Noise-aware dynamic image denoising and positron range correction for Rubidium-82 cardiac PET imaging via self-supervision
Xie H, Guo L, Velo A, Liu Z, Liu Q, Guo X, Zhou B, Chen X, Tsai Y, Miao T, Xia M, Liu Y, Armstrong I, Wang G, Carson R, Sinusas A, Liu C. Noise-aware dynamic image denoising and positron range correction for Rubidium-82 cardiac PET imaging via self-supervision. Medical Image Analysis 2024, 100: 103391. PMID: 39579623, PMCID: PMC11647511, DOI: 10.1016/j.media.2024.103391.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImage denoisingPositron range correctionDynamic framesSelf-supervised methodsSuperior visual qualityLow signal-to-noise ratioCardiac PET imagingDenoising methodSignal-to-noise ratioSelf-supervisionVisual qualityHigh-energy positronsRange correctionsDenoisingNoise levelImage spatial resolutionImage qualityDefect contrastPET imagingImage quantificationRadioactive isotopesPatient scansQuantitative accuracyImagesFrameDose-aware Diffusion Model for 3D Low-count Cardiac SPECT Image Denoising with Projection-domain Consistency
Xie H, Gan W, Chen X, Zhou B, Liu Q, Xia M, Guo X, Liu Y, An H, Kamilov U, Wang G, Sinusas A, Liu C. Dose-aware Diffusion Model for 3D Low-count Cardiac SPECT Image Denoising with Projection-domain Consistency. 2024, 00: 1-1. DOI: 10.1109/nss/mic/rtsd57108.2024.10655170.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImage denoisingImage denoising performanceDeep learning techniquesNoise-levelDenoising performanceDenoising resultsNeural networkLearning techniquesSPECT imagesLow count levelsSPECT scansDenoisingSampling stepIterative reconstructionNoise amplitudeImagesInjected dosePatient studiesDiffusion modelRadiation exposureCardiology studiesSPECTNetworkStochastic natureMLEMAnatomically and Metabolically Informed Deep Learning Low-Count PET Image Denoising
Xia M, Xie H, Liu Q, Guo L, Ouyang J, Bayerlein R, Spencer B, Badawi R, Li Q, Fakhri G, Liu C. Anatomically and Metabolically Informed Deep Learning Low-Count PET Image Denoising. 2024, 00: 1-2. DOI: 10.1109/nss/mic/rtsd57108.2024.10657099.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDeep learningOver-smoothed imagesDL training processesHigh-count imagesImage denoisingDenoised imageLow-count dataSemantic informationSemantic classesSegmentation guidanceTraining processPET/CT systemHistogram distributionImage qualitySegmentation toolPositron emission tomographyImagesDenoisingDatasetHistogramPriorsRadiation exposure
Dual-Domain Iterative Network with Adaptive Data Consistency for Joint Denoising and Few-Angle Reconstruction of Low-Dose Cardiac SPECT
Chen X, Zhou B, Xie H, Guo X, Liu Q, Sinusas A, Liu C. Dual-Domain Iterative Network with Adaptive Data Consistency for Joint Denoising and Few-Angle Reconstruction of Low-Dose Cardiac SPECT. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 2023, 14307: 49-59. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-44917-8_5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIterative networkAuxiliary modulesJoint denoisingLow reconstruction accuracySource codeData consistencyNetwork performanceAblation studiesReconstruction accuracyCardiac SPECTConsistency moduleHardware expensePrediction accuracyAngle reconstructionNetworkDenoisingImage noiseAngle projectionsModuleADC moduleAccuracyReconstructionImagesMPI dataCodeTransformer-Based Dual-Domain Network for Few-View Dedicated Cardiac SPECT Image Reconstructions
Xie H, Zhou B, Chen X, Guo X, Thorn S, Liu Y, Wang G, Sinusas A, Liu C. Transformer-Based Dual-Domain Network for Few-View Dedicated Cardiac SPECT Image Reconstructions. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 2023, 14229: 163-172. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-43999-5_16.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDual-domain networkSPECT image reconstructionImage reconstructionDeep learning methodsPrevious baseline methodsCardiac SPECT imagesHigh-quality imagesReconstruction networkIterative reconstruction processView reconstructionBaseline methodsReconstruction outputLearning methodsClinical softwareReconstruction processImaging problemsProjection dataImage qualityNetworkImagesStationary dataSPECT scannerDiagnosis of CVDLimited amountSoftwareFast-MC-PET: A Novel Deep Learning-Aided Motion Correction and Reconstruction Framework for Accelerated PET
Zhou B, Tsai Y, Zhang J, Guo X, Xie H, Chen X, Miao T, Lu Y, Duncan J, Liu C. Fast-MC-PET: A Novel Deep Learning-Aided Motion Correction and Reconstruction Framework for Accelerated PET. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 2023, 13939: 523-535. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-34048-2_40.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchReconstruction frameworkMotion correctionMotion-compensated reconstructionHigh-quality imagesHigh-quality reconstruction imagesReconstruction moduleFrame reconstructionReconstruction outputMotion correction methodMotion modelingReconstructed imagesReconstruction methodImage qualityMotion typesImagesPatient motionExperimental resultsMotion-induced artifactsAcquisition dataReconstruction imagesLong acquisition timesFrameworkMultiple typesLow SNRPET acquisitionSegmentation-Free PVC for Cardiac SPECT Using a Densely-Connected Multi-Dimensional Dynamic Network
Xie H, Liu Z, Shi L, Greco K, Chen X, Zhou B, Feher A, Stendahl J, Boutagy N, Kyriakides T, Wang G, Sinusas A, Liu C. Segmentation-Free PVC for Cardiac SPECT Using a Densely-Connected Multi-Dimensional Dynamic Network. IEEE Transactions On Medical Imaging 2023, 42: 1325-1336. PMID: 36459599, PMCID: PMC10204821, DOI: 10.1109/tmi.2022.3226604.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDirect respiratory motion correction of whole-body PET images using a deep learning framework incorporating spatial information
Miao T, Tsai Y, Zhou B, Menard D, Schleyer P, Hong I, Casey M, Liu C. Direct respiratory motion correction of whole-body PET images using a deep learning framework incorporating spatial information. Progress In Biomedical Optics And Imaging 2023, 12463: 124633x-124633x-9. DOI: 10.1117/12.2654472.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDeep learning frameworkRespiratory motion correctionMotion-corrected imagesLearning frameworkImage domainSpatial informationData-driven gating methodMotion correctionMotion detection techniqueGround truth imagesU-NetTruth imagesPET imagesData driving methodImage reconstructionWhole-body PET imagesMotion sensorsDetection techniquesExternal motion sensorsCross validationImagesConvenient mannerFrameworkRespiratory motionInformation
DuDoSS: Deep‐learning‐based dual‐domain sinogram synthesis from sparsely sampled projections of cardiac SPECT
Chen X, Zhou B, Xie H, Miao T, Liu H, Holler W, Lin M, Miller EJ, Carson RE, Sinusas AJ, Liu C. DuDoSS: Deep‐learning‐based dual‐domain sinogram synthesis from sparsely sampled projections of cardiac SPECT. Medical Physics 2022, 50: 89-103. PMID: 36048541, PMCID: PMC9868054, DOI: 10.1002/mp.15958.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLow reconstruction accuracySynthetic projectionsAbsolute percent errorImage predictionSPECT image reconstructionImage domainSinogram synthesisGround truthReconstruction accuracyImage reconstructionSinogram domainProjection angleData acquisitionMean square errorFast data acquisitionImagesReconstruction artifactsSPECT imagesSquare errorVirtual high‐count PET image generation using a deep learning method
Liu J, Ren S, Wang R, Mirian N, Tsai Y, Kulon M, Pucar D, Chen M, Liu C. Virtual high‐count PET image generation using a deep learning method. Medical Physics 2022, 49: 5830-5840. PMID: 35880541, PMCID: PMC9474624, DOI: 10.1002/mp.15867.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStructural similarity indexImage quality evaluationDeep learning-based methodsDeep learning methodsImage qualityLearning-based methodsPET datasetsStatic datasetsDL methodsNet networkImage generationPET imagesNetwork inputsImage counterpartsLearning methodsNetwork outputTraining datasetPeak signalPositron emission tomography (PET) imagesQuality evaluationDatasetCross-validation resultsMean square errorHigh-count imagesImagesDeep-learning-based methods of attenuation correction for SPECT and PET
Chen X, Liu C. Deep-learning-based methods of attenuation correction for SPECT and PET. Journal Of Nuclear Cardiology 2022, 30: 1859-1878. PMID: 35680755, DOI: 10.1007/s12350-022-03007-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh computational complexityAC strategyNeural networkRaw emission dataComputational complexityLearning methodsCT imagesΜ-mapsPET imagesLow accuracySuperior performanceImagesAttenuation correctionPromising resultsMR imagesAttenuation mapPET/CT scannerHigh noise levelsArtifactsNetworkCT artifactsPET/MRI scannerIntermediate stepComplexityScanner
MDPET: A Unified Motion Correction and Denoising Adversarial Network for Low-Dose Gated PET
Zhou B, Tsai YJ, Chen X, Duncan JS, Liu C. MDPET: A Unified Motion Correction and Denoising Adversarial Network for Low-Dose Gated PET. IEEE Transactions On Medical Imaging 2021, 40: 3154-3164. PMID: 33909561, PMCID: PMC8588635, DOI: 10.1109/tmi.2021.3076191.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMotion estimationPyramid networkAdversarial networkAccurate motion estimationMotion correctionLow-noise reconstructionGated positron emission tomographyMotion correction methodMotion estimation networkGated PET dataEstimation networkRecurrent layersDenoising NetworkRespiratory motion blurringExperimental resultsLow-noise imagesMotion blurringNoise levelCorrection methodNetworkPET reconstructionPrevious methodsImage qualityImagesEstimationSuper-resolution PET Brain Imaging using Deep Learning
Ren S, Liu J, Xie H, Toyonaga T, Mirian N, Chen M, Aboian M, Carson R, Liu C. Super-resolution PET Brain Imaging using Deep Learning. 2021, 00: 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/nss/mic44867.2021.9875548.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDeep learning networkPET image resolutionData augmentation methodImage resolutionSuper-resolution approachMedical imaging modalitiesClinical brain imagesDeep learningLearning networkAugmentation methodPET image qualityBrain imagesImage qualityNetworkImagesMedical diagnostic technologyPET imagesHRRT imagesData generalizabilityLearningSubstantial improvementScannerTechnologyPET brain imagingAccuracyInvestigation of Direct and Indirect Approaches of Deep-Learning-Based Attenuation Correction for General Purpose and Dedicated Cardiac SPECT Scanners
Chen X, Zhou B, Xie H, Shi L, Liu H, Liu C. Investigation of Direct and Indirect Approaches of Deep-Learning-Based Attenuation Correction for General Purpose and Dedicated Cardiac SPECT Scanners. 2021, 00: 1-2. DOI: 10.1109/nss/mic44867.2021.9875517.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNovel neural networkConventional U-NetMulti-channel inputDeep learningU-NetAttenuation mapNeural networkMap generationCardiac SPECTGeneral purposeSuperior performanceImagesDatasetIterative reconstructionAttenuation-corrected imagesCT transmission scanningAveraged errorNovel methodParallel-hole SPECTAttenuation correctionSPECT scannerMapsEmission imagesDirect approachScannerArtificial Intelligence-Based Image Enhancement in PET Imaging Noise Reduction and Resolution Enhancement
Liu J, Malekzadeh M, Mirian N, Song TA, Liu C, Dutta J. Artificial Intelligence-Based Image Enhancement in PET Imaging Noise Reduction and Resolution Enhancement. PET Clinics 2021, 16: 553-576. PMID: 34537130, PMCID: PMC8457531, DOI: 10.1016/j.cpet.2021.06.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsArtificial intelligence modelsImage enhancementIntelligence modelsArtificial intelligenceNetwork architectureEvaluation metricsLarge-scale adoptionData typesImage denoisingLoss functionPET imagesLow spatial resolutionHigh noiseResolution enhancementImagesIntelligenceDeblurringArchitectureDenoisingNoise reductionMetricsPopularityRecent effortsFuture directionsAccuracyAnatomy-Constrained Contrastive Learning for Synthetic Segmentation Without Ground-Truth
Zhou B, Liu C, Duncan J. Anatomy-Constrained Contrastive Learning for Synthetic Segmentation Without Ground-Truth. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 2021, 12901: 47-56. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87193-2_5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSegmentation networkContrastive learningManual segmentationSuperior segmentation performanceObject of interestSynthetic SegmentationManual effortSegmentation performanceTraining dataUnsupervised adaptationImaging dataSource modalitySegmentationNetworkPrevious methodsLearningLarge amountSuccessful applicationPET imaging dataImagesObjectsCodeDataNew imaging modality
Respiratory Gating for A Stationary Dedicated Cardiac SPECT System
Liu C, Chan C, Harris M, Le M, Biondi J, Volokh L, Sinusas A. Respiratory Gating for A Stationary Dedicated Cardiac SPECT System. 2011, 2898-2901. DOI: 10.1109/nssmic.2011.6152514.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCardiac SPECT systemDedicated cardiac SPECT systemsRespiratory motion correctionTemporal dataSlow gantry rotationData acquisitionCompressive sensorSPECT systemConventional SPECT systemImage qualityMotion correctionRespiratory gating techniquePhysical phantomRespiratory motionContrast recoveryRespiratory gatingUngated imagesImagesRespiratory triggersSystemGating techniqueMyocardial perfusion SPECTUpper abdomenLower chest