Featured Publications
Electronic Alerts to Improve Heart Failure Therapy in Outpatient Practice A Cluster Randomized Trial
Ghazi L, Yamamoto Y, Riello RJ, Coronel-Moreno C, Martin M, O'Connor KD, Simonov M, Huang J, Olufade T, McDermott J, Dhar R, Inzucchi SE, Velazquez EJ, Wilson FP, Desai NR, Ahmad T. Electronic Alerts to Improve Heart Failure Therapy in Outpatient Practice A Cluster Randomized Trial. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2022, 79: 2203-2213. PMID: 35385798, DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2022.03.338.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGuideline-directed medical therapyUsual careEjection fractionHeart failureMedical therapyPrimary outcomeCluster-randomized comparative effectiveness trialSodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitorsElectronic health record alertsAldosterone system inhibitorsReduced ejection fractionUsual care armCotransporter 2 inhibitorsMineralocorticoid receptor antagonistsVentricular ejection fractionComparative effectiveness trialNumber of patientsKnowledge of guidelinesLow-cost interventionCare armDays postrandomizationEligible patientsGDMT useFailure therapyPatient characteristicsElectronic health record alerts for acute kidney injury: multicenter, randomized clinical trial
Wilson FP, Martin M, Yamamoto Y, Partridge C, Moreira E, Arora T, Biswas A, Feldman H, Garg AX, Greenberg JH, Hinchcliff M, Latham S, Li F, Lin H, Mansour SG, Moledina DG, Palevsky PM, Parikh CR, Simonov M, Testani J, Ugwuowo U. Electronic health record alerts for acute kidney injury: multicenter, randomized clinical trial. The BMJ 2021, 372: m4786. PMID: 33461986, PMCID: PMC8034420, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.m4786.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute kidney injuryElectronic health record alertsKidney injuryPrimary outcomeMedical recordsYale New Haven Health SystemCare practicesGlobal Outcomes creatinine criteriaLarge tertiary care centerComposite of progressionDays of randomizationReceipt of dialysisPrespecified secondary outcomesTertiary care centerPatients' medical recordsSmall community hospitalNon-teaching hospitalsElectronic health recordsCreatinine criteriaUsual careSecondary outcomesAdult inpatientsKidney diseaseClinical centersWorse outcomesImpact Of Digital Health Interventions In The Quality Of Life Of Patients With Heart Failure: A Randomized Trial
Castro A, Martin M, Desai N, Ahmad T, Yamamoto Y, Melchinger H, Lee K, Gerber B, Nguyen A, Weinstein J, Subair L, Lee V, Williams A, Shaw M, Arora T, Wilson F. Impact Of Digital Health Interventions In The Quality Of Life Of Patients With Heart Failure: A Randomized Trial. Journal Of Cardiac Failure 2023, 29: 662. DOI: 10.1016/j.cardfail.2022.10.284.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchQuality of lifeUsual careClinical summary scoreTotal symptom scoreHeart failureSymptom scoresSummary scoresKansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire overall scoreYale New Haven Health SystemDigital health toolsHealth toolsReduced ejection fractionResults One hundred fiftyUsual care groupMethods One hundred eightyNon-Hispanic blacksDigital health interventionsHF clinicSecondary outcomesEjection fractionEmergency visitsMedian agePrimary outcomeClinical outcomesRandomization group
Early, Individualized Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients With Acute Kidney Injury
Aklilu A, Menez S, Baker M, Brown D, Dircksen K, Dunkley K, Gaviria S, Farrokh S, Faulkner S, Jones C, Kadhim B, Le D, Li F, Makhijani A, Martin M, Moledina D, Coronel-Moreno C, O’Connor K, Shelton K, Shvets K, Srialluri N, Tan J, Testani J, Corona-Villalobos C, Yamamoto Y, Parikh C, Wilson F, Sundararajan A, Wang A, Schretlen C, Singel D, Moss E, Aune F, Iantosca G, Zou G, Chernova I, Bitzel J, Hernandez J, Lindsley J, Dane K, Orias M, Mehta P, Zassman-Isner S, Wen Y, Freeman N. Early, Individualized Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients With Acute Kidney Injury. JAMA 2024, 332: 2081-2090. PMID: 39454050, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2024.22718.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchElectronic health recordsUsual careHealth recordsAction teamsClinicians of patientsHospitalized patientsFinal follow-upIntervention groupHealth systemStudy pharmacistsStudy physiciansMain OutcomesAssociated with adverse outcomesAcute kidney injuryRandomized clinical trialsPrimary outcomeIndividualized recommendationsNew HavenAdverse outcomesAKI detectionCareRhode IslandComposite outcomeFollow-upInterventionPragmatic Trial of Messaging to Providers About Treatment of Hyperlipidemia (PROMPT-LIPID): A Randomized Clinical Trial
Shah N, Ghazi L, Yamamoto Y, Kumar S, Martin M, Simonov M, Riello Iii R, Faridi K, Ahmad T, Wilson F, Desai N. Pragmatic Trial of Messaging to Providers About Treatment of Hyperlipidemia (PROMPT-LIPID): A Randomized Clinical Trial. Circulation Cardiovascular Quality And Outcomes 2024, 17: e010335. PMID: 38634282, DOI: 10.1161/circoutcomes.123.010335.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchElectronic health recordsElectronic health record alertsHigh-risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseLipid lowering therapyAtherosclerotic cardiovascular diseasePragmatic trialCardiovascular diseaseProportion of patientsYale New Haven HealthLDL-CSecondary outcomesPrimary outcomeInternal medicine cliniciansEHR alertUsual careHealth recordsProvider levelCluster-randomizedLDL-C managementLDL-C levelsAdverse cardiovascular eventsRandomized clinical trialsTreatment of hyperlipidemiaCliniciansCardiovascular events
Rationale, Design, and Patient Characteristics of a Cluster-Randomized Pragmatic Trial to Improve Mineralocorticoid Antagonist Use
Clark K, Victoria-Castro A, Ghazi L, Yamamoto Y, Coronel-Moreno C, Kadhim B, Riello R, O'Connor K, Ahmad T, Wilson F, Desai N. Rationale, Design, and Patient Characteristics of a Cluster-Randomized Pragmatic Trial to Improve Mineralocorticoid Antagonist Use. JACC Heart Failure 2023, 12: 322-332. PMID: 37943221, DOI: 10.1016/j.jchf.2023.08.025.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBest practice alertMineralocorticoid receptor antagonistsNovel potassium bindersPotassium bindersEligible patientsUsual careEjection fractionSerum potassiumHistory of hyperkalemiaIncidence of hyperkalemiaStrong guideline recommendationsHeart failure hospitalizationReduced ejection fractionLaboratory test valuesPopulation health outcomesHyperkalemia treatmentMRA prescriptionAntagonist useFailure hospitalizationPatient characteristicsSecondary outcomesHeart failurePrimary outcomeGuideline recommendationsOutpatient visitsImpact of Digital Health Technology on Quality of Life in Patients With Heart Failure
Victoria-Castro A, Martin M, Yamamoto Y, Melchinger H, Weinstein J, Nguyen A, Lee K, Gerber B, Calderon F, Subair L, Lee V, Williams A, Shaw M, Arora T, Garcez A, Desai N, Ahmad T, Wilson F. Impact of Digital Health Technology on Quality of Life in Patients With Heart Failure. JACC Heart Failure 2023, 12: 336-348. PMID: 37943227, DOI: 10.1016/j.jchf.2023.09.022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOverall summary scoreClinical summary scoreTotal symptom scoreKCCQ overall summary scoreUsual careHeart failureQuality of lifeMedian changeKansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire overall summary scoreSummary scoresMedian agePrimary outcomeSymptom scoresPhysical functionLongitudinal carePatientsDigital health toolsLarger studyDigital health technologiesHealth toolsQoLCareDigital interventionsIndependent effectsHealth technologies
Rationale and design of a pragmatic trial aimed at improving treatment of hyperlipidemia in outpatients with very high risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: A pragmatic trial of messaging to providers about treatment of hyperlipidemia (PROMPT-LIPID)
Shah NN, Ghazi L, Yamamoto Y, Martin M, Simonov M, Riello RJ, Faridi KF, Ahmad T, Wilson FP, Desai NR. Rationale and design of a pragmatic trial aimed at improving treatment of hyperlipidemia in outpatients with very high risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: A pragmatic trial of messaging to providers about treatment of hyperlipidemia (PROMPT-LIPID). American Heart Journal 2022, 253: 76-85. PMID: 35841944, PMCID: PMC9936562, DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2022.07.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLipid-lowering therapyAtherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseTreatment of hyperlipidemiaProportion of patientsElectronic health recordsPragmatic trialHigh riskCardiovascular diseaseProprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitorsHigh-risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseSubtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitorsLow-density lipoprotein cholesterol reductionImportant public health implicationsEnrollment of patientsPublic health implicationsUsual careSecondary outcomesPrimary outcomeGuideline recommendationsCholesterol reductionPatientsLDLHyperlipidemiaScalable interventionsOutpatientsPragmatic randomized trial assessing the impact of digital health technology on quality of life in patients with heart failure: Design, rationale and implementation
Victoria‐Castro A, Martin M, Yamamoto Y, Ahmad T, Arora T, Calderon F, Desai N, Gerber B, Lee KA, Jacoby D, Melchinger H, Nguyen A, Shaw M, Simonov M, Williams A, Weinstein J, Wilson FP. Pragmatic randomized trial assessing the impact of digital health technology on quality of life in patients with heart failure: Design, rationale and implementation. Clinical Cardiology 2022, 45: 839-849. PMID: 35822275, PMCID: PMC9346973, DOI: 10.1002/clc.23848.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsQuality of lifeHF patientsYale New Haven Health SystemKansas City Cardiomyopathy QuestionnaireDigital health technologiesHeart failure careHealth technologiesDigital health interventionsDisease exacerbationHF clinicUsual carePrimary outcomeClinical outcomesHeart failurePatient engagementPatientsHealth interventionsDigital health toolsPatient empowermentHealth systemPatient usabilityHealth toolsEarly detectionFirst enrollmentHealthcare system
Rationale and design of a cluster-randomized pragmatic trial aimed at improving use of guideline directed medical therapy in outpatients with heart failure: PRagmatic trial of messaging to providers about treatment of heart failure (PROMPT-HF)
Ghazi L, Desai NR, Simonov M, Yamamoto Y, O'Connor KD, Riello RJ, Huang J, Olufade T, McDermott J, Inzucchi SE, Velazquez EJ, Wilson FP, Ahmad T. Rationale and design of a cluster-randomized pragmatic trial aimed at improving use of guideline directed medical therapy in outpatients with heart failure: PRagmatic trial of messaging to providers about treatment of heart failure (PROMPT-HF). American Heart Journal 2021, 244: 107-115. PMID: 34808104, DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2021.11.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGuideline-directed medical therapyBest practice alertLeft ventricular ejection fractionHeart failureUsual careMedical therapyPragmatic trialElectronic health recordsEjection fractionCluster-randomized pragmatic trialLarge integrated healthcare systemDays post randomizationAppropriate medical therapyHeart Failure TrialReduced ejection fractionUsual care groupCommon chronic illnessGlomerular filtration rateVentricular ejection fractionRecent blood pressureIntegrated healthcare systemUse of guidelinesLow-cost interventionCreatinine levelsReal-world practice
Electronic Alerts for Acute Kidney Injury Amelioration (ELAIA-1): a completely electronic, multicentre, randomised controlled trial: design and rationale
Mutter M, Martin M, Yamamoto Y, Biswas A, Etropolski B, Feldman H, Garg A, Gourlie N, Latham S, Lin H, Palevsky PM, Parikh C, Moreira E, Ugwuowo U, Wilson FP. Electronic Alerts for Acute Kidney Injury Amelioration (ELAIA-1): a completely electronic, multicentre, randomised controlled trial: design and rationale. BMJ Open 2019, 9: e025117. PMID: 31154298, PMCID: PMC6549649, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025117.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute kidney injuryElectronic alertsMedical intensive care unitYale-New Haven HospitalDays of randomisationIntensive care unitElectronic alert systemNew Haven HospitalAppropriate ethics committeeElectronic medical record systemAKI alertsAKI progressionAlert specificityInpatient dialysisKidney injuryHospitalised patientsPeer-reviewed journalsUsual careInpatient deathMedical record systemPrimary outcomeCare unitExclusion criteriaOrder setsInformed consent
Automated, electronic alerts for acute kidney injury: a single-blind, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial
Wilson FP, Shashaty M, Testani J, Aqeel I, Borovskiy Y, Ellenberg SS, Feldman HI, Fernandez H, Gitelman Y, Lin J, Negoianu D, Parikh CR, Reese PP, Urbani R, Fuchs B. Automated, electronic alerts for acute kidney injury: a single-blind, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet 2015, 385: 1966-1974. PMID: 25726515, PMCID: PMC4475457, DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(15)60266-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute kidney injuryUsual care groupKidney injuryCare groupAlert groupClinical outcomesElectronic alertsEligible participantsKidney Disease Improving Global OutcomesEnd-stage renal diseaseAcute kidney injury alertsEffective treatment optionIntensive care unitElectronic alert systemComputer-generated sequenceRandomisation strataSurgical admissionsUsual carePrimary outcomeRenal diseaseCare unitTreatment optionsCreatinine valuesCreatinine concentrationSuch injuries