R, Testani JM, Rao V, Rentfro K, Obeid W, Parikh CR, Wilson FP. Real-Time Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Adults: Implementation and Proof of Concept. American Journal Of Kidney Diseases 2020, 76: 806-814.e1. PMID: 32505812, PMCID: PMC8667815, DOI: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2020.05.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAKI alertsHospitalized adultsKidney injuryUrban tertiary care hospitalAcute kidney injurySerum creatinine levelsObservational cohort studyTertiary care hospitalSerum creatinine concentrationBeats/minElectronic health recordsAKI diagnosisCohort studyCreatinine levelsInpatient mortalitySystolic bloodFractional excretionCenter studyBlood biomarkersUnivariable associationsUrine microscopyCreatinine concentrationClinical careElevated riskUrea nitrogenHow Medicine Works and When it Doesn't
Wilson, F. Perry. How Medicine Works and When it Doesn't. Grand Central Publishing, New York, NY, 304 pages, ISBN-13: 9781538723609, 2023.BooksA randomized clinical trial assessing the effect of automated medication-targeted alerts on acute kidney injury outcomes
Wilson F, Yamamoto Y, Martin M, Coronel-Moreno C, Li F, Cheng C, Aklilu A, Ghazi L, Greenberg J, Latham S, Melchinger H, Mansour S, Moledina D, Parikh C, Partridge C, Testani J, Ugwuowo U. A randomized clinical trial assessing the effect of automated medication-targeted alerts on acute kidney injury outcomes. Nature Communications 2023, 14: 2826. PMID: 37198160, PMCID: PMC10192367, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-38532-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute kidney injuryUsual care groupKidney injuryCare groupAcute Kidney Injury OutcomesAlert groupNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsComposite of progressionHours of randomizationMedications of interestAldosterone system inhibitorsClasses of medicationsProton pump inhibitorsRandomized clinical trialsAnti-inflammatory drugsClinical decision support systemNephrotoxic medicationsHospitalized adultsDiscontinuation ratesCertain medicationsPrimary outcomeSubstantial morbiditySystem inhibitorsPump inhibitorsParallel groupPersonalised recommendations for hospitalised patients with Acute Kidney Injury using a Kidney Action Team (KAT-AKI): protocol and early data of a randomised controlled trial
Aklilu A, O’Connor K, Martin M, Yamamoto Y, Coronel-Moreno C, Shvets K, Jones C, Kadhim B, Corona-Villalobos C, Baker M, Tan J, Freeman N, Groener M, Menez S, Brown D, Culli S, Lindsley J, Orias M, Parikh C, Smith A, Sundararajan A, Wilson F. Personalised recommendations for hospitalised patients with Acute Kidney Injury using a Kidney Action Team (KAT-AKI): protocol and early data of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2023, 13: e071968. PMID: 37068906, PMCID: PMC10111926, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-071968.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrimary teamAcute Kidney Injury OutcomesAKI alert systemInvestigator-blinded trialUsual care armKey secondary outcomesClinical decision support toolIntensive care unitUS hospital systemAKI alertsAKI detectionAKI progressionCare armSecondary outcomesPrimary outcomeCare unitMedian timeMedical floorPercentage of recommendationsDiagnostic interventionsInjury outcomesRandomisationHospital systemEthics CommitteeDedicated teamImpact Of Digital Health Interventions In The Quality Of Life Of Patients With Heart Failure: A Randomized Trial
Castro A, Martin M, Desai N, Ahmad T, Yamamoto Y, Melchinger H, Lee K, Gerber B, Nguyen A, Weinstein J, Subair L, Lee V, Williams A, Shaw M, Arora T, Wilson F. Impact Of Digital Health Interventions In The Quality Of Life Of Patients With Heart Failure: A Randomized Trial. Journal Of Cardiac Failure 2023, 29: 662. DOI: 10.1016/j.cardfail.2022.10.284.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchQuality of lifeUsual careClinical summary scoreTotal symptom scoreHeart failureSymptom scoresSummary scoresKansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire overall scoreYale New Haven Health SystemDigital health toolsHealth toolsReduced ejection fractionResults One hundred fiftyUsual care groupMethods One hundred eightyNon-Hispanic blacksDigital health interventionsHF clinicSecondary outcomesEjection fractionEmergency visitsMedian agePrimary outcomeClinical outcomesRandomization groupPragmatic trial of messaging to providers about treatment of acute heart failure: The PROMPT-AHF trial
Ghazi L, O'Connor K, Yamamoto Y, Fuery M, Sen S, Samsky M, Riello R, Huang J, Olufade T, McDermott J, Inzucchi S, Velazquez E, Wilson F, Desai N, Ahmad T. Pragmatic trial of messaging to providers about treatment of acute heart failure: The PROMPT-AHF trial. American Heart Journal 2022, 257: 111-119. PMID: 36493842, DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2022.12.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGuideline-directed medical therapyAcute heart failureHeart failurePragmatic trialElectronic health recordsSubstantial health care costsBest practice advisoryReduced ejection fractionUsual care armHealth recordsTime of dischargeEvidence-based careHealth care costsClinical decision support systemAHF patientsCare armEligible patientsHF hospitalizationInpatient initiationCardiovascular deathMedication classesEjection fractionMedical therapyPrimary outcomePractice advisoryAlerting Clinicians to 1-Year Mortality Risk in Patients Hospitalized With Heart Failure
Ahmad T, Desai NR, Yamamoto Y, Biswas A, Ghazi L, Martin M, Simonov M, Dhar R, Hsiao A, Kashyap N, Allen L, Velazquez EJ, Wilson FP. Alerting Clinicians to 1-Year Mortality Risk in Patients Hospitalized With Heart Failure. JAMA Cardiology 2022, 7: 905-912. PMID: 35947362, PMCID: PMC9366654, DOI: 10.1001/jamacardio.2022.2496.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUsual care groupElectronic health recordsHeart failureAlert groupMedian agePrimary outcomeFemale patientsTerminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide levelsYale New Haven Health SystemPro-brain natriuretic peptide levelsMedian NT-proBNP levelLeft ventricular ejection fractionLarge tertiary care centerHeart failure hospitalizationHeart failure medicationsNatriuretic peptide levelsNT-proBNP levelsHealth recordsHours of admissionTertiary care centerVentricular ejection fractionRate of hospitalizationIntensive care unitEthnicity groupsSmall community hospitalPodocyte histone deacetylase activity regulates murine and human glomerular diseases
Inoue K, Gan G, Ciarleglio M, Zhang Y, Tian X, Pedigo CE, Cavanaugh C, Tate J, Wang Y, Cross E, Groener M, Chai N, Wang Z, Justice A, Zhang Z, Parikh CR, Wilson FP, Ishibe S. Podocyte histone deacetylase activity regulates murine and human glomerular diseases. Journal Of Clinical Investigation 2019, 129: 1295-1313. PMID: 30776024, PMCID: PMC6391095, DOI: 10.1172/jci124030.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEarly growth response 1Histone deacetylase 1Proteinuric patientsKidney diseaseHDAC2 activityValproic acidVeterans Aging Cohort StudyEnd-stage kidney diseaseDegree of proteinuriaGlomerular filtration rateAging Cohort StudyInhibition of HDAC1Proteinuric kidney diseaseHuman glomerular diseasesGlomerular disease modelsConnectivity Map databaseCohort studyFiltration rateGlomerular diseaseHistone deacetylase activityProteinuric kidneysHDAC inhibitorsProteinuriaMRNA expressionGenetic ablationIdentification of Patients Expected to Benefit from Electronic Alerts for Acute Kidney Injury
Biswas A, Parikh CR, Feldman HI, Garg AX, Latham S, Lin H, Palevsky PM, Ugwuowo U, Wilson FP. Identification of Patients Expected to Benefit from Electronic Alerts for Acute Kidney Injury. Clinical Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology 2018, 13: 842-849. PMID: 29599299, PMCID: PMC5989673, DOI: 10.2215/cjn.13351217.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Biomarker Panels for Discriminating Risk of CKD Progression in Children.
Greenberg J, Abraham A, Xu Y, Schelling J, Coca S, Schrauben S, Wilson F, Waikar S, Vasan R, Gutierrez O, Shlipak M, Ix J, Warady B, Kimmel P, Bonventre J, Parikh C, Denburg M, Furth S. Biomarker Panels for Discriminating Risk of CKD Progression in Children. Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology 2025 PMID: 39820177, DOI: 10.1681/asn.0000000602.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPlasma KIM-1CKD progressionKIM-1Alpha 1-microglobulinUrine albumin/creatinineBaseline urine protein-to-creatinine ratiosBiomarker panelRisk factorsRisk of CKD progressionAssociated with CKD progressionUrine alpha-1-microglobulinRisk group classificationProtein-to-creatinine ratioUrine protein-to-creatinine ratioClinical risk factorsChildren 6 monthsHigh-risk groupUrine KIM-1Clinically relevant biomarkersConventional risk factorsCombination of biomarkersTubular healthBaseline eGFRMedian ageEGFR decline
Early, Individualized Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients With Acute Kidney Injury
Aklilu A, Menez S, Baker M, Brown D, Dircksen K, Dunkley K, Gaviria S, Farrokh S, Faulkner S, Jones C, Kadhim B, Le D, Li F, Makhijani A, Martin M, Moledina D, Coronel-Moreno C, O’Connor K, Shelton K, Shvets K, Srialluri N, Tan J, Testani J, Corona-Villalobos C, Yamamoto Y, Parikh C, Wilson F, Sundararajan A, Wang A, Schretlen C, Singel D, Moss E, Aune F, Iantosca G, Zou G, Chernova I, Bitzel J, Hernandez J, Lindsley J, Dane K, Orias M, Mehta P, Zassman-Isner S, Wen Y, Freeman N. Early, Individualized Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients With Acute Kidney Injury. JAMA 2024, 332: 2081-2090. PMID: 39454050, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2024.22718.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchElectronic health recordsUsual careHealth recordsAction teamsClinicians of patientsHospitalized patientsFinal follow-upIntervention groupHealth systemStudy pharmacistsStudy physiciansMain OutcomesAssociated with adverse outcomesAcute kidney injuryRandomized clinical trialsPrimary outcomeIndividualized recommendationsNew HavenAdverse outcomesAKI detectionCareRhode IslandComposite outcomeFollow-upInterventionTreatment Effect Heterogeneity in Acute Kidney Injury Incidence Following Intravenous Antihypertensive Administration for Severe Blood Pressure Elevation During Hospitalization
Ghazi L, Chen X, Harhay M, Hu L, Biswas A, Peixoto A, Li F, Wilson F. Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Acute Kidney Injury Incidence Following Intravenous Antihypertensive Administration for Severe Blood Pressure Elevation During Hospitalization. American Journal Of Kidney Diseases 2024 PMID: 39580068, DOI: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2024.09.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAcute kidney injuryAcute kidney injury incidenceSevere hypertensionIV antihypertensivesAntihypertensive treatmentBlood pressureRisk of acute kidney injuryAbstractText Label="SETTINGS &Blood pressure elevationSevere blood pressure elevationSystolic blood pressureIdentifying treatment optionsAntihypertensive administrationKidney injuryAbstractText Label="RATIONALETreatment optionsAntihypertensive effectBP elevationPressure elevationPatient characteristicsDiastolic BPPatientsKidney failureAntihypertensivesHospital admissionExternal Validation of an Electronic Health Record-Based Diagnostic Model for Histological Acute Tubulointerstitial Nephritis.
Moledina D, Shelton K, Menez S, Aklilu A, Yamamoto Y, Kadhim B, Shaw M, Kent C, Makhijani A, Hu D, Simonov M, O'Connor K, Bitzel J, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Wilson F, Parikh C. External Validation of an Electronic Health Record-Based Diagnostic Model for Histological Acute Tubulointerstitial Nephritis. Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology 2024 PMID: 39500309, DOI: 10.1681/asn.0000000556.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchJohns Hopkins HospitalAcute tubulointerstitial nephritisValidation cohortKidney biopsyTubulointerstitial nephritisDiagnosis of acute tubulointerstitial nephritisProportion of biopsiesElectronic health recordsAnalyzed patientsDevelopment cohortBaseline prevalenceAccurate diagnosisBiopsyCohortHealth recordsClinician's abilityDiagnostic modelPotential predictorsNephritisAssess discriminationKidneyAUCUsing Overlap Weights to Address Extreme Propensity Scores in Estimating Restricted Mean Counterfactual Survival Times
Cao Z, Ghazi L, Mastrogiacomo C, Forastiere L, Wilson F, Li F. Using Overlap Weights to Address Extreme Propensity Scores in Estimating Restricted Mean Counterfactual Survival Times. American Journal Of Epidemiology 2024, kwae416. PMID: 39489504, DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwae416.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInverse probability of censoring weightingProbability of censoring weightingOverlap weightingCensoring processVariance estimationInterval coverageInverse probability of treatment weightingTarget estimandInverse probabilityBinary outcomesPropensity scoreRMSTProbability of treatment weightingPropensity score weightingEstimationEstimandsLogistic regressionTreatment comparisonsVarianceClinical Predictors of Fluid-Responsive AKI
Nguyen C, Aklilu A, Yamamoto Y, Coronel-Moreno C, Kadhim B, Wilson F. Clinical Predictors of Fluid-Responsive AKI. Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology 2024, 35: 10.1681/asn.2024k7pcazfe. DOI: 10.1681/asn.2024k7pcazfe.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPersonalized Recommendations for AKI Using a Kidney Action Team: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
Aklilu A, Menez S, Yamamoto Y, Bitzel J, Villalobos C, O'Connor K, Shelton K, Faulkner S, Makhijani A, Kadhim B, Parikh C, Wilson F. Personalized Recommendations for AKI Using a Kidney Action Team: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology 2024, 35: 10.1681/asn.2024gjjnbwvc. DOI: 10.1681/asn.2024gjjnbwvc.Peer-Reviewed Original Research